Our Perspective
Spotlight: AccuTEC Blades
Last Friday, Augusta County had the opportunity to celebrate with AccuTEC Blades and host Governor McAuliffe who announced the company will invest $5.37 million and create 53 new jobs over the next three years.
This announcement is particularly exciting because just a year ago, this company was on the verge of closing. As Rick Gagliano, President of AccuTEC Blades said during his remarks, "The collaborative efforts of state and local officials together with the perseverance of AccuTEC's new owners saved this business from what only a year ago was a corporate mandate to close it down. They believed this business and its employees did not deserve such a fate. They pooled their efforts and resources to create a viable alternative to closure in the form of a spin-off from our previous corporate parent into our new company AccuTEC."
A lot of people were willing to hold onto the legacy of ASR and see the potential that lies ahead. The performance-based grants that are being infused into the company will enable AccuTEC to hire and train new people and invest in equipment and technology that will keep the company on a growth trajectory.
As one of the world's largest manufacturers of razor sharp bladed edges, in one way or another, AccuTEC touches the lives of every American. An AccuTEC blade is used for that very first prick on the heel of a newborn, for eye and skin procedures, and in pathology labs to diagnose disease. They are used in medical devices, semi-conductor, tool manufacturing, and for food processing.   They cut glass for cars and buildings, fibers for insulation, and fabrics for furniture, rugs, and clothes. Every day, barbers and hair stylists use AccuTEC razors and blades to keep people looking their best. From here in Verona, Virginia, AccuTEC reaches out across the country and beyond with products that make lives better.
Governor McAuliffe and Secretary Jones with AccuTEC Blades President and Augusta County Board of Supervisors
Please join me in welcoming another great (and growing) company to the Augusta County community!
Cheers to AccuTEC Blades!
Amanda Glover
Director of Economic Development

Farming is the Word
Strengthening the agriculture community

Farming Leaders Conference
March 19
Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, VA
The Farming Leaders Conference will deliver a full day of concentrated learning dedicated to communication style, modern communication issues, and positive media interaction. The goal of the conference is to prepare those involved in the agriculture community for formal and informal interactions with consumers regarding food and farming.

Presenters include Dr. Alex White, Professor of Dairy Science at Virginia Tech and marketing presenter; Matthew Lohr, Director of the Farm Credit Knowledge Center; Lauren Arbogast, agriculture lifestyle blogger at; Jesse Martin, producer at On The Farm Radio; and the Virginia Farm Bureau 'Real Virginia' media team.
The conference is open to anyone in the agriculture community as well as the general public.  To register and find more information, visit here.
BizBlitz 2016
March 18-20
Ice House, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

BizBlitz supports new ventures and entrepreneurs in a fast-paced, inspirational, and hands-on weekend where developers, marketers, designers, and dreamers join efforts to generate ideas, build prototypes, and launch businesses! Starting with open-to-all pitches on Friday evening, teams come together around the best ideas and spend the weekend in market research and product development. Sunday evening ends in front of the judges. Cash prizes plus other valuable prizes will be awarded. 
Find all the details and register here.

Augusta County Economic Development & Tourism
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