"How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. 
I seek you with all my heart; 
do not let me stray from your commands. 
I have hidden your word in my heart 
that I might not sin against you."

Psalms 119:9-11


"I am the vine; you are the branches. 
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5
In John 15:5, Jesus compares our relationship with God to a vine with branches and fruit. We have to be connected to God in order to grow in our relationship with Him.
As Christians we are called to be in a constant relationship with Christ.  Like any other relationship in your life, we have to commit to putting in time and effort in order to draw closer to God. We must be connected to God to be a faithful follower of His and to be the best parent possible.  Not only do we encourage you to have a daily quiet time, but also to let your children "catch you" spending time with God.  This helps them see the importance of studying the Bible and that it is not just something you are asking them to do, but instead, is what God asks of all of His followers no matter their age or faith story.
There are many important school projects and extracurricular activities that you work on or practice with your child. However, there is nothing more important than sitting down with them and teaching them how to study God's Word and pray to Him.  You should not only model this for them, but also teach them how.  Find time to spend together every day as a family doing a devotion.  While this may look different for every family, setting aside time to dive into God's Truths together needs to be a priority.  There is no activity that will bring your family closer together than studying God's Word and spending time in prayer for one another.

In Him,
Cliff Cary & Sarah Stevens


How can you teach your child 
to study the Bible?


'Youth Culture Today' has a great series on 5 questions 
to ask yourself as you read Scripture. These questions are 
a great way to learn how to apply God's Word to your 
every day life.

Check out the 1-minute devo series here:

"Love the Lord your God 
with all your heart 
and with all your soul 
and with all your strength." 

Deuteronomy 6:5

How are you encouraging your child 
to put his/her relationship with God first?

It can be easy to over-commit your child and yourself, leaving your family so tired that spending time with God just never seems to happen. As a parent, you are responsible for your child's schedule. Show them how to make church a priority; teach them how to study the Bible; model for them what it looks like to put God first in all you do.

The things we put before our relationship with God will quickly become idols.  When we consistently put sports, academics, friends, recitals, etc. first, our relationship with God will inevitably grow stale.

Giving your child a firm foundation now and teaching him/her how to spend time with God each day (through both the good times and the difficult times) will help 
your child know how to keep God at the center of
 his/her life the older he/she gets. 

"No Time for God"
Beth is a busy student and is struggling to balance the many activities in her life. How might her life be different now had she already been in the habit of spending time with God every day? How could her parents step in and help her understand how to rearrange her priorities?

Watch this RightNow Media clip!


5 Tips for Helping Kids Learn to Pray
I Can Learn the Bible:
52 Verses Every Kid Should Know

"Word of God" Family Worship Videos
It can be hard to know how to best help your child know how to pray and understand the importance of praying. It's never too late or too early to show your child how to turn to God in every situation. This great article offers practical advice on helping your child learn 
to pray!
Check out the article here!  

Challenge your family to learn one verse each week of the year! This book gives a family devotion for each verse and talking points about the verse to use throughout the week--how can you apply it to your life? What is God saying or promising through this verse?
Get this family devotional here
Seeds Family Worship & RightNow Media present this great video series so that your family can learn songs (lyrics come straight from Scripture!) and hand motions to create a meaningful time 
of worship. 
Watch the 
videos here!
FBC has already paid
 for your RightNow Media subscription!  Sign up here!

Jesus Calling:
365 Devotions 
for Kids
The One Year Devotions for Boys
The One Year Designer Genes Devotional
This devotional book helps your child spend time with God every day! Each devotion is based on Scripture and is written as though Jesus were speaking directly to you!
Get this devotional book here

This daily devotional book does a great job of connecting with boys on a level they understand. Each devotion gives Scripture, a short story, and life application.
Get this devotional book for boys here!

This book gives daily devotionals geared just towards girls! Each day, the devotion leads girls to explore how 
God has created them uniquely 
in His image.
Get this 
devotional book for girls here!

Available in the Family Resource Center
We have monthly devotions available for everyone in your family!

Stand Firm& Journey
Daily Devotionals for
Adult Men & Women 

Daily Devotionals for 
Kids Ages 4-7

Daily Devotionals for
 Kids Ages 7-10

Bible Express
Daily Devotionals for Boys/Girls Ages 10 & up

We are here for you!
Please call or email us if you have any questions, 
would like additional resources, etc.

             Cliff Cary                                 Sarah Stevens
    Minister to Children        Associate Minister to Children    cliff@firstamarillo.org          sarah@firstamarillo.org

FBC Amarillo
1208 S. Tyler
(806) 373-2891
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Everyone who comments on these posts will be entered to win a giveaway!
 Please feel free to forward this email 
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