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Ben Franklin Academy NewsletterVol. 5, Iss. 33
December 2015
In This Issue
:: Principal's Q&A | Hour of Code | Lunch Menu/Snow Day | BFA in Ultramarathon | Featured Special: Technology
:: Pumpkin Chunkin' Update | BENefit Bash Online Auction | BFA Sponsors | MS Sports Photos Needed
:: Apple Award Reps | Yearbook Sales/Dedications | Ben's Brigade Social | Restaurant Night
:: Bus Passes Available | DCEF Events | Birthday Bags | Calendar
Social Media
Dear Parents, 

Social Media

"The pen is mightier than the sword." Many people are familiar with this phrase that was coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839. The idea behind this phrase is to indicate that communication is a more effective tool than violence. There is no denying the power of the written word. While the original phrase was coined so long ago, I feel an updated version of it might be, "The keyboard is mightier than the pen."

As you know, social media is any form of online publication or presence that allows end users to engage in multi-directional conversations. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snap Chat, blogs and the countless other social media outlets are readily available to anyone with a computer, cell phone or other personal electronic device. The value of using social media is undeniable. It is a great way to catch up with long lost friends, brag about your children for their various accomplishments, show pictures of your latest adventures and countless other things.
Social media is a powerful communication tool. There really is no other way to reach the magnitude of people in such a short time. Information can be pushed out to thousands of people in a matter of seconds. As with anything that is so prevalent in our society, there is great potential to misuse social media. Ben Franklin Academy is fortunate to have multiple communication outlets to inform parents about the school, events at school, homework and general information.
Lately, I have seen an increased number of posts on Facebook that are critical of teachers or grade level. Posts are made that range from not entirely accurate to completely inaccurate. Unfortunately, these posts gain a following with other people commenting and/or expressing their support for the author by agreeing with his/her displeasure about a teacher or grade level. Many times the information posted is based on a frustration an individual is having; however, there are times when the information is inaccurate and could have been solved by contacting the teacher first. 

