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Ben Franklin Academy NewsletterVol. 5, Iss. 4
January 2015
In This Issue
:: Volunteer Appreciation | P.E.: Featured Special | BFF Parent Seminar | PTO Elections
:: Mother/Son Event Planning | Bake Sale TOMORROW | Yearbook DEADLINES | Nuggets Night
:: Formal Uniform Day | Father/Daughter Event Tickets | Spring Book Fair |
:: MS Valentine's Day Party | PTO Elections | Volunteer of the Month | Nuggets Night | Calendar
Charter Schools Rock
Dear Parents,


Did You Know?


Did you know that Colorado is considered a very friendly charter school state? Currently, there are 43 states that have charter school legislation that permits the creation of a charter school. States are ranked based on charter school laws, covering 20 components. I am pleased to say that Colorado ranks as the sixth best regarding charter school legislation. But what exactly does that mean and why should anyone care? It means that we live in a state that embraces a choice in education. Parents are not tied to a school based on where they live. Parents are empowered to say they want something better for their kids and, in Colorado, have many options to choose something better. You should care that Colorado had such strong charter school legislation because it means school choice will not go away. It means that your tax dollars will follow your child to their charter school.


Charter Schools are Public Schools
  • Charter schools in Colorado are funded in the Public School Finance Act, along with all other public schools.
  • Charter schools receive Per Pupil Revenue (PPR) on the same basis as other public school students enrolled in the district that granted its charter except that districts may retain up to 5 percent of charter school students' PPR for actual administrative costs. Douglas County School District (DCSD) does not retain this 5 percent.
  • Charter schools are subject to all state and federal provisions prohibiting discrimination and must enroll students in a non-discriminatory manner.
  • Although charter schools are public schools, they do not have the independent mill levy override and bonding authority that school districts use to finance their capital facilities. To the extent state funds are not available to support this cost, operating revenues are used to pay for these costs.

Charter Schools are Open to All Students

They are:

  • Free.
  • Public, nonsectarian, nonreligious, non-home-based schools.
  • Non-selective in enrollment. There are no admission tests or admissions requirements.
  • Often designed to serve under-served populations.
  • Appealing to students whose needs are not being met by traditional schools.
  • Frequently over-enrolled; that is, more students apply than the school can accommodate. In that event, a lottery is held to determine admission.

Charter Schools are Pioneers and Innovators

  • Charter schools allow creative parents, teachers and educational leaders to design schools that better serve particular populations.
  • Charter schools can limit class and school size. Charter designers often heed to the research that states that small schools are generally safer and better able to nurture a community of learners than are large schools.
  • Charter schools select their own curriculum design. They can establish achievement-oriented cultures and choose staff to best support these structures from day one.
  • Charter schools are mission-driven schools created by educators who envision a school committed to a particular purpose and philosophy.
  • The tenor of relationships between charter schools and their districts vary widely. Ultimately accountable implementation of a charter school's mission is what best serves students; however, accountability need not be sacrificed for the very spirit of educational innovation and flexibility that the Charter Schools Act was intended to foster.

So, what does this mean to you? It means that you made a conscience choice to provide your child with a better education by enrolling them in Ben Franklin Academy. It means you want to be involved in your child's education. It means you want to be involved in a school that has such an amazing culture of acceptance and caring. It means you want the best teachers and staff who are committed to being the best they can be. Finally, it means you are confident that your child will be well prepared for every step in their academic journey. Primary grade students (K-2) are well prepared to become successful intermediate grade students (3-5). Intermediate students are well prepared to become successful middle school students (6-8). Finally, BFA middle school students are extremely well prepared to become successful leaders and scholars in high school. We have set the groundwork for your child in becoming a lifelong learner. We provide the knowledge and support necessary for you child to continue on as outstanding high school students. This is our responsibility, and we do not take this lightly.  


Thank you for entrusting us with your child(ren). As s/he journeys on to high school - which will be here in seven months for some of you and a longer way off for others (though it will be here before you can imagine) - you will be amazed with the results and just what a great job Ben Franklin Academy is doing/done with your child.

