"Know first who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly."
- Epictetus
KINGFORD BAVENDER, MCCCertified Master Custom Clothier
Pocket squares offer a quick, inexpensive way to add flair and color to your suit. For the best effect, learn these easy (and non-fussy) folding methods and you'll get even more mileage out of that small square of color.
Flat Fold
Lay your pocket square flat. Fold it in half from left to right, then fold it in half from bottom to top, leaving the bottom edge just short of the top. Tuck in your pocket with a slight angle that points to your shoulder.
The Puff
Lay your pocket square flat. Pick up the center and let the corners hang down. Flatten as many of the creases as possible so it will lay more smoothly in your pocket. Grasp it around the middle with the opposite hand and gently tuck into your pocket.
Single Point
Lay your square flat with one corner pointing up. Pull the bottom corner up to meet the top corner. Now fold the left corner over to the right until it is halfway between the left fold and the right corner. Bring the right corner to the left until it touches the left fold. Tuck into your pocket.
There are plenty of other fun folding techniques for your pocket squares, so choose a new one today for a quick, colorful pick-me-up for your suit.
We took a sneak peek at the reports from the Pitti Uomo trade show's spring lineup in Florence, Italy, and found a few trends that deserve a look.
Spring themes are nostalgic this year, with multiple references to turn-of-the-century (1900, not 2000) ideas of outdoor adventure, including classic items reminiscent of African safari-wear.
Fabric choices are mixing, with linens being paired with more casual fabrics for an air of comfortable elegance.
Seasonal colors to watch are those based on natural-but brilliant-hues this season, including lush, verdant greens and deep-water blues with fiery red accents.
Spring Truck Show March 21
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In partnership with the
Good Leadership Breakfast Series
Bavender Custom Clothiers
2014 Spring Trunk Show
Friday, March 21 9 AM-5 PM
Edina Country Club
5100 Wooddale Avenue, Edina, MN.
For this day only, receive
10% off all custom clothing, shirts and accessories plus an additional 5% of the total purchase will be donated to a
Good Leadership charity
Appointments Encourage
RSVP: 612.750.9486 or Kingford@Bavender.com |
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Custom trouser sale continues through March 31. Order two trousers and receive the third of equal value FREE!
Select from the finest wools, cottons, linens, and novelty fabrics to create dress, casual, golf trousers, and walking shorts of uncompromising style and fit. Contact Kingford Bavender to order or schedule an appointment at your home or office.