As a reminder, BFA's Parent Communication policy states:  
If a parent has questions or concerns pertaining to classroom practices, discipline issues, academic programs or his/her student, the parent should:
  1. Directly contact the teacher or staff member (if unsure which teacher to address, the parent should start with the student's homeroom teacher) regarding the issue by email. The teacher or staff member will return contact within 48 hours. The parent may not proceed to step 2 until this discussion has taken place.
  2. If the issue cannot be resolved at the teacher or staff level, the parent should next discuss the issue with the Assistant Principal or Principal.
  3. If the issue cannot be resolved by the Assistant Principal or Principal, the parent should next contact the BFA Board of Directors (Board) President.
In almost all cases, an issue that is posted on social media could have been solved or explained by reaching out to the teacher first. All of the teachers at BFA work very hard to provide an outstanding education for every student in the building. While legitimate concerns can arise, it is hurtful and unfair for the teachers to read negative comments on social media and to see people piggyback on the comments - especially comments that are inaccurate. Please address your concerns with the teacher first, and save the social media to praise and brag about your child's teacher. The negative posts bring down the morale of the teachers who truly go above and beyond in what they plan and do for the students every day. Thank you to the great number of people who do post positive comments about the teachers and the school.
To conclude, I offer the following as a common code of online conduct:
  • Be transparent. Do not misrepresent who you are. Never assume the identity of another person.
  • Be reflective. Think before you communicate online. If you are upset or angry, give yourself time to calm down. Consider whether a negative communication you receive even requires a response. If it does, respond factually, not emotionally.
  • Be respectful. Employees, parents and students are a diverse group of people with many different customs, viewpoints and beliefs. Communications that are racist, threatening or bullying are never appropriate. Broad generalizations ("all teachers ...," "all students ...") are almost never accurate.
  • Be factual. Add to the information available to others, not just the noise.
  • Write well. In a school environment, everyone should try to express themselves effectively. Re-read your posts or emails for form and content. Check spelling, avoid slang and do not use excessive abbreviations. Use proper grammar, capitalization and punctuation. Send a polished communication, not a confused draft.
  • Own your mistakes. If you make a mistake, correct it. If another calls you on a mistake, own up to it. Apologize, if an apology is due.
  • Keep confidences. Do not violate the privacy of others. Social media may seem private, but it is both public and durable - many people you don't know are likely to see what you write or post, and it may last for a very, very long time.
  • Make proper attributions. Follow copyright law and fair use protocols. When quoting or relying on another's work, make a proper citation to your source. When using a hyperlink, double check that it goes to the correct place and to appropriate content.
  • Be smart. People often share too much information electronically. People who reveal the names of their pets, parents, children or other details may give hackers the clues to passwords. Information about planned vacations can be used by burglars. Think about how information can be used and misused.
  • Behavior that is Unacceptable in Person is Unacceptable Online. If you would not say it in person, do not say it online.
  • Discourage Rumors. Do not rely upon or pass on unsubstantiated information or gossip. If information seems unlikely and inflammatory, it is most likely untrue and inflammatory. When in doubt, go directly to the source.
  • Respect Confidentiality. Many personnel issues and many issues involving other families and students are legitimately confidential (and many are confidential by law). Do not share information about others if you would not like that information shared about you.
  • Debate Issues Constructively. Schools often face legitimate controversies. BFA respects and solicits parent voices in addressing such issues. Effective arguments are usually civil, measured, well-supported and take into account the legitimate reasons for opposing views. Ineffective arguments are abusive, disrespectful of others and marked by hyperbole or factual carelessness.
I close by issuing you a challenge. This is the season of holiday cheer and of giving. Please give your child's teacher a positive shout out via social media. Hearing or reading about compliments and kudos really does raise one's spirits and are well deserved.
I will start the challenge by commenting on items I feel contribute to the amazing culture we have at BFA. Culture is hard to define, but you definitely feel it when you are at the school. My comments are as follows: 
  • Thank you to all of the staff at BFA. It is truly the best staff anyone could hope for. Their hard work and dedication to the students is unparalleled.
  • My compliments to the parents of all of our students. You have made a choice to send your child to Ben Franklin Academy. You wanted something better for your child and put in the extra effort to get your child to school each day.
  • What an amazing group of kids we have at BFA. Students range in ages from 3 to 14 years old. They work hard every day and have helped create a school environment where everyone is welcome.
FAQ Principal's Q&A    
The next Principal's Q&A is scheduled for 8:30 a.m., TOMORROW, Friday, Dec. 4, in the library. We look forward to seeing you there! 
Hot Lunch Changes in Lunch Menu After Snow Day     
We had a rare event the week before Thanksgiving Break - a snow day! As this was our first snow day while using DCSD Nutrition Services, we learned that when a snow day occurs, the school lunch menu will be shifted back one day the rest of the week. More than one parent sent a kiddo to school for the waffle hot lunch on Friday and learned they were actually serving bosco sticks.  Whoops! It was a learning experience for all of us, and we will send out a reminder in the event we have another snow day this winter. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Healthy Schools
BFA to Participate in Ultramarathon
Congratulations to the families who signed up to take the Ultramarathon Challenge over Thanksgiving Break! So many miles were logged by BFA families! We are so proud.

We are so excited to be a part of the Douglas County School District's (DCSD) Healthy Schools Move Ultramarathon. BFA is one of 10 schools chosen to participate in the Ultramarathon. BFA is challenging its students, parents and staff members to each accumulate 100 miles of movement between now and May.

The signup and tracking is all completed online. It is a really cool program that not only helps you track your movement, but can help you with other healthy choices. There are some fun games students can play as they get to certain levels. Throughout the school year, we will have a few extra challenges (e.g., small competitions with other schools) to get everyone moving a bit more and tracking their healthy choices. We would love to have each BFA student and his/her family sign up for the challenge. If you have not registered yet, click here. Go to the DCSD Healthy Schools Move 2015 section and click on the "Click Here to Register" link. After you register, you will be sent an email letting you know how to log your miles.

