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April/May 2014

April 12, 2014
9:00 - 1:30  
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Hello Everyone,
I want to thank you for taking the time to read my newsletters over the years and for all of you who have supported my work.  I have certainly reached that wonderful point in life where work is play and like any kid on the playground, I am so happy when someone shows up to play with me.  
Although I love what I do, I am also aware that it is work for the clients who courageously face themselves and disorganize old patterns that make them feel safe but deaden their emotional experience.  It is not easy, and at times not fun, but the outcomes are exciting as I see people wake up to their full potential and line up with themselves in ways that change everything around them. I am greatly blessed to be a part of this extraordinary process and I thank each and every one of you who have trusted me with your process.
I am happy and sad to report that the Second Saturday Workshop constellations have all been taken for 2014.  I am scheduling for 2015. As good as it feels to be this successful, I am burdened by the length of time it takes now to have a group constellation.  I am hopeful that I will be able to start a second constellation circle soon so that no one has to wait a year to experience this healing in their own life.   
The next Level I Money Workshop has only one space left.  If you are interested, please register immediately.  It is April 26 & 27. Here's the flyer - Money Workshop.  
Money Workshop Level II is scheduled for September 27/28, 2014. It is only open to those who have attended Level I, but if you are signed up for Level I and know you want to do level II, feel free to register as it will also fill up quickly.  Here's the flyer - Money Workshop II.
Nature is bursting at the seams right now. Join in and put yourself out there with all your dreams and desires.  Come to Second Saturday and laugh and play and transform with the rest of us.  It is a magical time and always surprising.
See you there,
My intentions with this newsletter and with all of my work are to create opportunities for inspiration and expansion in your relationship with self; for out of that relationship, all else follows.  Please forward this and all other publications from me with your discretion and my blessing.  
Barbara Eggenberger


Barbara is a licensed Marriage Family Therapist in California and Oregon and a Certified Facilitator of Systemic Constellation Work. 


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