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Inspiration, Insight & InformationDecember 2012
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In This Issue
Handling the Holidays: WWJD?
Christian Counseling
Insight Into Women and Addiction


Dr. Meier answers


Psychiatrists and Psychologists

what's the difference between 

Psychiatrists and Psychologists?

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Services Available  


Day Program for Adults is available at the following Meier Clinics:  Wheaton, IL; Richardson, TX; Bothell, WA.


Sexual Addiction Intensive Outpatient for Adults (Pathway to Freedom) at Meier Clinics in Richardson, TX.


After-school Intensive Outpatient Program for Teens (Breakaway) at Meier Clinics in Wheaton, IL.


Residential Care for Women and Teens at Timberline Knolls in Lemont, IL, with a Meier Clinics Christian track.


For additional information about these programs, visit our website at or give us a toll free call at 888-7 CLINIC (888-725-4642).

 Christmas tree
The Meier Clinics staff hopes that you and your loved ones will have a Christmas flowing over with joy as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  And may the New Year be one of ever closer communion with our Heaveny Father, our Creator and Lord. 
Handling the Holidays:  WWJD?


Paul Meier, M.D.          


     What would Jesus do if he were in your shoes this holiday season? Who would he visit or invite for Thanksgiving and Christmas? How long would he stay? What would he say? Would he confront hurtful relatives or just listen to them? Would he put up with verbal abuse from them? What presents would he buy children or grandchildren (if any presents at all)?

     These are all good questions to ask ourselves for the remainder of the year. WWJD (What would Jesus do)? We can only guess - and that's what we should do - whatever we think he would do in oursituation. So here are some suggested guesses about WWJD from a Christian psychiatrist.


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Christian Counseling:  A Chance to Authenticate the Gospel
Geremy F. Keeton, LMFT
    Isaiah 1:17-19 in The Message says: "Say no to wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless." The context for this verse indicates that God is not pleased by mere "worship charades" (v. 13). He is most pleased when people endeavoring to serve Him focus on an active and authentic faith.
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Insight Into Women and Addiction  


   God created all of His children in His image; however, it's clear that many differences exist between men and women. One of these is in the area of addiction to drugs and alcohol. Due to psychological, physiological and societal factors, women's addiction and recovery is different from men.    

   Today, women are the fastest growing segment of substance abusers in the United States. About 2.7 million American women abuse alcohol or drugs; this translates into one quarter of all abusers, according to the Federal Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.

 Timberline Knolls with Tagline
A Christmas Gift of Hope
All of us at Meier Clinics want to thank you for your prayers   and contributions throughout 2012.  As you give gifts to those you love this holiday season, would you please consider giving a gift of hope to someone you don't even know?  Through the Foundation, many who have inadequate financial resources are able to receive Christian counseling care.  No gift is too small and all donations go 100% to cover the cost of counseling care at Meier Clinics.  Meier Clinics Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible within IRS regulations.  Donations can be made by:
  • Mail:  Meier Clinics Foundation, 2100 Manchester Rd. Suite 1510, Wheaton, IL 60187
  • Phone:  800-848-8872
  • Online:


 Thank you on behalf of those who you have helped today.

"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. . ."
Titus 3:4-5