May 2015
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Story of the Month - MAY

 Rwanda - Government awards green business and industry

In April 2015, the Rwandan government recognized the efforts and importance of industries and business in greening their production with the first annual Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Awards in Kigali. 

The annual event aims to incentivize and commend industry leaders as well as increase visibility and recognition of cleaner production practices in Rwanda.


The Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment awarded seven industries for embracing Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production technologies as a way of preserving the environment and supporting a green economy.


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About PAGE

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is a global partnership created to support countries in their transition to a green economy.


The Partnership brings together the expertise of ILO, UNDP, UNEP, UNIDO and UNITAR, to empower participating countries to develop comprehensive policies stimulating sustainable development and eradicating poverty through a transition to a green economy. 


The initiative, which is the UN's answer to the call to action in the Rio+20 Declaration, The Future We Want, is designed to support a sustainable and equitable transformation of the national economic structures of up to twenty countries by 2020. 

PAGE supports national and sectoral economic planning, provides access to research, knowledge and tools, and capacity building at the institutional and individual level.



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The Partnership for Action on Green Economy

11-13 Chemin des An�mones
Korea increases it's support for a global green transition


The Republic of Korea reinforced its support for a global green economy transition by signing an extended contribution to PAGE at the First Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific (19-20 May, 2015), organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).


The two-day Forum brought together Ministers from 35 countries across Asia Pacific to find solutions to pressing sustainable development, health and environment challenges facing the region.



South Africa joins PAGE


South Africa has become the 7th country to join the Partnership. This was announced by the South African Minister for Environmental Affairs, Her Excellency, Ms Edina Molewa at the 15th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) in Cairo, Egypt. 2-6 March 2015. A joint mission to South Africa by the five UN PAGE partners took place in late March to determine PAGE activities in the country.


PAGE 2014 Annual report out now


2014 has been a year of accomplishments for PAGE.  Over 30 countries requested support for their green economy initiatives and six PAGE Partner countries made important progress in advancing their green economy transition. The first global PAGE Conference, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, was attended by more than 450 participants from 66 countries. In addition, practitioners' guides on topics of green economy policy assessment, green economy indicators, and green economy modelling were launched in 2014. 


New PAGE website goes live


The new PAGE website is now live, providing access to the latest PAGE news, tools and country experiences. 

The website hosts the PAGE Exchange, which is the main forum through which non-PAGE countries can share their initiatives, policies, success stories, and lessons related to the advancements of inclusive green economies within the Partnership.  Visit the site to see how your country can contribute to the PAGE Exchange.


PAGE Exchange
From Bahrain to Addis: Catalysing Investment for a Greener and more Inclusive Economy

Government representatives from across the Arab region, the United Nations, international and regional organizations, gathered in Bahrain on Wednesday May 7, at a multi-stakeholder side event organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).


The side event was held in the context of the Second High-Level Forum on Sustainable Development for the Arab States Region in Bahrain from 5-7 May 2015. The discussion revolved around the role of economic policy, finance and investment in driving sustainability forward in the light of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development being held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July 2015. 


UNEP and GGGI host global workshop to examine ways to advance green economy pathways for sustainable development


With the goal of sharing country policies and strategies for sustainable development and discussing different national pathways towards more resource-efficient societies, the South-South Cooperation for Green Development workshop  was held, in Seoul, South Korea  on 28-29 April. It was jointly hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).



Egypt launches green economy priorities


Egypt launched it's Green Economy Scoping Study at the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) in Cairo, Egypt in March 2015. The study found that through green interventions, concerning economic and environmental trends can be arrested and reversed. These trends include: declining water share per capita of over 30% by 2025, solid waste generation increases of 36% since 2000, and natural resource depletion of around 3.78% annually. 


A shift to a green economy pathway could lead Egypt to achieve annual savings of over US$1.3 billion in the agriculture sector, and US$1.1 billion in the water sector, as well as a 13% reduction in CO2 emissions, and a 40% reduction in water consumption, according to the new report.



United Arab Emirates unveil their first Green Economy Report


The Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW) of the United Arab Emirates has unveiled the publication of the UAE State of Green Economy Report 2014 during the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week held recently. This is the first report developed to inform the public about the status of progress in the implementation of the UAE Green Growth Strategy. It also represents the world's first of its kind in national reporting on a Green Economy transition.



Upcoming Events
Mongolia Green Economy Week


Over the week of June 15-19 2015 Mongolia will be hosting a national Green Economy Week. The Week will bring together over eight government ministries and other stakeholders with the objective to take stock of progress made in implementing PAGE in Mongolia, identify further action under PAGE priority areas and develop a medium-term results framework for PAGE for the next two-three years. 

The week will commence with a National Workshop  including sessions on: Green Development Policy, Green Economy Modelling and Policy Assessment, Sustainable Public Procurement, Green Buildings and Construction, and Green Economy Learning. Activities will culminate with a High Level Session on Integrating Green Development in the Post-2015 Development Framework.