If you signed up over Thanksgiving Break and logged hours, email Mrs. Bauer with how many miles your family accumulated so they can be acknowledged. For more information and to register, please click here.  
Pumpkin Chunkin1 Pumpkin Chunkin'
Students in all grades witnessed flying pumpkins that were launched from a trebuchet and catapult on Nov. 13. The event showcased the BFA Pumpkin Chunkin' Club's work this past September and featured Colorado Punkin Chunkin' record holder John Heffelfinger and his medieval machines. The fun day ended with pumpkin pie eating contest for the eighth graders!
Pumpkin Chunkin2
BENefit Bash BENefit Bash 2015
Online Auction

Get ready for the online auction portion of the BENefit Bash! The online auction will run from Monday, Dec. 7, through Monday, Dec. 14, and offers many fantastic items available for purchase including the following: Reserved monthly parking, Warriors, restaurant gift cards, photo sessions, family activities, salon items and many more fun things for the whole family. The bidding works similar to eBay. This is a great option for families who were unable to attend the Bash but would still like to support BFA. Click here to browse the catalog. You also can share the link with friends and family who would like to support BFA. 
Donate Your Bash Baskets BACK to BFA!
If you have name badge holders or extra baskets from the BENefit Bash, please bring them to school and place them in the collection box. We'll save these items for the next auction. Thank you!
thank you
Thanks to our BFA Sponsors!
Urgent Need for Middle School Sports Yearbook Photos
Calling for ALL boys' BFA middle school soccer and basketball pictures! We need some for the yearbook. Please email them to Ms. Goldin
Yearbook Order Your Yearbook      
  • $31 Yearbook Deadline: Now through Monday, Feb. 29, 2016
  • $36 Yearbook Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, through TBD, depending on availability
Yearbook Yearbook Dedications       
'Tis the season to purchase your yearbook dedication! Make sure your special message is printed in the "Just Do It" 2015-16 yearbook. Don't miss the deadline!
  • Yearbook Dedications Deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016
  • Go to  
  • Type: Ben Franklin Academy. Click on the link.
  • Select: Buy a personal ad.
  • Select: Have the school design my ad.
  • Select from the following options:
    • Grades K-7: Select option "Size: 1/16 Price: $10." This is a word dedication ONLY - NO PHOTO
    • Grade 8: Select option "Size: 1/8 Price $15." This is a word AND picture dedication.
  • Fill out the word dedication per instructions and upload a photo if applicable.
  • Make your payment.
Order both yearbooks and dedications by clicking here.
DCEF Upcoming DCEF Events   
The Douglas County Educational Foundation (DCEF) has scheduled all of its special events for 2016 starting in January at the National Western Stock Show. To purchase tickets, click here and scroll down to the "What's Coming Up Next" section. For a list of all of the events, click here.
Birthday Bags

Celebrating birthdays at BFA just got more fun! For $10, your child will receive the following:
  • A bag full of goodies, such as erasers, pencils, bouncy balls, etc. (no food or candy will be in the bags) delivered to their classroom by eighth graders

  • A birthday certificate for a free bake sale item at the next bake sale

  • A personalized note from you (if requested)

  • Eighth graders singing happy birthday to your child in his/her classroom while delivering the bag

Did your student already celebrate his/her birthday? Is his/her birthday in the summer? We also will deliver "unbirthday bags" for students who have already celebrated their birthday or "half-birthday bags" for summer birthdays. 

Thank you for supporting the eighth graders' trip to Washington, D.C.!

To order your birthday bags, click here. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Simpson.          
HourofCode Hour of Code       
The Hour of Code is back this year at BFA! The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180-plus countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. One-hour tutorials are available in more than 40 languages. No experience is needed and anyone aged 4 to 104 can participate.   

This year, Mrs. Ward and Ms. Goldin have extended it to three weeks. The first week (this week), K-5 students will be working hands on in the science lab learning how to problem solve and receive background information on computer science. During the week of Dec. 7, all students in first through eighth grades will complete one of the One Hour of Code tutorials; kindergartners will work with a new addition this year called Bee Bots. In the third and final week, K-5 students will get to try out more tutorials and go "Beyond One Hour" because we felt one hour was just not enough! As a token of their accomplishment, students will receive an Hour of Code bracelet. To learn more, visit
Technology: Featured BFA Special of the Week
Each week in this newsletter, we highlight one of BFA's Specials and what each grade in the school is learning in that particular Special. This week, we are focusing on Technology. (You can always find information about BFA's Specials by clicking here.)

Kindergarten: Students continue to log into ABC Mouse and have become independent learners on this website. They have been introduced to a new website, Teach Your Monster How To Read. Also, students worked hard on Pixie with different Thanksgiving activities, such as designing their own Thanksgiving plate. Students learned about the stickers they can use on Pixie.
First Grade: Using Pixie, students made pictures of the first Thanksgiving. They are now working on individual slideshows on the ocean, labeling different fish and mammals that live in the ocean and adding a transition between slides, as well as background music! First graders continue to work through typing lessons as well.

