Mon., Nov. 17th: CALA Lunch and Learn: Caring for your Family Treasures, CDLC
What's happening at your library?
CDLC personal memberships for 2014-2015 are available. Personal members receive discounted rates to CDLC programs, including the Annual Meeting. New this year: enroll online! Learn more here.
CDLC is pleased to welcome a new intern, Kariann Kakeh. Kari is a student in the MSIS program at the University at Albany, where she expects to finish her degree in December. She is working on OCLC cataloging, as well as metadata for the New York Heritage Digital Collections project. Currently, she is the Circulation Supervisor and Coordinator of Student Employment at Siena College, and has had previous experience at Albany Public Library. Welcome, Kari!
CDLC's Hospital Library Services Program is hosting a two-part CE event on Friday, October 10. Part 1, Caring for the Mind: Providing Mental Health Information at Your Library, is from 10 am-12 pm. Part 2 is from 1 pm-3 pm and is on Grants and Proposals Writing, both with instructor Kate Flewlling. Following the link above for information; contact Christopher Tosh to register.
CDLC hosts Dr. Arlene Bielenfield on Friday, October 17 from 9:30-12:30 to talk about Law for Libraries. To register, contact Christopher Tosh.
Registration is open for the Care and Handling of Scrapbooks webinar on Monday, October 27 from 2 pm-4 pm.
The Committee on Resource Sharing met Sept. 10. They are working on continuing education programming, as well as updating the ILL Directory. Also, the Direct Access Program is under review by a revised DAP Committee.
University at Albany received a DHP Arrangement and Description grant to process the records of Tenants and Neighbors, a statewide coalition of New York's tenants and tenant associations that support tenants' rights and affordable housing, as well as The Hunger Action Network of New York State, a statewide anti-hunger coalition.
The Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) has been awarded a $149,793.00 grant by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)! They plan to use the money to collaborate with members of the Mohawk Valley Library System to create STEM-based programs for youth. Full details are in the press release. Congratulations!
The 2014 Capital Area Archivists (CAA) dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, October 1 at 5:30. For full information including details about tours of the Schenectady County Historical Society that will precede the dinner and details on how to register, please see the CAA website.
On Saturday, October 4, Schenectady County Historical Society is hosting Genealogy Day. Events start at 9:30 am and include talks about how to use the collection from local experts, including many staff from CDLC's membership. Full presentation information is outlined on The Genealogy Day Flyer.
There are only four shows remaining in the Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library's free fall concert series! They are held on Thursdays at 7pm. The library's flier has more information about upcoming shows.
Ben Himmelfarb of Albany Public Library and recent CDLC intern has accepted a job as Local History Librarian at White Plains Public Library. Congratulations to Ben and congratulations to White Plains Public Library for this excellent hire!
The Capital Area Library Assistants (CALA) is accepting nominations for the CALA Outstanding Service Award, designed to recognize the achievements of a local library assistant and CALA member who most embodies the mission and goals of CALA. Go here for information and a nomination form. The nomination deadline is Nov. 1.
September 2014 News from NY3R's: Including: $10,000 Grant Opportunity for Library as Publisher... Empire Delivery Update... Libraries at the State Fair...I2NY Update...and new CE!
Capital District Library Council | | 28 Essex Street. Albany, NY 12206