Volunteer Appreciation      


As Mr. Barber noted in last week's newsletter, volunteering is a great way to get involved with the school and your child's education. The school sincerely appreciates your volunteer efforts, and the PTO recognizes volunteers with a small gift every year. This year, we've modified the volunteer appreciation program to include several new tiers.   


The following is an outline of the tiers we plan to formally recognize:

  • Bronze: These volunteers have met their quota of 30 approved hours (15 hours for single parents). We are so thankful that hundreds of parents meet this goal each year and have a meaningful, positive impact on our students' education.  
  • Silver: This category is for volunteers who donate 50 or more hours to the school. We're proud to say that approximately 100 volunteers accomplished this status last year!
  • Gold: Those incredible individuals who achieve 75 or more approved volunteer hours will earn Gold status.
  • Platinum: Believe it or not, we've had a number of volunteers donate 100 or more hours of their time every year. These amazing individuals will be called our Platinum volunteers.  

Many have already met these goals - check out all of the names posted on the school bulletin board near the gym!  


Beginning in mid-February and continuing throughout the remainder of the year, individuals who have reached these volunteer thresholds will receive a small gift as a token of our sincere appreciation for their dedication to our school. In addition, those who meet the minimum requirement for volunteer hours will be invited to attend a family friendly event this summer. In the past, we've held free events at Pirates Cove, a Rockies baseball game and Skate City.  


If you are looking for volunteer opportunities or need to log approved hours, please go to Help Counter now. Thanks to all of the volunteers who work hard every day to make our school great. We look forward to celebrating your accomplishments!  

BFF Parent Seminar save the date
Please join us from 6:30-8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 29, at BFA in preschool room 123 for a BFF Parent Seminar: Helping Kids Manage Stress and Anxiety.

Come hear Hugh Redford, BFA's school psychologist, present tips for helping children deal with stress and anxiety. Light refreshments will be served, and there will be time for socializing with other parents as well.

Childcare for BFA will be provided by the BASE staff at no charge in the middle school commons. (Unfortunately, we can't accommodate siblings who aren't enrolled at BFA due to state licensing.) Tips are welcome and greatly appreciated. 

Mother/Son Event    

Saturday, April 18, is the Mother/Son Event! It will be an "amazing" time. More details to follow.


The next Mother/Son Event planning meeting is at
7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 29, at Starbucks (9360 S. Colorado Blvd.)
near Whole Foods in Highlands Ranch. (Major cross streets are Highlands Ranch Parkway and University.) All are welcome to attend.

Yearbook Deadlines


Pricing Info/Deadlines:   
There will be a limited amount of books to purchase after this Saturday, Jan. 31, so order your yearbooks NOW!

There will be NO "late" orders available after our last yearbook is sold. To order and pay for your 2014-15 BFA yearbook, click here

For any questions about yearbooks and/or dedications, click here  


Formal Uniform Day    

Mark your calendars: The next Formal Uniform Day is Wednesday, Feb. 4.
Book Fair

Spring Book Fair    


BFA's Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be held Monday, Feb. 9, through Thursday, Feb. 12, in conjunction with Parent-Teacher conferences.


The Book Fair schedule is as follows:

  • 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday, Feb. 9, and Wednesday, Feb. 11, Library
  • 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, and Thursday, Feb. 12, Library

For a preview of all of the exciting selections that will be offered and for online ordering, click here. Online ordering is available from Thursday, Jan. 29, through Wednesday, Feb. 18.  


When you visit the Book Fair, be sure to enter your child's name in the raffle drawing to be held on Thursday, Feb. 12. We will be giving away books and miscellaneous items. We hope you can join us!


Middle School Valentine's Day Party   

The middle school needs extra help for the Valentine's Day party on Thursday, Feb. 12. It's a guaranteed good time! If you are interested, email
Karen Kopp


Restaurant Spirit Night    


The PTO's next Restaurant Spirit Night is Tuesday, Feb. 17, at Crave, in the Highlands Ranch Town Center. Get together with other BFA families, let Crave do the cooking, enjoy some good food, and 20 percent of your bill comes back to BFA!

Physical Education PE

P.E.: Featured BFA Special of the Week    

Each week in this newsletter, we highlight one of BFA's Specials and what each grade in the school is learning in that particular Special. This week, we are focusing on P.E. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION).

