"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Hebrews 10:24-25

Q&A with Dr.  Batson
We sat down with Pastor Howie to discuss the role of church in the lives of our children and our families. Watch to see what he had to say!


"Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain,
for the Lord our God is holy."

Psalm 99:9


We are called by God to worship Him, and more specifically, to corporately worship Him together with other Believers. Odds are that we won't meet to worship at a mountain like the verse above mentions, but we are still called to gather together and worship God. 


Imagine this: 

Your child excitedly comes to you saying that he/she is finally ready to learn to swim! You go to the store together to pick out a swimsuit, fun floaties, goggles, and the other swimming necessities. You get them as prepared as possible to learn to swim. As they begin to swim, you stay close by, making sure that they know how to kick their feet and hold their breath. You want to make sure they know what they're doing before you let them go into the water alone. 


Just as you wouldn't let your child jump into a swimming pool without the proper training, you wouldn't send your child into life without making sure that they are equipped with a spiritual foundation. As a parent, it is your role to be the spiritual leader for your child. However, the church was meant to partner together with you to walk alongside of your family throughout your child's spiritual development.


There should be no greater appointment in your family's schedule than attending church together each Sunday and Wednesday. It is a joy to walk alongside of your family as we partner together to give your child a solid spiritual foundation.


In Him,

Cliff Cary & Sarah Stevens 


In this book, Dr. Tim Kimmel shows how churches and parents can work together in a grace-based partnership to make each other's efforts more impactful. He asserts that both the church and 
the family are God's plan to build His kingdom 
and that churches and families are designed to work together.
This insightful book explains the importance of teaching your child how to worship. Whether your children have grown up in church or are just now starting, this book will help you know how to explain why we worship and give practical advice for guiding your children in worship! 
Pick up a free copy of this book in Cliff's Office!


RightNow Media presents this series by 
Louie Giglio. This 4-session study explores how 
we are the Church and explains how we are called live in a way that reflects God's faithfulness and love. As the Church, we are called to carry out the Gospel as a community of believers.
Don't have access to RightNow Media? 
Sign up here and we'll send you an invitation!
"Learning As They Grow: Biblical Concepts for Each Stage of a Child's Life"
This booklet is a great resource for understanding the different levels of Biblical learning your child will go through. This brochure will help you know how to address certain topics (God, Self, Salvation, etc.) in an age-appropriate way.
Pick up a free brochure in Cliff's Office!

During Pastor's Pals
your child receives a worksheet that has activities that usually go along with Pastor Howie's sermon. These are 
a great way to talk 
about each Sunday's sermon with your child!


 The Family Connection Card your child brings home lets you know what each Sunday School 
lesson is about. 
These are a great tool 
for continuing Sunday 
morning conversations
during the rest of 
the week!
 FBC recently promoted 
"Family Roadmap" 
to show how each 
FBC ministry wants to partner with parents throughout their child's spiritual growth. The "Family Roadmap" 
also helps you understand the purpose of each ministry area at FBC. 
Download one  here!
Looking for some family activities to do together?
Try some of these!

FBC Amarillo "I Spy"
Work together 
as a family to 
complete these tasks and learn more about our church home!
Download the 
"I Spy" list here!

Take turns answering

these questions:

"My favorite thing 
about our church is..." 

"I think church is important because..."

 Talk as a family about people you know who don't attend church. Work together to make a list of ways you can invite them to FBC.

  "If you wake up on Sunday mornings and your kids ask if you are 
going to church, then you 
have already lost the battle."
-Howie Batson

No matter how regular or sporadic your church attendance has been, it's never too late to commit to making family worship a priority!
 Want to learn more about why church attendance and family worship are so important to your child's spiritual development? 
Check out Pastor Howie's 3-part sermon series from September 2014.
Family Matters, Part 1: Listen here
Family Matters, Part 2: Listen here
Family Matters, Part 3: Watch here
                                                                   (Sermon begins @ 30:10)

We are here for you!
Please call or email us if you have any questions, 
would like additional resources, etc.

             Cliff Cary                                 Sarah Stevens
    Minister to Children        Associate Minister to Children    cliff@firstamarillo.org          sarah@firstamarillo.org

FBC Amarillo
1208 S. Tyler
(806) 373-2891
Join the conversation!
Each month, we will post a conversation starter about our most recent email topic on our Facebook page. This will be a great way to hear advice and opinions from other families! 
Anyone who comments on these posts will be entered to win a giveaway!
 Please feel free to forward this email 
to friends & family!