
in Chippenham, Wiltshire

December 2014   



December heralds in the season of Advent - often overlooked as we charge headlong towards the brighter, glitzier celebration of Christmas, champagne glass in one hand, numerous shopping bags in the other, doing our best to totter about on those ridiculously high heels (ok boys - you may be exempt from that last one ;-) ). But the Celtic pagans who were deeply in tune with natures rhythms really understood this time, and no wonder it was later adopted and adapted into the Christian practices in December. 

Advent (literally 'coming') is a time leading up to the greatest darkness, the longest night. And yet, even in the deepening darkness there is a seed of hope and preparation for the returning light. It is a time to become quiet and still- even if you can only catch one minute between social engagements and shopping trips. It is time to converse again with the patience of winter, the waiting and a kind of deep prophetic longing. What are we waiting for? Christmas? A new year? A time to wipe the slate clean and start again?

Advent, for me, is indeed a time of preparation. I prepare for the new year. What qualities do I want to cultivate as the light returns? What limiting behaviours, beliefs and thought processes do I want to shed? Without taking this time to prepare for the coming of the light, I find I stumble into the new year unprepared and liable to simply carry on as before unconsciously following the habits of old. A new year is a time to re-write the script.

I came upon some beautiful words by Caroline Oakes about advent: "advent - when, as sleepers, we awaken to our own light of love, deep within us, waiting to be reborn again in the dark stables of our own souls".

May this coming season of Advent, Yule, Solstice, Christmas and New Year rekindle that light of love within each of us.


Christmas Closure Dates
Closed: Sunday, 21st December - Friday, 2nd January
OPEN FOR ONE CLASS ONLY - Saturday, 27th December, 9.15am

We re-open for normal timetable on Saturday, 3rd January.

Much love, 

Claire x


In This Issue
Gong Meditation
Pigeon Extravaganza
Structural Rebalancing
First Aid Training
Yoga Goodies

Coming Up in 2015....

- The popular Breathwork course will run again

- Gong Restorative

- Teacher's Mentoring Program


Gong Meditation
Saturday 6th December, 2014 
7.30 - 9pm

with Kanti

Hugely popular so please book early!

Allow the sounds of Gongs, Bells, Crystal Bowls and other Sacred Sound instruments to take you on a magical and unique journey into the heart of silence. A deeply meditative & rejuvenating experience- beneficial to your mind, body and soul.

The gong is a unique and powerful tool for transformation on all levels. It bathes the entire body in powerful sound vibrations or tones which can affect you at a cellular level. These complex tones are the building blocks of nature and the Universe and communicate with us all on all levels of consciousness. It can take you into a dreamless state of Turiya.

For more information on Kanti and her work go to: www.divine-harmony.co.uk

Pigeon Extravaganza
Sunday, 4th January - 10am - 1pm
Early bird price: �25 till 20th December
�30 thereafter

Legends and whispers abound in the yoga community about this infamous workshop. Last year there were more than 43 variations of pigeon pose- will we be blessed with even more in 2015? 

These beautiful postures are wonderful for grounding after the festive season and gaining focus for the year head. Open both your hips and your heart and strengthen your entire body. This workshop is suitable for all levels but not for complete beginners. Come and join us as we celebrate the new year.
  • Places for this workshop always fill up fast so please book as soon as you can.
  • Why not treat someone to this workshop as a Christmas present? Contact the studio to purchase a workshop voucher.

Therapeutics small

Structural Rebalancing

Wednesdays, 7 - 8.45pm  

Arms & Shoulders: 7th January 

Spinal Congruence: 21st January

Book both together - �30

Drop in - �20

Book up to a week in advance - �18

Rebuild your posture from the ground up with this series of monthly workshops.

Learn the intricate details of your shoulders, arms and healthy spinal curves and how to care for each of these areas as you go about your practice and your life. 


Bringing deep awareness to each area in turn steadily leads to an improved posture, concentration and performance. 


These classes are suitable for all levels and will help if you have long term or recurring issues with the areas in question. 

Download flyer

New Year Courses

Yoga for Back Care
Now you have two chances to learn to take care of your back in and out of class. Recommended by doctors. Always fills up so book early!

Monday 12.15 - 1.30pm
5th January - 16th February
No class 9th February
6 week course, �48

Tuesdays 7.30 - 8.45pm
6th January - 17th February
No class 10th February
6 week course, �48

Yoga for Beginners
Two slots and two great teachers for those wishing to start yoga in the new year or return to yoga after a long break. 

Tuesday 10.30 - 11.45am with Emma
6th January - 10th February
No class 17th February
6 week course, �48

Thursdays 7.30 - 8.45pm with Debbie
8th January - 19th February
No class 12th February
6 week course, �48

Advancing Yoga - 
starts 8th January
Thursdays, 10.15 - 12pm with Claire 
5 week course, �40
For those who want to reach for the next level - around 1-2 years experience required. This term we will be focused on twists. 

Yoga for Renewal - starts 8th January
Thursdays, 1.30 - 2.45pm with Claire
5 week course, �40
Gentle sequences and therapeutic alignment followed by a deep relaxation. Ideal for those with mobility restraints or challenging health conditions.  

First Aid Training
1st February, 2015
9am - 5pm

Learn a new skill, ensure you are safe at work and teaching or update your existing qualification.
  • One day training
  • Assessment on the day via practical demonstration/assignment and oral questioning.
  • Valid for 3 years
  • Qualification details:

HABC Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF)

This qualification is ideal for those already working, or preparing to work, within industry who wish to become an Emergency First Aider in the workplace for the purposes of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

Subjects covered include:
Incident Management - Dealing with Shock - Dealing with an Unconscious Casualty - CPR - Minor Injuries

Gifts for Christmas

Gift vouchers, clothing, yoga props and, out now, a collection of yoga goodie bags. Visit our shop and treat yourself or someone you love.  For up to the minute details visit and like our Facebook page


For the latest timetable, click here.


With gratitude, 

Everyone at Santosha Studio
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