July 2015
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Story of the Month - August

Chile: Investing in renewable energy

Chile is making significant strides to transition toward a green economy through investment in renewable energy. 


Currently, Chile leads South America in adoption of solar PV energy with 0.5 GW installed, more than much larger countries like Brazil and Mexico, and an additional 1.1 GW of renewable energy expected to be brought online in 2015 with 680 MW of solar PV and 419 MW of wind power. Chile is investing heavily in renewable energy opportunities with more than 1.3 billion USD invested in wind and solar electricity generation in the second quarter of 2015. 


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About PAGE

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) seeks to put sustainability at the heart of economic policymaking and practice.

The Partnership supports nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability to foster economic growth, create income and jobs, reduce poverty and inequality, and strengthen the ecological foundations of their economies.


PAGE is a direct response to the Rio+20 Declaration, The Future We Want, which called upon the United Nations System and the international community to provide assistance to interested countries in developing, adopting, and implementing green economy policies and strategies.


Bringing together the expertise of five UN agencies - UNEP, ILO, UNIDO, UNDP, and UNITAR - and working closely with national governments, PAGE offers a comprehensive and coordinated package of technical assistance and capacity building services. 


PAGE represents a mechanism to coordinate UN action on green economy and to assist countries in achieving and monitoring the emerging Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 8. 



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The Partnership for Action on Green Economy

11-13 Chemin des An�mones


The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) hosted a well-attended side event at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York on July 7, entitled "Delivering on Sustained and Sustainable Growth: PAGE and National Initiatives for Inclusive Green Economy".


Redesigning Finance for Sustainable Development


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has called for a "loud revolution" to mobilise the trillions of dollars needed for the transition to a greener, more sustainable world economy. The call, which came at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, urged individual countries and the international community to take action to introduce new, and expand upon existing, innovations to finance sustainable development.



PAGE - Informing Green Economy Policy Making (VIDEO)


A new video shows how the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) can support interested countries to sustainability at the heart of economic policymaking.

Green Economy Action Plan Workshop Held in Ghana


Ghana's Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) convened, with the technical support of the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), the first consultative workshop for the formulation of a Green Economy Action Plan on 16 July 2015.

PAGE Exchange
Barbados to Host Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency


Barbados will be the host country for the new Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE), which will act as a regional hub for sustainable energy issues and activities in the region.

Peru: The World of Work Can Help Save the Environment


The Peruvian Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Luis Enrique Chavez Basagoitia shared his thoughts on opportunities for humanity that can be provided by the green economy; challenges that developing countries, including Peru, must overcome and the key role of technology. 

Investing in Forestry Sector Can Reverse Estimated US$3.5 Billion Economic Drain of Deforestation, Alleviate Poverty in Tanzania


Deforestation in Tanzania could cost the national economy 5,588 billion Tanzanian Shillings (US$3.5 billion, based on 2013 exchange rates) between 2013 and 2033 on current trends, highlighting the importance of investing in the forestry sector to alleviate poverty and boost growth, according to a new report.
The Guardian view on greening the economy: the price is worth paying Editorial


The government's energy policy is chaotic. On the one hand, with time running out before the Paris climate change summit in December, it is committed to agreeing tough international targets, backed by demanding European and domestic programmes for carbon reduction and renewable energy growth. But then there are Treasury-driven cuts to subsidies for renewables, and a cabinet that looks set to back off from existing schemes such as the Green Deal to incentivise energy efficiency. 

Upcoming Events
SDG Summit Round-table, 25 September 2015, New York


On 25 September 2015, UNEP, the Government of Germany, and the UNDP, supported by the PAGEsecretariat, will host a high-level roundtable discussion of the key events and considerations that triggered the change towards an Inclusive Sustainable Growth path and the opportunities to move forward in light of the 2015 SDGs.