Vol. 6, Iss. 23 |
Sept. 8, 2016
Dear Parents,
Conversations About School When you think of parent involvement at BFA, do you envision moms and dads volunteering in the classroom, helping in the lunchroom or with carpool? Certainly, those are valuable ways to be involved, but research shows that supporting your child's education at home is extremely important as well. Following are four conversations that will help you stay involved with your child's education: "Let's see what you brought home today." Look at completed work whenever possible to see what your child is learning and how well they are doing. You could comment on their social studies work or their math progress. Make positive comments about their work and show that you are proud of them. "Show me what you have for homework." It is your child's job to do their homework, but you play a role too. Make sure your child knows what they are supposed to do by having them explain the assignments to you. After they finish, glance over the work to see that it is complete. "Describe a book you enjoyed today." This gives you an idea of what your child prefers to read. Then, build a daily reading habit by asking what they would like to read tonight. Encourage their reading and listening skills by reading aloud with them and letting them read to you. "Tell me what you learned that you would like to know more about." Use your child's interest as a jumping-off point for activities to share. If your child likes geometry, you might do tangrams together. If they are fascinated by a lesson they learned in science, talk more about it with them and look for ways to explore their interests. |
Drum Roll Please.... Newly elected Student Council members ( President Jack O'Hara, Vice President Caitlin Leonard, Secretary Grace Dunkleberger and Treasurer Ben Velasco) are proud to announce the line up for our second annual Spirit Week! It begins next Monday, Sept. 12, and runs through Friday, Sept. 16. Each day will be filled with fun and school spirit! Students are encouraged to participate and arrive to school dressed according to the theme assigned to each day of the week; however, if a student chooses not to participate, s/he must come dressed in his/her school uniform.
Following are the BFA Spirit Week themes/costumes assigned to each day of the week:
- Monday, Sept. 12: Sports Jersey Day!
- Tuesday, Sept. 13: Movie Star Day - Dress as your favorite movie character!
- Wednesday, Sept. 14: Wacky Wednesday - Get wacky with your hair, wear mismatched clothes and feel free to be silly!
- Thursday, Sept. 15: Grade Level Color Day - Dress in the color assigned to your grade.
- Friday, Sept. 16: Our favorite, Decade Day - Pick your favorite decade and dress to impress.
If you notice your student cleaning out all the change in your car, or breaking open their piggy bank--don't fret. Students from the middle school Party Planning Elective are hosting a bake sale from 7:30 - 8:10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 9, in the main hallway. The Party Planning Elective plans parties for the entire middle school student body and this is their only fundraising opportunity for the year. Please support their efforts tomorrow!
We have seen an increase in parents picking up their children well after the end of school at 3:30 p.m. This impacts the teachers, volunteers and your student. Please be on school property no later then 3:50 p.m. as this allows your carpool tag to be properly scanned. Keep in mind, if you are not on property by the end of carpool, your student(s) will be sent to BASE and you will need to pay the corresponding fee.
Be sure to invite grandparents to join us for the annual Goodies with Grandparents event. Grandparents and students will enjoy coffee, juice and light treats from 7 - 8 a.m., Friday, Sept. 16, in the BFA gym. Volunteers are essential to ensure the success of this wonderful event so sign up today to help.
BFA is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2017-18 school year. If you wish to enroll a sibling of a student currently enrolled at BFA (grades K-8), please complete the following steps:
Submit an Enrollment Application form online by clicking here; and
Email Rachelle Patterson, registrar, by Monday, Oct. 31.
Please note, applications received after this deadline may not receive priority enrollment. In fact, there is a chance you may lose your spot all together.
Parents interested in joining the BFA family are welcome to tour the school Wednesdays in September. Tours begin at 9 a.m. each Wednesday and will be lead by a member of BFA's administrative team. New families--please remember to bring your driver's license and check in a few minutes before the tour is scheduled to begin.
Ms. Johnson is offering a wide array of music programs again this year. Junior Choir (grades 1- 2), Choir (grades 3-8), as well as Beginning and Intermediate Band (grades 4-8) will begin the week of Sept. 19. Sign up today! If you have questions, email Ms. Johnson or click here for a flier with more details.