Second Grade: Students practiced grammar using Sheppard Software, continue typing skills with Typing Instructor and are using Pixie to make pictures showing the different seasons, as well as holiday pictures in the coming weeks. Within Pixie, second graders paint with various brushes and tools, add text boxes, type labels and headings, learn what a font is (and how to change it) and many more of the vast options within the program.

Third Grade: While much time is spent on typing lessons and proper typing form, third graders also completed an introductory course on coding with At this level, programming lessons focus on logic and problem solving skills using animated puzzles. After finding a pattern in the puzzle, students learn to use repeat blocks to run the pattern a number of times, reduce lines of code and make their program more efficient. Students also use conditions (another basic programming skill) to run the loops, or repeat blocks, until a specific condition is met.
Fourth Grade: Congratulations to Ms. Harrison's class, who won the typing trophy for first trimester! Students are working through lessons using Typing Agent and goals are set for the end of each trimester. For the end of the second trimester, the goal is 16 words per minute on a test with the "skin" on the keyboard, which hides the letters, encouraging proper form. The class with the highest average words per minute (wpm) at the end of each trimester keeps the trophy in their classroom the following term. Students can work on lessons at home by logging into their account at A little practice at home helps tremendously! Remember to keep your hands on the home row keys!
Fifth Grade: Mr. Knudsen's class won the typing trophy for fifth grade, overtaking Mr. Macias' class the last week of the trimester! For fifth graders, the goal for the end of the second trimester is 22 wpm on a test with the skin on the keyboard. Students can easily improve their typing by working through lessons on at home, but they must keep their hands on the home row! As students start to type more frequently outside of Technology class, they are often tempted to not adhere to the proper form we practice, which takes a little longer to learn, but is faster and more accurate in the long run. The ability to type well is increasingly important as students head into middle school, so please encourage your child to keep their hands on the home row.
  • In Digital Photography, the emphasis of this class is on sharing pictures through slideshows, movies and online scrapbooks. Students learn file management as high resolution cameras can quickly consume gigabytes of storage. Advanced editing techniques, with both the Photos app on our iMacs and which is a free, online editor, are taught. Pictures taken over Thanksgiving Break will be transformed into dynamic slideshows using Animoto; photos from Winter Break will become festive scrapbooks on Shutterfly that can be ordered as hard copy books for family keepsakes. 
  • In Yearbook, the Yearbook crew is well into creating many spreads for the fall and winter events at BFA. We have completed the cover and are hard at work taking photos, editing and designing. We are patiently waiting on the new portrait pictures so we can add those in to the portrait spreads. Be sure to buy your yearbook and don't forget to submit an ad/dedication for your child. Email Yearbook if you have any questions!
  • In NewsCastingWe have a new newscasting team hard at work for the second trimester! They are working on their first show for the trimester. They are learning how to create their scripts, film their shows and edit using green screen. All shows can be found on Ms. Goldin's website. Students are also in the early stages of their children's book sequels. They are deciding on which sequel to create and beginning to write scripts using a Google document.


2016AppleAwards Apple Award Representatives    
Ms. Beth Konesky, technology teacher, and Mrs. Halsley Hoff, business manager, have been nominated and chosen to represent BFA at this year's Apple Awards. The Douglas County School District (DCSD) Apple Awards will honor the exemplary teachers, support staff and administration on Saturday, March 5. Congratulations! 
BensBrigade Ben's Brigade Social on Saturday       
More than 30 BFA dads purchased a ticket to the Ben's Brigade football/holiday social this Saturday, Dec. 5. If you signed up for the event, you should have received an email with all of the specifics. The event will be held at Chad Gibson's home from 2-6 p.m. 
Dickeys Restaurant Spirit Night     
Nothing warms up a cold winter night like BBQ! Dickey's Barbecue Pit is hosting a BFA Spirit Night on Tuesday, Dec. 15. BFA's middle school receives 10 percent back from sales made the entire day (11 a.m. - 9 p.m.)! Bring the entire family, and be sure to put your receipt in the bucket so they can track BFA purchases. Dickey's is located at 4004 Red Cedar Dr., Highlands Ranch, 80126.
back-school-bus.jpg Second Trimester Bus Passes Now Available  
BFA bus passes for the second trimester are now available for purchase by clicking here.

