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The only gift that truly lasts forever!


If you were gibaby-jesusven the opportunity to give someone a gift and there were no restrictions of any kind what would you give? Maybe a giant pot of never ending gold or diamonds, or maybe a mansion with everything you can think of in it, like a kitchen any chef would want and how about an awesome home theater room with a giant screen and even a popcorn machine, and a gym with a basketball court and an Olympic size swimming pool and of course a fully staffed spa to help you relax after enduring the struggles of living a life of luxury. From a worldly perspective this all probably sounds great. I mean to live your entire life with no financial worries and to live in luxury who wouldn't want that? If you look at it from an eternal perspective all the gold, fine mansions & fancy cars are worthless. After all like the saying goes you can't take it with you when you die. I heard someone say one time they had never seen a hearse towing a U-HAL trailer! When we look at this from an eternal perspective the most precious gift we can ever give is Jesus Christ! With Jesus you don't need a U-Haul trailer because He has already provided the mansion and everything we my ever want in heaven just waiting for us to finish our race here on earth.


One way you can give the gift of Jesus Christ is to financially support M28 Ministries. By supporting M28 you are helping share the gospel around the world and to the lost right here in Lawton Oklahoma through our Bridge Park Ministry where every Saturday we provide a hot meal,  give away all kind of clothing items, give away diapers and most important we give away Jesus Christ by preaching the gospel and worshiping our King, and by the power of the Holy Spirit leading the lost to Christ. You can help with a financial gift and/or volunteering to help serve a couple of hours on a Saturday, cooking the meal, donating clothes or diapers.


By financially supporting M28 Ministries you are helping provide food and shelter and lots of love to the children of Bethany Children's Home "BCH", our ministry partner in Jaigon India. At BCH 22 orphan children BCH Group pic 2013 are being raised in a Christian home and are loved by sister Sarita and her adult children learning about Jesus every day through morning and evening devotional and some of the most powerful songs of praise and worship I have had the pleasure of experiencing. $50 dollars provides the support need for food, medical, school tuition, school books & uniforms, for one of the children for an entire month. Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter of one of the orphan children at BCH.


By financially supporting M28 Ministries you are providing support to many ministry programs of our Rupak & Angela Picministry partner Frontier Care Ministry (FCM) in NE India, founded by our good friends and brother and sister in Christ Bro. Rupak & Sis. Angela. Through our partnership with FCM we are sharing the gospel in northeast India and Eastern Nepal. We are sharing the gospel in  remote villages in the Himalaya mountain region where many are coming to the Lord and new churches are being established. We disciple new believers on what it means to be a follower and believe of Jesus Christ. We conduct 1 to 3 day training  conferences where we teach the basics of being a disciple of Jesus and how to share the gospel with others. We are providing in depth training through an 8 week pastor training course to those the Lord is calling to full time ministry where the student learns how to be a pastor and lead his flock and manage the church he will be entrusted with when his training is complete. The cost to sponsor one student pastor is $300 dollars for the entire 8 week course. Currently we have 19 full time pastors who depend on our monthly support to provide for them and their families financial needs; currently $100 dollars provides for the pastor and his family for 1 month.  


 Church Planting; We establish a new church (Frontier Bible Church "FBC") in the hFrontier Bible Churchome of a new believer. As the home church grows we build a temporary Bamboo church on land normally donated by a new believer. When the church is firmly established and has grown with many new believers from the village a permanent church is built usually 20'x40' brick structure where the building itself stands as a beacon for Jesus Christ. This process goes on in village after village after village making the financial need great and an ongoing need. Currently it costs $6000 dollars to build a permanent brick church $2500 dollars for the temporary bamboo church.


We need long term monthly support from our brothers and sisters in Christ to allow a part of their financial blessing to be used to help support the work of M28 Ministries.   


We need churches that are committed to serving the Lord through missions, to partner with us allowing their body of believers to get directly involved in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and building churches in remote villages of India and Nepal.  


We ask you this Christmas season, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior too prayerfully and financially partner with us in sharing the only gift that truly lasts forever JESUS CHRIST!


May you and yours be truly blessed this Christmas that you in turn may be a blessing to others.



Please make your check payable to M28 Ministries Inc.  100% of the money received will be used to support the various programs and projects of the ministry or as directed by your wishes. M28 Ministries Inc. is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization making your gift tax deductible. 


  Click here to give online 


Visit our website at www.m28ministries.org to find out more about our ministry. Please keep M28 Ministries and all our ministry partners in prayer. We need your prayers desperately as we engage the enemy head on in the battle for the lost souls in the world.     



** You can also help us by clicking on the "Forward email" in blue at the bottom of this email, and forward it to any of your friends or family you think might be interested. 


   May God bless you and your family abundantly. Look for more updates in the weeks to come to learn about all that God is doing through M28 Ministries. 
The Henderson's

M28 Ministries Inc.

PO Box 7992

Lawton, OK 73506