The BFA library, in partnership with Tattered Cover Book Store, will be hosting author/illustrator Mike Curato at an assembly for grades K-2 on Monday, Sept 19. Curato is the author and illustrator of everyone's favorite polka-dotted elephant, "Little Elliot." Order forms for his books, which are now available in the library, will be coming home in Thursday folders. There will be time after the assembly for Curato to autograph your child's copy. If your student would like an opportunity to introduce the author at the assembly, have him/her write an introduction and submit it to their teacher. One lucky winner will be selected.
Recently, we introduced the BFA School Safety Patrol, a program where middle school kids can volunteer to help direct children during morning and afternoon carpool. Students provide assistance to other kids as they get into/out of their vehicles and will help escort younger kids to classrooms as necessary. This is an opportunity for middle school kids to gain safety awareness while enhancing their leadership, teamwork and peer-to-peer communications skills. To find out more, click here or email Mr. Emmons. If your middle school student would like to join the Safety Patrol Program, apply today!
The BFA Board recently created an Arts Committee as part of our commitment to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). This committee will work closely with the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Committee to further integrate visual and performing arts into our curriculum and after school activities.
Our hope is to build students' ability to creatively innovate while also fostering an appreciation of a wide variety of arts. We will meet at 5 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month in the Art Room. Our next meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 21. Please join us or send an email to learn more about how you can help support the Arts at BFA!
Have you purchased a Select Rewards coupon book yet? If you would like to purchase a Select Rewards book and support the eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip please email Tiffanie Vaught.
Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to help earn cash for our school. Each one is worth 10 cents for our school! Just look for the pink Box Top on hundreds of products, neatly clip them and send them to school in a baggie with your child's name and classroom. (To avoid waste, we are not distributing individual bags or collection sheets this year.) There will be small prizes throughout the year, so keep clipping! Click here for a flier with more information. The first collection date is Wednesday, Sept. 14.
Last school year, we earned $3,187.50 for our school from Box Tops! Since BFA opened its doors, we have earned $17,296.10! That's amazing when you think that each little Box Top is worth 10 cents! This school year, our goal is to earn $4,000. Let's get it done!
Thanks to those who participated in the Parent Teacher Organization's parking space and priority seating auction last month. You helped raise more than $5,500, which will be used to support BFA and our students.
It's time for the 5th Annual Mountain Vista Elementary Cross Country race! Kids in grades 3 - 6, come race against the other elementary runners in our area. The race is at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at the Mountain Vista High School (MVHS) Cross Country (XC) course. Warm up with the MVHS four-time cross-country state champions! All racers will receive a Vista Nation XC t-shirt and a finishers medal. We have ribbons for the top 10 boys and girls in each race. Start training now! Registrations and fees ($10) are due on Wednesday, Sept. 28, to Mrs. Bauer. Late and walk-up registrations are $15. Click here for more information or email Mrs. Bauer. You are also welcome to email Vista Team Parent, Kimberly Romine, with questions.
Our students have done really well in this race in the past! You do not have to be in Mountain Vista's direct feeder area to run with us. It is always fun to see so many BFA students out there running! Go BFA Runners! Click here for the registration form and return it to Mrs. Bauer.
Did you know you can earn money for BFA each time you shop at King Soopers and Safeway? And did you know you can order your King Soopers and Safeway cards online via the BFA Store?
To obtain a grocery gift card, click here or go to the BFA Store
, click on Grocery Cards and order your King Soopers and/or Safeway card. The cards are pre-loaded with $5. When ordering, be sure to include your FIRST/LAST NAME and FULL MAILING ADDRESS. Your King Soopers/ Safeway card(s) will be mailed directly to the address you provide. Once the order is received, please allow five business days for processing.
The King Soopers and Safeway fundraising programs donate 5 percent of your purchases back to the school. All you have to do is re-load your King Soopers or Safeway gift card at customer service OR the register before you scan your first item. Buy your groceries, gasoline at fuel centers, lottery tickets and postage stamps while helping BFA at the same time! (Safeway gift cards also can be used at Albertson's locations.) BFA raised more than $5,500 last year!
For more information or questions, email Amy Sunahara, Grocery Card Coordinator.
Please remember your driver's license the first time you come to the school to volunteer or attend a meeting. For safety reasons, every person who enters the school needs to have their driver's license scanned each school year. Please keep in mind, this is also a requirement for any friends or relatives who would like to enter the school.
