November 2015 PLLIP E-News
Private Law Librarians & Information Professionals Newsletter
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Co-authored article by Scott Bailey in October 15, 2015 issue of Practice Innovations.  


Congratulations to PLLIP member Greg Lambert for his election as VP/Chair-Elect of the AALL Executive Board


Congratulations to Ronda Wasserman Fisch who has joined Jones Day as Director of Firm Library Services. Ronda is located in the firm's Pittsburgh location. Prior to this position, Ronda was the Director of Research and Library Systems at Reed Smith, also located in Pittsburgh. Ronda received her B.A. in American Studies from The George Washington University and her M.S.L.S. from The Catholic University of America. 


Kudos to Jan Bissett, Reference and Faculty Liaison Services Librarian for Wayne State University's Arthur Neef Law Library (Detroit, Michigan), and Margi Heinen, Manager of Research Services for Sherman & Howard L.L.C. (Denver, Colorado) who co-authored Accurately Instructed in the Law:  Finding State Jury Instructions, published in the November issue of the

Michigan Bar Journal, 94(No. 11) Mich Bar J 48 (2015). 


Around the Blogosphere
by Cheryl Niemeier,
Director of Knowledge & Research Services, Bose McKinney & Evans LLP

The past several weeks brought news that Amazon is opening a brick and mortar bookstore in Amazon Killed the Bookstore. So It's Opening a Bookstore which elicited a hmmm...that's all just hmm from me! And  Why Would Amazon Open a Real Bookstore? uncovers the supposed reasons for doing so.
Further confusion regarding the conundrum that thought leader content can be bought in  Want to be a thought leader? Law blog fodder for sale at the Content Store? elicits yet another hmmm... and not sure what to think of canned blog posts! Would they really still be considered thought leadership articles? And who would be the real the thought leader - the person who wrote it or the lawyer who purchased and posted it?
 Print v. Electronic 576 U.S. 280 (2015) provides a great overview for newer law librarians and information professionals describing when to use or retain print versus online and also covers the basics of the differences between primary and secondary sources of law.  Library Services and the Mobile Lawyer looks at the pros and challenges of mobile research and provides tips on what law librarians can do to help ease the deployment of mobile legal research access in their organizations.
 What Libraries Can (Still) Do asks important albeit difficult questions of what it means to be a library in today's digital world. Consider especially the scenario evoked regarding a young customer visiting his public library surrounded by librarians within easy reach and being overheard asking his iPhone, "Siri, what does 'terminal velocity' mean?" And of course today and any day going forward he would quickly get an answer without the help of a librarian let alone the need to actually be in a library itself to even ask Siri! And finally, How Vendors Not Lawyers Stifle Innovation in the Legal Profession flips the coin and suggests that's vendors are at least partially to blame for the seeming lack of innovation in the legal profession.

Welcome New Members

Clara Cabrera, Research & Reference Specialist, Wilmer Hale, New York, NY
Scott Bailey
Squire Patton Boggs LLP, Washington, DC   
Who Moved My Association?

Change is hard and it can be scary. We know that and are reminded of it every day. Change is exciting too. Change can be inclusive of the new and change can be opportunity. What if we could redefine ourselves in a way that opened up new frontiers for our field? What if we could reach out to a world full of legal information challenges and be the logical champions to meet those challenges for our community? What if we could clearly define what we do and what we advocate and increase our value and visibility, expanding our capabilites? Where do we want to go?

These are the questions that AALL is facing and these are the questions we should all face individually. To maximize our impact and include new people and capabilities we must necessarily change. 

We have an honorable past and our current capabilities are strong but we have challenges. Our Association has a name that refers to a place instead of people. A place that is increasingly holding us back and is getting in front of our people and our services. A place that is associated with shrinking and disappearing physical space in a world that is trending toward technology that defies space and conquers it.

The Association for Legal Information has a significant acronym. In addition to being a strong elegant brand that is inclusive of change and encourages opportunity, it has a double meaning. ALI pronounced ALLY says something significantly more about us. We are on your side. We are going to answer your legal information needs in this sea of data. We are advocates for the rule of law and the democratizing public availability of quality legal information. We support justice and our legal industry and the global community and each other. We advocate authentic intelligence.

