November 20, 2015    
From Our Instagram:
8th grade science classes took over @oregonepiscopal in recognition of @unitednations World Toilet Day on Thursday November 19. Learn more at #wecantwait.

Seen On Twitter:
Jordan Elliott visiting OES alumni in Tokyo! 

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First Graders Explore Brains
First graders in Kristin McAuley's class learned a lot this week about brains as OHSU neurologist Dr. Tyler Clark visited. Students asked inquisitive questions such as where memories are stored, what protects your brain, where one's emotions are centered, and how the brain communicates. They then reflected on the question, How did our thinking change after Dr. Clark's visit? Responses included:

"I used to think your spine was just a bone that works your back, but now I know it's also a cord that helps you with your emotions."

"I used to think your spine didn't connect to your brain but now I know it does."

"I notice when you cover your eyes with your hands for twenty seconds and uncover it, the pupil gets tinier."
6th Graders Embark on Sacred Spaces Journey
The entire 6th grade visited the Cambodian Buddhist Society of Oregon in West Linn last week. They experienced prayer and chanting led by monks who live on the premises and offered a donation of food to sustain the monks. As follow up, students plan to present their new-found understanding of the temple with students at nearby Stafford Elementary School.

This was the first of five student-led sacred spaces field trips, each meant to offer a grounded experience with practitioners and worship spaces in our own local community.
Lower School Celebrates Diwali
Diwali is known as the "Festival of Lights," and is celebrated for 3-5 days (beginning this year on November 11) by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains throughout the world. The name of the festival comes from the Sanskrit word "dipavali," meaning row of lights. 

The Lower School held a special Diwali celebration in Chapel on Monday morning. With the help of Chaplain Jennie, LS students taught the history of the holiday, read stories, and offered a variety of beautiful music and dance.  
Dorm Students Help Prepare Asian Breakfast
OES dorm students volunteered at Clay Street Table last week to help prepare an Asian Breakfast for 60 seniors from nearby subsidized housing. While making 400 dumplings, they also spoke with and learned from 1st-generation-immigrant seniors of Chinese and Korean heritage in the seniors' first (often only) language. OES has a long standing student-led relationship with Clay Street Table, and many of our Upper School students offer service there on a regular basis. Additionally, the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon provides funding for these breakfasts. 
Meet Our Employees: Jeff Hornick
LS/MS/US Instrumental
A nearly life-long resident of the Portland area, Jeff spent almost twenty years teaching in public schools in and around Portland before coming to OES last year.

Outside of school, Jeff and his wife, Betsy, both perform with the Oregon Symphonic Band. Jeff also conducts the Al Kader Shrine Temple Concert Band, the oldest continuously operating Shrine Concert Band in the world; the group just celebrated its 102nd anniversary.

Away from music Jeff likes to drive his car at race tracks throughout western Oregon and Washington and follow the Portland Timbers.

Please Note: In deference to the Thanksgiving holiday, no Aardvark will be published on Friday, November 27. Please follow our social media channels for OES news throughout the week.

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