Attention Parents! Mark your calendars for three opportunities for Parent's Night Out childcare:
Details to follow shortly.
Celebrating birthdays at BFA is fun! For $10, your child will receive the following:
A bag full of goodies, such as erasers, pencils, bouncy balls, etc. (no food or candy will be in the bags) delivered to their classroom by eighth graders
A personalized note from you (if requested)
Eighth graders singing happy birthday to your child in his/her classroom while delivering the bag
Did your student already celebrate his/her birthday? Is his/her birthday in the summer? We also will deliver "unbirthday bags" for students who have already celebrated their birthday or "half-birthday bags" for summer birthdays.
Thank you for supporting the eighth graders' trip to Washington, D.C.!
To order your birthday bags, click here. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Simpson.
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) highlights one (or more) volunteer(s) each month who has gone above and beyond in his/her contributions to the school. This volunteer receives recognition in this newsletter and on the school website. S/he also has the privilege to park in one of our reserved parking spaces.
For September, the PTO has chosen Sarah Nisbet. Sarah is a busy Mom of 3 girls: Lana in second grade, Kaylee in the preschool 4-year-old class, and Felicity, age 2. They love hiking and biking with their dog, Logan, and enjoying everything Colorado has to offer.
Sarah has served as Vice Chair for the SAC (Student Accountability Committee) and is now the Chair. In these roles, she has helped put together the Parent and Student Surveys and presented findings to the Board.
What Sarah likes best about BFA is, "the numerous ways to be involved and to have a Board and Administration that listens to our parents and students to make positive changes. As a former Kindergarten teacher I know the benefits of a school with a strong parent volunteer program. We make this school a better place for our children, teachers, and staff."
Thank you so much, Sarah - you're an asset to BFA!
The middle school party planning elective is hosting a Bake Sale from 7:30 - 8:10 a.m. this Friday in the main hallway.
Each day will be filled with fun and school spirit! Students are encouraged to participate and arrive at school dressed according to the theme assigned to each day of the week; however, if a student chooses not to participate, s/he must come dressed in his/her school uniform. Following is the schedule for next week:
- Monday, Sept. 12: Sports Jersey Day!
- Tuesday, Sept. 13: Movie Star Day - Dress as your favorite movie character.
- Wednesday, Sept. 14: Wacky Wednesday - Get wacky with your hair, outfit and feel free to be silly!
- Thursday, Sept. 15: Grade Level Color Day - Dress according to the color assigned to your grade.
- Friday, Sept. 16: Our favorite, Decade Day - Pick your favorite decade and dress to impress.
The Finance Committee is meeting from 5 - 6 p.m. in the Library on Monday, Sept. 12.
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is hosting a New Family Meet and Greet from 5-7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 12, at Old Blinking Light (9344 Dorchester St., Highlands Ranch).
The BFA Board of Directors is meeting at 5:30 next Tuesday, Sept. 13, in the BFA Library.
Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to help earn money for our school. We will be collecting Box Tops one Wednesday each month throughout the year. Wednesday, Sept. 14, is our first collection date; please send in your box tops in a sealed baggie with a label indicating your child's name and classroom. Our next Box Tops collection date is Oct. 19.
There is an informational meeting about the eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip from 6 - 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14, in the Middle School Commons.
The School Accountability Committee (SAC) is meeting from 4:10 - 5:10 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 15, in the BFA Conference Room.
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is meeting 6:30 - 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15, in the Sanders Science Lab. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Grandparents and students will enjoy coffee, juice and light treats from 7 - 8 a.m., Friday, Sept. 16, in the BFA gym.
You can choose from THREE games, with a portion of proceeds of each ticket supporting Douglas County schools.
Friday, Sept. 16 vs. San Diego Padres at 6:40 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 vs. San Diego Padres at 6:10 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18 vs. San Diego Padres at 2:10 p.m.
Tickets starting at $10! Check out the flier, or click here to purchase tickets.
Douglas County Educational Foundation is sponsoring a Community Night with the Colorado Rapids. The Rapids are playing the San Jose Earthquakes at 7 p.m. next Saturday, Sept. 17, at Dick's Sporting Goods Park. Tickets are $26 each and a portion of your tickets will benefit the school of your choice. Tickets available online. For more information, check out this flier or email Amanda Dennis.
Ben Franklin Academy 2270 Plaza Drive Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 |
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.