Who moves our Association? We do. We have the choice to build a better future for our field every day. A name only means so much, but it is an important start. I look forward to working with you all as my allies in making a better world through improving the quality of legal information service.
ILTA: A Great Complement to AALL
by Deb Panella
Director of Library and Knowledge Services, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
As you plan your professional development calendars and budgets for 2016, please consider all that the International Legal Technology Association ("ILTA") has to offer.
The 30-year-old organization "provides the premier environment for peer connections, education and collective intelligence to leverage the strategic advantages of technology in the legal profession." The benefits are many: an annual four-day conference with over 150 educational sessions; an annual Sharepont symposium; dozens of regional meetings and networking opportunities; hundreds of live and recorded webinars and podcasts; a quarterly magazine; frequent digital white papers; and many "connected community" discussion forums for sharing questions and ideas.  
Very likely, there will be no charge for you to join ILTA because membership is by entity, not by individual, and the majority of law firms are already members. The modest annual dues per firm is set by the number of lawyers to encourage firms (and law departments) of all sizes and from all parts of the globe to participate. To see whether your firm is a member, simply go to the main website, click on "Members," and "Member Entity List." If your firm is listed, create your profile and start exploring and enjoying the benefits.  
Long ago, ILTA was made up primarily of traditional 'technologists" like applications managers, desktop support staff, litigation support specialists, and network engineers. Today, ILTA's members include lawyers as well as professionals from marketing and business development, project management, pricing, business intelligence and LPM, knowledge management and librarianship. One of the largest communities is Knowledge Management, so you will find dozens of peers, as well as presentations and audio recordings to help stay informed not only about technology, but also about the business and practice of law. Another topic that always draws a good audience is ILTA's Law2020 that looks at the future of law firms and legal technology.
Next year's ILTACON annual conference will be held from August 28 through September 1 at the Gaylord National in National Harbor, Maryland, just a short distance from downtown D.C. Conference planning is just beginning, but the 2015 conference website will help you understand the breadth and depth of programming and networking opportunities, and houses all the recorded materials. Registration is less than $1,800, includes all educational sessions, entrance to the exhibit hall, and all meals except dinner on Wednesday. The theme for 2016 is Embracing Change - something we are all learning to do at an ever-increasing pace.
Every year, ILTACON educational events begin on Monday, but Sunday evening is filled with networking opportunities, including conference orientation and an opening reception. Last year, Sunday marked the inaugural Librarians Community of Interest event, too - an informal cocktail hour attended by over 20 librarians, knowledge professionals, and others with an interest in our field. It was a well-attended event and a nice way to kick off the conference surrounded by peers.   However, ILTACON also provides a unique opportunity for us to expand our knowledge and network. ILTA and ILTACON provide numerous opportunities to learn from other professionals in law firms, and to share our expertise with them. And speaking of expertise, you are encouraged to contribute to ILTA's educational content.  Steve Lastres and I are volunteer members of the 2016 conference planning committee, and welcome your programming ideas and questions about ILTA.
Featured Article

Interview of AALL Chair Elect and PLLIP member Greg Lambert
How has the PLLIP-SIS helped you in your career path?

I have been a member of many Special Interest Sections over the years, and enjoy the focus that each SIS has to help those members in their specific library or expertise areas. PLLIP serves its members very well and allows those of us within the private law firms a platform to share ideas and learn from one another. PLLIP has helped me with my interests toward Competitive Intelligence and Business Development, and enabled me to find others within the SIS with similar interests. Whether it is one-on-one engagements with other PLLIP members, or through educational programming, being a member of PLLIP has provided me with many opportunities to put my ideas into action, build upon the experiences of my peers, and to share my own successes and failures with others.

How do you see PLLIP growing and what would you like to see our SIS do better or more of?

The rebranding and name change of PLLIP over the past year shows that there are opportunities toward growth in recruiting those Information Professionals who do not yet understand the value that PLLIP can bring to their careers. Thinking broadly, and sharing educational and real world experiences with those within our industry who conduct research, analyze information, and provide intelligence for their law firms or corporations, will not only help PLLIP grow, but will create new opportunities for current members as well as draw in new.

What tips would you recommend to your fellow PLLIP colleagues as a successful career path?

Be bold, and promote your ideas and skills to your organizations. PLLIP members are forward thinking and have great ideas to help their organizations achieve their overall strategic goals. In many cases, the organizational leadership relies upon you to push them forward because you have the experience, expertise, and relationships needed in achieving key pieces of those goals. PLLIP members are there to help share their own experiences, and help advise on their own successes and failures. Remember that you are not alone. PLLIP members are a community that is there when you need advice, and where you can return the favor when your peers need your guidance.

What is your view of the fact that many private law firm libraries are eliminating director/manager positions and having the Library report to IT?

Leaders within private law firms tend to look toward the competition when it comes to making decisions. With the situation of how the law libraries report within the organization, many firms are relying upon those outside the law library to guide them on how to manage these departments. Each firm is unique, but most are looking for solid advice on what to do. There is an opportunity here for PLLIP to step in and provide guidance and advise organizational structures that serve the organization well, and creates opportunities for leaders within our profession to step up and be a leader of the department, and a leader within the organization. PLLIP, and its members should take the lead in promoting the idea within the private law firm that the gathering of research, information, knowledge, and intelligence is the responsibility of Law Librarians and Information Professionals. This is not about organizing data, or building technology solutions, this is about intelligence gathering and analysis which manages risk for the organization, and creates a competitive advantage for the organization. This is something that law librarians and information professionals own, and lead.

What is the core value that PLLIP professionals bring to the table for their organizations?

PLLIP members provide the highest quality results and protect the organization's bottom line. The service that PLLIP members provide their organization that is often overlooked is risk management. PLLIP members understand the information and knowledge needs of their organizations, they know the vendors which provide varying products to fill those needs, and understand how to negotiate with those vendors to provide a fair price that fits the budgetary needs of their organizations. In this unique time of big vendor consolidation, coupled with the influx of legal industry startups, the law librarians and information professionals are needed more than ever.

What are your goals as incoming president of the AALL and how might those goals help the PLLIP-SIS members provide greater value to the organization at large as well as the smaller scale as a vital and contributing SIS for our members.

My goals are to expand the reach of AALL and attract new members that may not currently understand how an organization of legal industry informational professionals and law librarians can help them advance within their careers. We must promote opportunities for law librarians and information professions within the legal community, and work toward advising the legal industry on the ways to leverage our services, experiences, and expertise. AALL and PLLIP should lead the conversation and be viewed as the go to advisors within the industry when it comes to all law library and legal information professional needs.