FBC Children's Ministry

August Newsletter



What a great summer it's been! It's hard to believe that August is here and summer activities will begin to wind down soon. Be sure to check out what's happening this month--there's still a lot going on!

As a new school year quickly approaches, begin focusing now on how you can make a difference this year. Begin praying for your child's new class, classmates, and teacher. Commit to share the love of Christ with someone new, and watch for opportunities for your family to serve others.

We are so thankful that you and your family are a part of FBC. We will be praying as you make preparations for the new school year.

In Him,
Sarah Stevens
Associate Minister to Children

Declare his glory among the nations, 
his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalm 96:3

Upward Flag Football

Registration ends TOMORROW

Saturday, August 2


Completed K-5th grades
Cost: $85

Must attend evaluation at 
FBC Amarillo on Saturday, August 2 between 

 Sign up here or contact 
James Booth for more info!

FBC Family Night 

@ Wonderland 

Wednesday, August 6

Bring your whole family for a fun night at Wonderland! 
Tickets: $10

Mark your calendars!

More details coming soon!



5th/6th Grade Swim Party Tuesday, August 19

Completed 5th & 6th grades


Promotion Sunday

August 24


Wednesday Night Kickoff

August 27



 Summer Music & Arts Camp 

August 4-7
Completed K-5th grades
Cost: $50

There are still a few spots left! SMAC will be a fun-filled week of music activities, instruments, and art & creativity classes. Come learn how we can praise God with the musical and creative abilities He's given us!

Sign up here or contact 
Terrie Turner for more info!

Preteen Graduation 

Sunday, August 10


in The Link


Parents, come celebrate our Preteens as they promote into the Student Ministry!


Breakfast will be provided.

Summer Xtravaganza

Thursday, August 14

Completed 4th-6th grades
Cost: $10 
Drop-Off & Pick-Up @ Splash

Meet us at Splash for an afternoon of sun and fun! We'll provide water and a snack.

Sign up here by 
Sunday, August 10

Wednesday & Sunday Teachers Needed

We need teachers for both Sunday School and Wednesday Night Missions. This is a wonderful opportunity to invest in our children and make an eternal impact on their lives.
Please pray about how you can help!

 Cliff Cary                                         Sarah Stevens

cliff@firstamarillo.org                        sarah@firstamarillo.org