This week, grades K-5 are finishing up or have completed our jump rope unit. Specifically and/or in addition, they have accomplished the following:  

Kindergarten and First Grade: Students learned the three things we can do to keep our hearts healthy. They also learned how to jump using the short rope and the Chinese jump rope. Next, they will be working on spacial awareness and locomotor movements through some big group games. 


Second Grade: Students learned a few short rope tricks and did Chinese jump rope. We also spent some time on nutrition, talking about the different food groups and eating healthy food. Students participated in a climbing wall activity where they were able to demonstrate their knowledge of the food groups and horizontal climbing at the same time. They also will be learning how to communicate and work together through some cooperative games in February.


Third Grade: Students worked really hard on learning different short rope tricks. They loved demonstrating all of their amazing tricks. In addition, third grade is when students are allowed to climb vertically on the climbing wall. Students will each get a turn some time throughout the year. It is fun to watch them problem solve on the wall and really challenge themselves. Lastly, students will be learning how to communicate and work together through some cooperative games in February.


Fourth Grade: Students completed short rope, Chinese jump rope and long rope. They all successfully completed a whole class challenge using the long rope where they really had to work together and encourage each other. Students will be learning how to play pickleball (a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis) in February.


Fifth Grade: Students created jump rope routines in groups and performed them for their class. They did a great job! We videotaped the jump rope routines, and you will be able to find some of the routines on Mrs. Bauer's website soon. Students will start pickleball in February.

Electives: In Team Sports, students
have learned the skills and rules for volleyball and participated in a round robin tournament. Then, they spent a few weeks participating in big group games where we worked on cooperation, communication and ways to make sure everyone is included in all games. Students just started doubles badminton and are in the middle of a round robin tournament. In Zumba, students are participating in different dances to enhance fitness. The students will begin working together in groups to design their own fitness dance routine to teach to the class.
Vote Button

Hello, BFA!

PTO Elections    


Nominations for PTO elections for the 2015-16 school year are NOW available online. Nominate someone or yourself, as we are always looking for new volunteers to help make BFA a better place. Click here for the nomination form.  


For any questions, please contact Halsley Hoff, PTO secretary, via email. For additional information on the BFA PTO election process and job descriptions, click here.   

Bake Sale

BFA's middle school is hosting a Bake Sale from 7:30-8:10 a.m. and 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., TOMORROW, Friday, Jan. 30.
There will be a table set up on the main level of the school, as well as upstairs. Baked goods will range in price from $0.50 to $1. Please buy a baked good, and help support the Washington, D.C., trip! 
Denver Nuggets Douglas County Night at the Nuggets

This Saturday's (Jan. 31) Denver Nuggets Community Night is at 7 p.m. at the Pepsi Center! The Nuggets are hosting the Charlotte Hornets.

Tickets are $15 for upper level and $35 for lower/club level (values ranging from $30-$160). To order tickets, click here. For the flyer, click here.

In addition, "LIKE" the
Douglas County Educational Foundation (DCEF) Facebook page, and post what you love about BFA. You will be entered into a drawing to win free tickets to upcoming Avalanche and Nuggets games! 
Father/Daughter Event


Girls, grab your sundresses and cowgirl boots. Dads, get on your best bull riding attire. It's time for BFA's 2015 Father/Daughter event!

This "barn dance" will be held from 5-8 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 7, in BFA's gym and includes a BBQ dinner, line dancing and bull riding. 


All tickets MUST be purchased in advance; they will NOT be available at the door. Tickets will NOT be sent home - we will have a list at the door. Tickets are $10 per person and are on sale NOW through Tuesday, Feb. 3. Click here to buy!  


In addition, support the middle school's trip to Washington, D.C., by purchasing a daisy floral head wreath for your daughter to wear. Lastly, we are in need of volunteers for the Father/Daughter Event itself (click here to sign up) and via the Baking Committee (click here to sign up).   

Spring Break BASE Camp BASE logo


BFA's Fall Break BASE Camp was a success! Therefore, BFA will be able to offer Spring Break BASE Camp from March 23-27. It will be similar to summer camp, minus the field trips. We hope to have at least 15 to 18 families sign up for the program.

