
As 2015 begins, we are so excited to bring you this new email series, "Have You Talked To Your Kids About..." We hope that these emails give you the resources you need to start important conversations with your child about these topics.

You've probably heard us say this often, but you are the best spiritual leader your child has. Praying with and for your child, being at church each Sunday/Wednesday, teaching them the importance of Scripture, and showing them how Christ has called us to love others are all great ways to be an example and leader for your child. Make 2015 Count; commit this year to God, and work together as a family to serve others, to share Christ's love freely, and to grow in your relationship with God. 

While you are your child's primary spiritual leader, we are absolutely here to partner with you and help you and your family in any way that we can. If you have questions about the resources provided in these emails, would like additional resources, or would like to set a time to meet with us, then please do not hesitate to call or email us! We are here for you.

We are so blessed to have you and your family in our Children's Ministry! We pray that 2015 brings you closer together as a family and that God moves in each of your lives in powerful ways. We are so excited to see what great things God has in store for your family this year!

In Him,
Cliff Cary & Sarah Stevens

Interested in resources about being your child's spiritual leader?
We recommend:
Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel
Pray Big for Your Child by Will Davis Jr.
Parenting Beyond Your Capacity by Reggie Joiner & Carey Nieuwhof
Leading Your Kids to Christ published by Freeman-Smith LLC.  
"There's nothing that makes 
you more insane than family. 
Or more happy. 
Or more exasperated. 
Or more secure."
        -Jim Butcher

Family is the most important part of a child's life. 


Family today can mean so many different things.  Our society continues to change the definition of 'family.'  The important thing for you, as Christian parents, stepparents, and grandparents  to remember is that God instructs you to lead your children to Him.  Through your words and actions, your child will understand the greatness of our God, the power that He has, and the grace and forgiveness He freely gives. 


In the busyness of your days as a family, it is easy to get caught up in schedules, parties, games, recitals, and meetings, and it becomes easy to forgo that meaningful family time you'd been planning on. Your children are looking to you to show them the importance of family, to show them what Biblical family should look like. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it."  This verse establishes you, the parent, as the spiritual leader of your child. Your ultimate goal, then, as leaders of your family, is not ensuring that your children will be successful with a high paying job 

or training your child to become a pro athlete. Instead, 

you are instructed to lead them to Christ, to help them understand 

the hope we have because of His death and resurrection.


Deuteronomy 6:4-7 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." 

From the very beginning (even with Adam and Eve), God establishes 

that families are created to worship, to hold each other accountable, and to point each other back to His commands. As Deuteronomy 6:4-7 says, God's word is to be at the center of everything we do as a family, and as your children's spiritual leader, it is up to you to 

"impress those on your children".  They look up to you and yearn for your leadership and direction. Families, though they can be messy and complicated, are gifts from God.


As we begin a new year commit to Make 2015 Count by making your family a priority. What fun activities could you do together as a family? How could your family serve our community? Our church? How can you rearrange your schedule to make meaningful family time a priority?



"The Gift of Family"

As a family, use these talking points to start conversations about family:

How would you 
define family?
How would you describe our family?
Parents: Our family
now is different than
my family growing
up because...
Parents: Our family now is similar to my family growing up because...
Why do you think
family is important?
My favorite thing
about our family is...
One thing I wish our family did more of is...
I think our family is special because...

"Raising Kids with
a Faith that Lasts"

RightNow Media presents this 6-session study focusing on how everyday conversations, family fun, and purposeful projects build spiritual foundations your son or daughter can rely on for a lifetime-
and beyond.


"Ten Commandments
for the Family"

RightNow Media presents this 22-minute devotion from Dr. Randy Carlson's
1 Corinthians 13-based principles that encourage and guide you in building
an intentional home
and family.
Part of the "Parenting in Blended Families" series, this article offers insight into qualities of effective stepparents, rewards and challenges of stepparenting, and how the parent and stepparent can work together to create a positive environment at home.
"Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids"
We love this devotion by Sarah Young! (In fact, kids who are baptized at FBC get one from us!) This book gives a devotion and scripture for each day of the year. These are great to do together as a family!


"I Can Learn the Bible:
52 Scriptures Every Kid Should Know"

This devotion encourages you and your child to work together to learn one verse each week and gives a devotion to help you understand and apply that verse to your life.
These gender-specific, 90-day devotions allow  boys and girls space to creatively explore and grow in their faith. Each devotion offers Scripture, thinking prompts, doodling space, interactive puzzles, and more. 
  Don't have access to RightNow Media?
Sign up here and we'll send you an invitation!
Looking for some family activities to do together?
Try some of these!

Take turns telling
each family member: "I'm glad you're in our family because..." 

Plan a family meal!
to cook together!

Use the Family Connection Card 
(or our Facebook page
to talk about each week's lesson and how to apply it to your life.
(For younger kids)
Draw a picture of
your family and talk about how each
person is a special
part of your home.

(For older kids)
Describe what makes your family different than other families
you know.

 Commit to serve together as a family.
Check out this list of volunteer opportunities. 
What else can you think of?

We are here for you!
Please call or email us if you have any questions, 
would like additional resources, etc.

             Cliff Cary                                 Sarah Stevens
    Minister to Children        Associate Minister to Children

FBC Amarillo
1208 S. Tyler
(806) 373-2891
 Please feel free to forward this email 
to friends & family!