Peaceful Playgrounds - Play Nice Newsletter
Five Tips for a Kid Friendly Playground

I watched a less popular girl, Allison, walk up to a group of four girls who
were playing a game of four-square. As she approached and asked, "Can I play?" she was quickly rebuffed. "The
game is closed," Janey, the ring leader, announced. Given that the school is a
Peaceful Playgrounds' school, I was surprised at the response because of our creed, "You can't say, 'You can't play'". Allison, whose disappointment was obvious, turned to play another game.   Continue reading...
Outdoor Recess is Best for Physical Activity

 Tran I, Clark BR, Racette SB. Physical Activity During Recess Outdoors and Indoors Among Urban Public School Students, St. Louis, Missouri, 2010-2011. Prev Chronic Dis 2013;10:130135. DOI:
Physical Activity Programs 
Do you know that Peaceful Playgrounds has a variety of physical activity programs?  Our recess program and walking program have both won National awards based upon their "RESULTS".

We custom design physical activity programs based on your grant, needs and funding constraints.  Give us a call to see how we can help you to meet your physical activity goals.  951-245-6970.

Peaceful Playgrounds.  In addition to increasing children's physical activity, our recess program has been shown to reduce bullying, reduce playground conflicts, and reduce playground injuries.

We Count Walking Program. We Count Program is available with or without pedometers.  This program provides lessons in physical activity and nutrition.  National Winner-Promising Practices in After School.
Call today! 951-245-6970    [email protected] 
Playground Supervision
Right to Recess Campaign
Grant Writing Tips
Stencil Giveaway
Enter your school today in the Learn to Play U.S. Playground Map Stencil Giveaway. The beautiful geographically and proportionately accurate educational map stencil is 16 feet by 27 feet and extends the classroom curriculum to recess and outdoor play. History and geography comes alive with the games and activities included in the stencil set.
Free Webinars
Learn how to create a playground that really works! Webinars are 45 minutes long with an informative 15 minute question and answer session. No special software is necessary for you to easily participate right at your computer. Register early, space is limited. Select your subject and act now to attend a free webinar of your choice at a time that fits your schedule.
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