The passes are as follows:
  1. Unlimited Trimester Ride Pass: This pass allows one student a ride to and from BFA every day school is open for that particular trimester. This pass is per student and nontransferable to another student in your family. A new unlimited trimester bus pass is required for each trimester. Deadline to purchase: Wednesday, Dec. 16
  2. 20-Day/40-One-Way Ride Pass: This pass allows your child(ren) to ride to and from school for any combination of 40 one-way rides in total for the trimester. This pass can be shared and used by one or more of the students in your family. This pass CANNOT be shared with non-family members. You must keep track of your rides. We are unable to tell you how many you have left. Any additional rides will be billed at the daily rate, and fees will be posted to your student's Infinite Campus account at the end of the trimester. Deadline to purchase: Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016
  3. Daily Ride Pass: This pass allows your child two one-way rides. Fees for daily rides will be posted to your student's Infinite Campus account at the end of the trimester.
*PLEASE NOTE* All passes DO NOT carry over to the next trimester. A new bus pass is required for each trimester. You will not receive a paper pass from BFA. Your purchased passes and rides will be reconciled at the end of the trimester.  
Important Dates / Calendar of EventsCalendar Clip Art
  • Principal's Q&A: 8:30 a.m., Friday, Dec. 4, Library
  • Character Award/Honor Roll Assemblies: Friday, Dec. 4, Gym
    • Morning Kindergarten and First, Second and Third Grades: 9 a.m.
    • Fourth and Fifth Grades (including Honor/High Honor Roll): 9:45 a.m. 
    • Afternoon Kindergarten and Full Day Kindergarten:
      12:55 p.m.
    • Teachers have notified parents whose children are receiving an award and instructed them to keep the awards a surprise to the students. 
  • National Geography Bee (Grades 4-8): 1:45 p.m., Friday, Dec. 4, Gym
  • Ben's Brigade Social: 2-6 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 5
  • BENefit Bash Online Auction: Dec. 7-14
  • First Grade Performance - Toys!: 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 9, Gym
  • After School Choir/Band Concert: 7 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 10, Gym
  • Spirit Day: Friday, Dec. 11
  • Choir Caroling (Grades 3-8): Friday, Dec. 11
  • Restaurant Spirit Night: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 15, Dickey's Barbecue Pit (4004 Red Cedar Dr., Highlands Ranch, 80126)
  • Deadline to Purchase Unlimited Trimester Bus Ride Pass: Wednesday, Dec. 16
  • Dress of Choice Day: Friday, Dec. 18
  • Junior Choir Caroling (Grades 1-2): Friday, Dec. 18
  • Holiday Parties: Friday, Dec. 18
  • Hour of Code Activities: Now through Dec. 18
  • Winter Break/School Closed: Dec. 21 - Jan. 1, 2016
  • Yearbook Dedications Deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016
  • Deadline to Purchase 20-Day/40-One-Way Bus Ride Pass: Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016
  • $31 Yearbook Deadline: Now through Monday, Feb. 29, 2016
  • $36 Yearbook Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2016, through to be determined, depending on availability
Upcoming Meetings
  • Finance Committee: 5 p.m., Monday, Dec. 7, Conference Room
  • Board of Directors: 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 8, Library
    • Find the latest BFA Board of Directors minutes by clicking here
  • Parent Teacher Organization (PTO): 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 16, Library
  • School Accountability Committee (SAC): 4 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 17, Conference Room
  • Community Events Committee (CEC): 6 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, Library
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Committee: 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2015, Sanders Science Lab
Middle School Sports
(Click here for website.)
  • Boys' Basketball:
    • 4:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 3, at SkyView Academy
    • 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 8, at BFA vs. North Star Academy
    • 4:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 10, at Aspen View Academy
    • 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 15, at BFA vs. Southeast Christian
Ben Franklin Academy Calendars 
Bob Barber
Ben Franklin Academy
Contact Us!
Ben Franklin Academy

2270 Plaza Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Main Office: (720) 383-4519 or

Attendance: (720) 432-9239 or


Fax:  (303) 974-1738  

Mission: Our mission is to develop young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged. 

Vision: Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.