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Ben Franklin Academy NewsletterVol. 3, Iss. 20
May 2013
In This Issue
:: 2013-14 Class Assignments | End-of-Year Parties and Parking | Thank You to Our Volunteers! | Stay Curious
:: Lost and Found | Last-Minute Changes | Book Fair | Summer Workshops | Summer Hours
:: Summer Tutoring | Summer Reading | Room Parent Positions | Used Uniform Sale
:: Milk Caps for Moola | Summer Fun! | Important Dates
Dear Parents, 


Don't forget! Tomorrow, Friday, May 31, is a dress of choice day.

Another Great Year

It is hard to believe that another year is coming to a close!  


There will not be any major construction projects going on during the summer. The only project you will see is the addition of a small storage area behind the school. When your child returns to school in August, s/he will see that preschool through third grades will be downstairs, and fourth through eighth grades will be upstairs.


Thank you for trusting us with your child - our promise is to continue to provide a safe learning environment where every child can and will learn.

Class Assignments for 2013-14

Students in first through sixth grades will receive their 2013-14 homeroom teacher assignment with their end-of-year report card.  


This is being provided early to you as a courtesy because people love to know who their child's teacher will be, as well as be able to plan playdates over the summer with new classmates. Please do not call and ask to change your child's placement. Most of the classes are full, and we cannot make changes to the homeroom assignments. Also, your child's teacher will contact you later in the summer to schedule a meet and greet in August. Teachers have busy summers, too; planning for the new school year and taking advantage of some well-deserved time off. They will not respond to any emails until August.

Thank You to Our Volunteers!
As of this week, we have logged more than 18,000 volunteer hours for this school year. This is an incredible feat! Our cumulative volunteer hours allows our school to qualify for various school grants, so be sure to log your hours before the school year ends. Also, this will allow your family to qualify for free tickets to Pirates Cove and the Rockies game over the summer. Volunteer hours for next year begin Monday, July 1.
Lunchroom Volunteers
As you know, we will be switching our lunchroom provider to Douglas County School lunches next year. Our lunchroom has been run by a group of extremely dedicated parent volunteers the past two years. These parents showed up week after week, and we could not have done it without them. The PTO would like to specifically thank Kathy Fieber, Erin Salehiamin, Nikki Schmit, Amber Clendening, Pamela Betts, Betsy Brown and Nicole Winnings for taking on the additional roles of Lunch Leads, Lunch Coordinator and Lunchroom Volunteer Coordinator. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to improve our school!
Don't Forget to Check Lost and Found Lost and Found

This is a gentle reminder that Lost and Found will be purged tomorrow, Friday, May 31. All remaining items will be donated to a local charity. The Lost and Found is now located in the middle school hallway exit. 

Last-Minute Changes

As we all know, unexpected changes happen. If your child will not be returning to school next year, please notify the registrar immediately via email

Summer Reading Book FairLIbrary

Prevent the summer brain drain by keeping kids reading over the summer. The Summer Reading Scholastic Book Fair is open through 6 p.m., today, Thursday, May 30, and from 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., tomorrow, Friday, May 31.  

BFA Summer Workshops

Ben Franklin Academy is offering summer workshops to students including the following subjects: Art Classes, Get Ready for Second Grade Math, Make It and Take It Crafts, Ocean Adventure, Sports and Recreation, and Steve Spangler Science Experiments. The workshops  cater to a variety of ages/grades. To register for any of the following workshops, contact the coordinator(s) directly. Payment will be made directly to the coordinator(s). If you have questions about any of the workshops, please contact the coordinator(s). For more information on the workshops, please click here.  

Summer Tutoring

Many wonderful Ben Franklin Academy teachers and staff are available for summer tutoring. Please see the attached updated tutoring list. All teachers will be charging a rate of $45 per hour. Please contact the teacher directly to schedule your tutoring sessions and discuss specifics. All fees will be paid directly to the teacher. 

Room Parent Positions for 2013-14

If you are interested in being a Room Parent or Room Parent Assistant for the 2013-14 school year, please email your name and contact information to with the grade your student(s) will be in next year.  

Used Uniform Sale

The Uniform Sale is from
4-6 p.m., Thursday, June 6, at the school
Clothes can be dropped off through Friday, May 31. Click here for instructions on how to consign your clothes. Make sure your uniforms are dropped off with an Item Sheet
Milk Caps for Moola Milk caps

Don't forget to turn any Longmont Dairy milk caps in by tomorrow, Friday, May 31. The collection bin is the school's foyer.


Keep saving your caps over the summer, and turn them in when you return to school in the fall. By collecting the caps, Ben Franklin Academy earns money that is used to help fund Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) committee activities such as the STEM Expo and Science Fairs.   

End-of-Year Parties and Parking

To ensure parking for the afternoon parties tomorrow, Friday, May 31, is as smooth and efficient as possible, please abide by the following:

  1. Please do not arrive prior to 1:15 p.m.
  2. Enter only through the west driveway.
  3. Park only in designated/marked parking spaces or as directed by parking staff.
  4. If the overflow parking area becomes full and you are directed to park on the driveways or carpool lanes, you will need move your vehicle by no later than 3 p.m. so we can prepare for afternoon car pool operations.
  5. Handicapped parking will be in the designated spaces in front of the main entrance. If these fill up, additional handicapped parking will be along the outside lane of the driveway in front of the school. Please advise the parking staff if you require handicapped parking.
Also, be advised that the Zone B car pool lane will be closed during afternoon car pool to accommodate vehicles exiting from the overflow parking area.  Please refer any questions you may have to
Staying Curious This Summer? Ben Franklin mini
Take Ben With You...

