
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
"How, then, can they call on the one they have not
believed in? And how can they believe in the one
of whom they have not heard? And how can they
hear without someone preaching to them?"
Romans 10:14
FBC Amarillo is passionate about missions; in fact, at least 10% of FBC members will travel all over the world this summer to spread the love of Christ. Over 500 of our members serve at various FBC-affiliated mission opportunities in Amarillo each week. God calls each of us to share His hope right where we are, wherever we are. God may call you or your child to serve overseas; He might call you or your child to start a church somewhere in the United States, or He might call your family to serve right where you are. Whether we are going on a mission trip or going to work/school, God has called us to go out and share His love with everyone we meet. We can trust Him to protect us and to help us know exactly what to say.
As a family, explore missions on the FBC Amarillo website. What organizations does FBC support in Amarillo? How many summer mission trips will take place this summer? What other ways does FBC 'do' missions in the U.S.? Overseas? Talk as a family about one way you could get involved with FBC Missions.
Missions can take place in a variety of ways and places,
and in this email, we'll explore ways your family can put missions into action every day. There's no better way to point your child towards Christ than by serving alongside of him/her.
In Him,
Cliff Cary & Sarah Stevens
Does 'Missions' mean handing out Bibles or tracts? Are all missionaries called to live in another country or city? Can we be missionaries right here in Amarillo? Missions is a lifestyle and can take place in many ways.
Missions means:
"Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another."
John 13:34-35
One of the easiest ways to share Christ with others is by loving each other! Our actions can sometimes do more witnessing than any words
we could come up with. Letting the joy of Christ's love overflow into our attitudes, actions,
and words is a natural way to show how God
has changed your life.
--Going out of your way to put others first
--Treating everyone fairly
--Encouraging and building up others
"Because of your service, men will praise God for the obedience
that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for
your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else."
2 Corinthians 9:13
God has given each of us skills and talents.
We are all good at something, and we can use those abilities to help others. Helping others means that we're doing missions by using what we
have to serve others.
--Using construction skills to help a neighbor
--Using your math skills to help a classmate who doesn't understand the assignment --Raking the leaves for your elderly neighbor
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
Mark 16:15
Missions can also take place when we intentionally go somewhere with the specific purpose of sharing Christ (on a mission trip,
service project, etc.). We can go to another country or state---or we can even go
somewhere in our own city!
--Traveling away from home on a mission trip
--Moving to another city, state, or country
to start a church
--Taking chalk/balls/jump ropes to an apartment complex in your city and inviting kids to play
Why should we go on mission trips or go out into Amarillo and share God's love?
| ...Because of God's love.
"This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:19 |
| ...If you believe Christ died for all people.
"For Christ's love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: if One died for all, then all died... Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ: certain that God is appealing through us, we plead on Christ's behalf, 'Be reconciled to God.'" 2 Corinthians 5:14 & 20 |
| ...So that every nation, tribe, people, and language can join in worshiping God.
"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96:3 |
"Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do
something in your days that you would
not believe, even if you were told."
Habakkuk 1:5
Missions is a family thing! How can your family learn to love missions? Check out these resources, and find a missions opportunity that makes your family excited to serve!
The Water Project
"Step Into My Shoes"
Compassion International gives you the chance to sponsor and build a relationship with a child living in poverty. You have the option of choosing the age of your sponsored child; sponsoring a child close to the same age as your child is a great opportunity for your child to see what life is like growing up in another country and culture. Your family will be able to exchange letters and pictures with your sponsored child.
Learn more about Compassion International here!
The Water Project provides clean, safe water in sub-Saharan African communities. They help dig wells, construct small dams, and learn proper sanitation and hygiene practices. Their "Water Challenge" encourages families to drink only water for 2 weeks. At the end of those two weeks, donate the money you would have spent on cokes, coffee, etc. to fund a new water project.
Learn more about "The Water Challenge" and other ways to get involved with The Water Project here!
The "Step Into My Shoes" Family Kit allows families to understand the daily life of a Ugandan pastor's family as they gather water, prepare food, find safety when they sleep, go to school, and enjoy life together. Activities consist of 10-minute devotionals and hands-on activities and projects.
Learn more about "Step Into My Shoes" or order your Family Kit here!
"God's Love
For You" Bible Storybook
"Life On
by David Platt
Be On Mission: Mission Project Locator
This storybook teaches favorite Bible stories followed by current stories of people sharing God's love. Your children will learn how much God loves them and will begin to see the world through His eyes and to love the people in it as He does. Each story includes vivid photos of people and places around the world and educational facts about countries and cultures.
Check out a copy from Cliff's Office
"Life On Mission" is an online study through RightNow Media. The study consists of 4 twenty-minute sessions geared towards older children and youth. In each session, David Platt and D.A. Horton provide powerful teaching from Scripture that helps teens see how they can intentionally live on mission.
*Real-life stories in the sessions contain some mature content. Preview the session beforehand or take the Scripture explanations given and adapt to your children apart from the videos.
Watch the
Don't have RightNow Media? Sign up here!
Looking for ways to serve in the U.S.?
In Texas?
This interactive map shows missions opportunities all over the world--even right here in Texas! You can search mission projects by Location, Category, and/or Duration. Look at this map as a family. Are there any you could volunteer for? Are any of the options in the 'Category' menu surprising to you? Which mission projects can you commit to
pray for?
Check out the Mission Project Locator here!
Want to know how your family can pray for missionaries? Check out PrayerConnect to see specific prayer requests from missionaries all over North America.
We are here for you!
Please call or email us if you have any questions,
would like additional resources, etc.
Cliff Cary Sarah Stevens
FBC Amarillo
1208 S. Tyler
(806) 373-2891