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Inspiration, Insight & InformationSeptember 2013
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In This Issue
How to Find a Great Therapist
Forgiveness is for Giving
Practicing Forgiveness
Saying "Thank You"
Faith-based "Journey" to Recovery





Day Programs are designed for individuals who want or need more intensive therapy than is available through regular outpatient counseling.  Participating in a Day Program may be helpful if you're not progressing satisfactorily with outpatient counseling, when you need to move through issues more quickly during an immediate crisis, or as a step-down after hospital or residential care.


A Meier Clinics Day Program is unique from many day programs as it is based on Christian principles and provides a full day of counseling care. Each client receives personalized and individual therapy with a counselor in a safe environment.  Our Outcome Studies and Patient Satisfaction Surveys are proof that this program works!  Here are a few comments from clients who attended one of our Day Programs.

hands on keyboard

"My experience here is one of the highlights in my life. The things that happen when you let God take control of your situation is absolutely amazing.  Every single staff member made a positive impact in my life and I am forever grateful for that and this place." Elaine A. 6/4/13


"Your program and the caring people here saved my life." Joseph 4/19/13


"All of the therapists were wonderful - compassionate, caring, and insightful.  They were amazing in their ability to ask just the right question or make an observation to help us to take our own steps toward healing and wholeness.  I am grateful for each one of them."  Mary Anne 3/28/13


Meier Clinics has Day Programs in major metropolitan areas:  Chicago, Dallas & Seattle.  If you or someone you know would like to learn more about this effective treatment program, please call us at 888-7CLINIC
(725-4642) or read more at  

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Meier Clinics Programs 

In addition to Outpatient Counseling for individuals, couples and families at all Meier Clinics locations, we also offer the following specialty programs:


Day Program for Adults is available at the following Meier Clinics:  Wheaton, IL; Richardson, TX; Bothell, WA.


Sexual Addiction Intensive Outpatient for Adults (Pathway to Freedom) at Meier Clinics in Richardson, TX.


After-school Intensive Outpatient Program for Teens (Breakaway) at Meier Clinics in Wheaton, IL.


Residential Care for Women and Teens at Timberline Knolls in Lemont, IL, with a Meier Clinics Christian track.


Residential Care for Boys at Turn-About Ranch in Escalante, Utah, with a Christian track.


Addiction Recovery Residential Care for Men at Starlite near San Antonio, Texas, with a Christian track.



For additional information about these specialty programs,  visit our website at  or give us a toll-free call at 888-7 CLINIC (888-725-4642).



About Us

Meier Clinics is a non-profit, 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible within IRS regulations and go directly to cover charitable care for individuals and families.  Donations can be made by:
  • Mail:  Meier Clinics Foundation, 2100 Manchester Rd. Suite 1510, Wheaton, IL 60187
  • Phone:  800-848-8872
  • Online:


How to Find a Great Therapist
by Mary Beth Woll, MA, LMHC


"Wait a second! Find a therapist?!? Do I need therapy? Do we really need it as a couple? With a little willpower, we could handle this on our own, right?"


The truth is, everybody needs counsel, at one time or another, from loved ones, trusted family and friends, pastors, mentors, and professionals. Taking this important step could save a person's life or marriage and potentially change the course of many generations to come!


Before beginning the search for a therapist, it is good to clearly define the need.


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Forgiveness is for Giving


By Dr. Jared Pingleton


Everyone experiences pain and suffering in life.  Typically, and tragically, we receive and inflict our most traumatic wounds within our closest relationships; hurting and being hurt by those we love most.  How we perceive and process these injuries holds tremendous implications for our mental, spiritual and relational health.


Forgiveness may be the most important and the most difficult thing in the world.  When we are hurt, our reflexive inclination is to respond in one of two ways: protect ourselves (flight) or lash back (fight).  Unfortunately, both of these instinctive reactions result in dysfunction, destruction, and disharmony.


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Practicing Forgiveness


Forgiveness is a powerful, spiritual practice. One of the biggest lies we can believe is that holding on to hurt and anger gives us power and control. While it is true that the initial acknowledgement of these emotions is critical to healing, holding on to it indefinitely leaves us disempowered. 


Unforgiveness is the refusal to face your vulnerability as a human being or it is the refusal to acknowledge or tend to your wounds. Facing vulnerability is to acknowledge that even the people who love us the most can and will hurt us at some point and we can't always control that. Unforgiveness that involves a refusal to acknowledge or tend to wounds comes from learned helplessness or over-identification with powerlessness or a victim mentality. 


 Timberline Knolls with Tagline
Saying "Thank You"

By Chris Christensen, M.S.

As it says in First Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."   As I have worked with teens and families over the years, I have often reflected on how much just saying "thank you" is missing.  Showing some appreciation for what your mother does or what a child adds to the family is so often over looked, when it can be such a powerful tool in healing relationships or mending old wounds.


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Faith-based "Journey" to Recovery

Starlite Recovery Center has launched a new Christian program called The Journey and it is taking off like wildfire. In week one of the program, Starlite received the first client referral from Meier Clinics in Richardson, TX.  All of Starlite's clients were invited to attend Christian-focused groups as they felt compelled, but there was some skepticism. How can a 12-step program be Christian? What about this philosophy of "a higher power of our understanding?"   

". . .love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you,
pray for those who mistreat you."
Luke 6:27-28