What are Ben Franklin Academy students doing this summer? Staying Curious? Show us how you "Stay Curious" with photos of Ben on your excursions.

In a box near the front door of the school building, you will find a few miniature Bens. If you have plans to travel this summer, take Ben with you. Ben is very popular, so don't forget to sign him out  (click here) if you plan to take him with you.

Ben is small enough to fit inside a small bag. Take photos of Ben on your excursion, email them to the Ben Franklin Academy webmaster along with an explanation of where you were. Coordinates will be placed all across the globe to mark where Ben Franklin Academy students went this summer while Staying Curious.

Ben may take a trip on the Transcontinental Railway or the train at the Denver Zoo. Curiosity can be inspired at any location, far or near, so show us how you Stay Curious this summer.

If you have already taken Ben with you for a future adventure, please fill out the sign out sheet on our website here. Please don't forget to bring him back! We want everyone to have an opportunity to take Ben with them this summer.
Summer Hours Clock

Summer hours at Ben Franklin Academy are on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. beginning June 5 through Aug. 7 (closed July 3).  


Additional important dates are as follows: 

  • Express Check-In Opens: Monday, Aug. 5
  • Student Fees Due: Wednesday, Aug. 14
  • Registration/Meet and Greets: Thursday, Aug. 15, and Friday, Aug. 16
Summer Reading
Ben Franklin Academy is proud to offer your student(s) access to both the Lexia Reading program and Tumblebooks for this (2013) summer!


We have seen huge gains in the students' reading skills that are currently using the program. This is a direct result of the amount of time a child has been on the program, as well as their ability to progress through the program at their own pace. It is imperative that parents let their child work through the program independently.


Lexia is a computer-based program that can be accessed at home. Below you will find the link and customer code needed to download Ben Franklin Academy's license of Lexia Reading to your home computer. Please note there are separate instructions for MACs vs. PCs.

  • Visit and follow the download directions
  • Customer Code for Ben Franklin Academy: 4947-7385-3142-8210
  • Username: firstnamlastname
  • Password:firstnamelastname

Tumblebooks is a web-based reading program where students can read, listen, quiz and play games on popular children's books.

We are also happy to provide a Ben Franklin Academy summer reading handout that lists some excellent resources for the summer. You can access the flyer by clicking here.

Summer Fun!
Pirates Cove and
Rockies Game

Mark your calendars for 6:30-8:30 p.m., Friday,
June 7, at Pirates Cove
Free tickets will be given to families who have completed their volunteer commitment. A list of families will be at the door. If you have not completed your hours, tickets will be $5 per person for admission. In addition, the middle school will be selling concessions that evening starting at 6:30 p.m.  

Free tickets also will be provided to the L.A. Dodgers vs. Colorado Rockies game at
6:40 p.m., Tuesday, July 2, at Coors Field
. Look for details in the coming weeks.

For a flyer that details all of the upcoming summer events, click here.
Important Dates
Calendar Clip Art
  • Dress of Choice Day: Friday, May 31
  • Summer Reading Book Fair: Now through Friday, May 31  
  • Last Day of School: Friday, May 31  
  • Summer Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Wednesdays, June 5 - Aug. 7 (closed July 3)
  • Uniform Sale: 4-6 p.m., Thursday, June 6, BFA 
  • BFA at Pirates Cove: 6:30-8:30 p.m., Friday, June 7
  • Concert at Highland Heritage Park: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 13, Steve Thomas Band (rock out to the '80s)   
  • PAC's Informal Summer Social: Tuesday, June 25, Civic Green Park 
  • Dodgers vs. Rockies Game: 6:40 p.m., Tuesday, July 2, Coors Field   
  • PAC's Informal Summer Social: Wednesday, July 24, Civic Green Park
  • PAC's Back-to-School Summer Social (Grades 3-5): Tuesday, July 30
  • PAC's Back-to-School Summer Social (Grades 6-8): Thursday, Aug. 1
  • Express Check-In Opens: Monday, Aug. 5
  • PAC's Back-to-School Summer Social (Grades K-2): Wednesday, Aug. 7
  • PAC's Preschool Social: Saturday, Aug. 10  
  • Student Fees Due: Wednesday, Aug. 14
  • Student Registration (2013-14 School Year)/Meet and Greets: Thursday, Aug. 15, and
    Friday, Aug. 16      
  • Film in the Park (Rise of the Guardians): 8:15 p.m., Friday, Aug. 16, Civic Green Park


Ben Franklin Academy Calendars
Bob Barber
Ben Franklin Academy
Contact Us!
Ben Franklin Academy

2270 Plaza Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Main Office: (720) 383-4519 or

Attendance: (720) 432-9239 or


Fax:  (303) 974-1738  

Mission: Our mission is to develop young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged. 

Vision: Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.