Upcoming Classes, Lessons and Workshops
Beading Classes
Saturday, September 12th or 26th, 9:30 - 11 am
Learn a background stitch and beading. Choose a snowflake ornament (pictures on left.) $75 includes all materials, including canvas.
Beginning Stitching Class
Saturday, September 19th, 9:30 - 11 am
Learn how to needlepoint continental and basketweave stitches. From there, you can master any project! $45, all materials included.
Stitch Classes
Saturday Mornings This Fall, 9:30 - 11 am
We are continuing the popular Stitch Classes! Are you yearning to take your needlepoint to the "next level" by incorporating new stitches into your work? Sign-up for one or all three sessions. Bring a canvas you are working on and we can help you with where to use these new stitches. Practice canvas and threads are provided. Advance registration is required. The cost is $45/class.
Stitch II Class - October 3rd
Learn diagonal stitches to enhance many designs.
Stitch III Class - October 17th
We will teach a variety of straight stitches - great to use for large backgrounds!
Stitch IV Class - October 31st
This class will cover tied and crossed stitches which you can use for many smaller details on a canvas.