
in Chippenham, Wiltshire

November 2014   




When it comes to November, I have a strong connection to the expression - out with old and in with the new - with most of the emphasis on out with the old. In the Indian Ayurvedic approach to life, this season is Vata season - time of change, dryness and cold. Now you might not relate to dryness and cold, with the unseasonably mild but wet weather we have been having, but nature is definitely drying up. Plants withdraw their sap, the leaves dry and are discarded, animals prepare to hibernate and there is a definitely blustery feel - the winds of change blowing away the last remnants of the previous season. 

In spring we have the practice of spring cleaning, but I also feel a strong urge at this time of year to de-clutter, make space and let go. Anything which has had its day, or belongs to the past can be released, rather than left to hang around and trip us up during the winter months. It can be time to let go of bad habits, detox and throw old behaviours onto the metaphorical bonfire and watch them disappear. All things have their day and all things come to an end, which makes space for new and wonderful things to come into our lives. So what do you want to let go of? 

Let the regularity and discipline of yoga practice support you as you detox, de-clutter and make space. Do this now in readiness for 2015 which is only around the corner and soon we'll be overwhelmed and distracted by YOU KNOW WHAT! See you on the mat soon for some great yoga together.



Claire x


In This Issue
Gong Meditation
Structural Rebalancing
Restore & Renew
Kali - Return to Darkness

Coming Up in 2015....

- Tuesday morning Beginners course

- Daytime Backcare course

- The popular Breathwork course will run again

- Sunday 4th January *Save the Date*
New Year Workshop


Gong Meditation
Saturday 6th December, 2014 
7.30 - 9pm
�20 early bird till 22nd November
�25 thereafter

with Kanti

Hugely popular so please book early!

Allow the sounds of Gongs, Bells, Crystal Bowls and other Sacred Sound instruments to take you on a magical and unique journey into the heart of silence. A deeply meditative & rejuvenating experience- beneficial to your mind, body and soul.

The gong is a unique and powerful tool for transformation on all levels. It bathes the entire body in powerful sound vibrations or tones which can affect you at a cellular level. These complex tones are the building blocks of nature and the Universe and communicate with us all on all levels of consciousness. It can take you into a dreamless state of Turiya.

For more information on Kanti and her work go to: www.divine-harmony.co.uk

Therapeutics small

Structural Rebalancing

Wednesdays, 7 - 8.45pm  

Knee: 12th November

Hip: 3rd December

Drop in - �20

Book up to a week in advance - �18

Rebuild your posture from the ground up with this series of monthly workshops.

Learn the intricate details of your foot, knee and hip and how to care for each of these areas as you go about your practice and your life. Bringing deep awareness to each area in turn steadily leads to an improved posture, concentration and performance. These classes are suitable for all levels and will help if you have long term or recurring issues with a particular areas including the following:

Knees: knock knees, bowlegged, hyperextension, ligament damage, inhibited knee-tracking, knee pain
Hips: tight hips, lumbar spine issues, finding anatomical "neutral" pelvis and releasing tension and strengthening slackness to maintain neutral posture

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Restorative & Renewal  

Wednesdays, 7 - 8.45pm 

Immunity: 19th November
Digestion: 10th December

Drop in - �20, Book up to a week in advance - �18


Explore the great power of gentle, restorative yoga and breathwork in these monthly sessions. Each session is aimed at restoring the body and mind in different ways.


19th November - Boost your immune system

As we get into the winter months, give your immune system the help it needs to keep you healthy and strong.


10th December - Improve your digestion

We all have a tendency to overindulge during the festive season and this class can give you the tools you need to enjoy while taking care of your body. 


Download flyer

November Courses

Yoga for Back Care - starts 11th November
Tuesdays 7.30 - 8.45pm with Claire
5 week course, �40
Advancing Yoga -
 starts 13th November
Thursdays, 10.15 - 12pm with Claire 
6 week course, �48
For those who want to reach for the next level - around 1-2 years experience required. This term we will be focused on hip openers. 

Yoga for Renewal- starts 13th November
Thursdays, 1.30 - 2.45pm with Claire
6 week course, �48
Gentle sequences and therapeutic alignment followed by a deep relaxation. Ideal for those with mobility restraints or challenging health conditions.  
Kali - Return to Darkness
Saturday 29th November
2pm -5pm
�25 early bird price till 15th November
�30 thereafter

A Celebration of Endings & The Forging of New Beginnings

With Claire Murphy

As we near the darkest time of the year, you are invited to explore the aspects of Kali through yoga- her dual aspect of fierce courage and motherly nurturing will be exemplified through an afternoon of dynamic practice and long deep relaxation and cherishing.

Return to the darkness, which receives all things in the end, that which no longer serves you and plant the seeds of all new projects. Now is the time to celebrate the end of the cycle and return to Kali's warm embrace ready to re-emerge strong and revitalised in the new cycle as the light begins to return and the days get longer.

Bring your own formidable courage and give yourself the gift of self examination and love and join us for this powerful workshop.

Gifts for Christmas

Gift vouchers, clothing, yoga props and, coming soon, a collection of yoga goodie bags. Visit our shop and treat yourself or someone you love. 


For the latest timetable, click here.


With gratitude, 

Everyone at Santosha Studio
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