The BFA Spring Break BASE Camp will be open from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., and the cost is $35 per day per child. If your regular BASE account is negative, your registration for Spring Break Camp may be canceled. You will be contacted to make a payment and given 24 hours to bring your regular BASE account into positive standing. Families who have not paid the 2014-15 BASE registration fee of $25 will be contacted and required to pay the fee, as well as complete the necessary paperwork before your student can attend Spring Break Camp.

is NOW open. To register, click here. Choose Spring Break Camp and then select the day(s) for which you want to register. For more information or questions, please contact Mrs. Savoy via email
Important Dates / Calendar of EventsCalendar Clip Art
  • BFF Parent Seminar: Helping Kids Manage Stress and Anxiety: 6:30-
    8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 29, Preschool Room 123
  • Mother/Son Event Planning Meeting: 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 29,  Starbucks (9360 S. Colorado Blvd.) near Whole Foods in Highlands Ranch (major cross streets: Highlands Ranch Parkway and University)
  • Online Ordering Spring Scholastic Book Fair: Thursday, Jan. 29, through Wednesday, Feb. 18
  • Bake Sale: 7:30-8:10 a.m. and 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Friday, Jan. 30
  • Nuggets Community Night: 7 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 31, Pepsi Center, Nuggets vs. Hornets
  • Hearing/Vision Screening: Feb. 2-4
  • Deadline to Buy Father/Daughter Event Tickets: Tuesday, Feb. 3
  • Formal Uniform Day: Wednesday, Feb. 4
  • Weather the Weather (Fourth Grade Musical): 7 p.m., Wednesday,
    Feb. 4, Gym
  • New Student Registration: 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 5, Gym
  • Spirit Day: Friday, Feb. 6
  • Father/Daughter Event: 5-8 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 7, Gym
  • Spring Scholastic Book Fair: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday, Feb. 9, and Wednesday, Feb. 11, Library
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Tuesday, Feb. 10, and Thursday, Feb. 12
  • Spring Scholastic Book Fair: 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, and Thursday, Feb. 12, Library
  • Dress of Choice Day: Thursday, Feb. 12
  • Valentine's Day Parties: Thursday, Feb. 12
  • No School: Friday, Feb. 13
  • Presidents' Day Holiday (No School): Monday, Feb. 16
  • Restaurant Spirit Night: Tuesday, Feb. 17, Crave, Highlands Ranch Town Center
  • Lightning Fast News Team Film with Super School News: Wednesday, Feb. 18, Rocky Mountain PBS
  • DCSD Apple Awards: Saturday, Feb. 21
  • Denver Metro Regional Science and Engineering Fair: Wednesday, Feb. 25, and Thursday, Feb. 26
  • Peter Pan Theater (Electives Performance): 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27, Ranch View Middle School
  • Primetime Nursery Rhymes (Kindergarten Musical): 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 11, Gym
  • Spring Break BASE Camp: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., March 23-27
  • $31 Yearbook Sales: Now through Tuesday, March 31
  • $36 Yearbook Sales Begin/Deadline: April 1, 2015 - TBD
  • Mother/Son Event: Saturday, April 18

Upcoming Meetings

  • Marketing and Community Outreach (MCO) Committee: 6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 3, Library
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Committee: 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 4, Sanders Science Lab (room 145)
  • School Accountability Committee (SAC): 4 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 5, Conference Room
  • Finance Committee: 5 p.m., Monday, Feb. 9, Library
  • Grant Committee: 9 p.m., Monday, Feb. 9, Teleconference
  • Board of Directors: 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, Library
    • Find the latest BFA Board of Directors minutes by clicking here.
  • Parent Teacher Organization (PTO): 6:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 16, Library
Middle School Sports
  • Girls' Basketball:
    • 4 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 29, at North Star Academy
    • 4 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 5, at SkyView Academy
    • 4 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 11, at Platte River Academy

Ben Franklin Academy Calendars 

Bob Barber
Ben Franklin Academy
Contact Us!
Ben Franklin Academy

2270 Plaza Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Main Office: (720) 383-4519 or

Attendance: (720) 432-9239 or


Fax:  (303) 974-1738  

Mission: Our mission is to develop young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged. 

Vision: Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.