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India, Nepal 2013 Trip Report Part 2 
Jeff Julie & Abby Henderson
Henderson family pic


Earlier this year Julie and I (Jeff) Henderson traveled to India, Nepal & England on behalf of M28 Ministries Inc. The purpose of the trip was to connect with ministry partners, meet several rural partner churches to teach and encourage the body, establish new home church fellowships & check on progress of ministry projects. We visited a dozen or so churches where we preached and worshiped and got to meet some very special Brothers and Sisters in Christ.  


The following are some highlights of our trip


Siliguri, India   


Jeff & Julie with elephant in New Delhi Airport
Jeff & Julie with elephant in
New Delhi Airport
After 36 hours of traveling we arrived at Base camp with Bro. Rupak and his beautiful family. We will be in the


NE India & East Nepal for most of our time in India & Nepal.     


Jeff & Julie entering Nepal
Jeff & Julie entering Nepal
From the Mountains to the
Jungles of Nepal

Looking from Pashupati in the mountians to the jungle in the valley
Looking from mountians to the jungle down in the valley


It was Mid-morning when we departed the Nepali mountain village, Pashupati, and headed to the Nepali jungle village called Lametar. It was a long and tiring trip but we finally arrived in the evening. This was the first time that the villagers had ever

Julie taking pic of villigers looking at her hair
Julie taking pic of villagers looking at her hair

had white

people in their village so they were very

curious about us, especially Julie's hair. They had only seen blond hair on Barbie dolls so they marveled at Julies blond hair. The children loved to touch her hair and would take her by the hand leading her all around the village. We woke up early the next morning and went walking around the area. (of course Julie had her entourage of children with her) The river flowing from the Himalaya mountains split into two separate rivers with the village between them. We could see God all around us in the spectacular scenery He created for us to see and be in awe of.  


"Jesus & the witch doctor"    

Lametar Nepal Village
Village in Lametar, Nepal


Former witch DR
Former witch DR

 God established His church in this village in an amazing way and through the most unlikely person. This area is primarily Hindu and this village was controlled by a "crazy witch doctor" (w/dr). We were all sitting, just visiting & waiting for the time to start church. I was

talking with the (w/dr) and asked if he would share his testimony; which he happily agreed to share. The man became a (w/dr) when he was 45 years old and he is now 60 years old. The (w/dr) of a village is kind of

Lametar Nepal walking on trail
On the trail to Lametar

  like a chief or elder of the village, making him very powerful. He said (w/dr's) would pray to demons to heal people (and apparently they did) but they would also ask them to make people sick so they could have more business. He said he wanted to be a very powerful (w/dr) so he kept seeking more and more demons and eventually was taken over by them. He described himself as crazy and felt like he was losing his mind. His body would shake and convulse while he had bad dreams and sometimes he would wake up walking around using witch craft devises and not knowing

FBC Church in Lameta
FBC Church in Lametar

what he was doing or how he got there. He told of the time a Christian preacher came to the village and how he chase the preacher from the village with the full intent of killing him; but by Gods grace the preacher was faster and got away. One time in an evil crazed rage he tried to cut his wife's throat, but fortunately the villagers came to her rescue and stopped him. He knew he

FBC Lametar worshiping
was out of control and wanted it to stop but he didn't know how. One night in a dream he saw a man that looked peaceful, and bright. The man in the dream told him he had to stop being a (w/dr) and that he would come in contact with good people who were peaceful and he would join in fellowship with them. Two days later a young Christian pastor from Pashupati, the village on top of the mountain, came and knocked on the (w/dr's) door. This time the (w/dr) invited the pastor in and they talked about Jesus. He told the pastor he believed the man
FBC Lametar worshiping 2
FBC Lametar worshiping
he saw in his dream was Jesus, and he accepted Jesus as his savior that very day! He told me he immediately felt peaceful inside and knew that Jesus had saved him and set him free from his demonic madness. The former (w/dr) accepted Christ in March of 2012. He was the first seed "first Christian" of his village. In time, the villagers saw the change in him and wanted to know about Jesus too. One year later Julie and I along with Bro. Rupak were here at this village that just over a year ago was under control of the  Crazy
Praying for healing
Jeff & Julie Praying for healing
 (w/dr) and now like apostle Paul the scales had fallen from his eyes. I asked him if had ever heard of the apostle Paul and he had not. So I told him about Saul's conversion to Paul and the mighty works God did through Paul. He was very happy to hear Paul's story and said hopes God will use him in a similar way, to which I replied, my brother He already is!  By this time it was time
Praying for healing
Jeff & Julie Praying for healing
for church to start so we all went into the Church. It was a bamboo church that was absolutely filled to capacity with people standing outside too. We had an amazing time of worship &
Former witch dr with baby
Former witch dr holding baby for blessing
praising the Lord. When the service concluded people kept coming to receive prayer for healing and for blessing over them and their families. We anointed their heads with oil and prayed for everyone that came. This was truly an awesome experience and we were blessed by seeing the Holy Spirit moving in this village. After lunch with the villagers we left and headed back to base camp. God can sure do a lot in a year!!!
Jeff & Julie with FBC Lametar Pastor & family
Jeff & Julie with FBC Lametar Pastor & family

Please keep the pastor and his family in your prayers. The pastor commutes by foot from Pashupati, the high mountain village down to Lametar to serve as its pastor every week. He tells me it takes him 6 to 8 hours one way to complete the journey. This is not just a long walk he is hiking over 2 rugged mountains each about 7000 feet tall. This is a great example of the dedication of all our pastors and the personal sacrifice they make serving the Lord every day.
  • How far would you walk to go to church?
  • How far are you willing to go to serve our Lord and Savior.
  • How much of a personal sacrifice are you willing to make to help share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
How You Can help?

First we need your continual pray support for our local and international ministry work. Second we need your financial support in order to continue the work we are already doing and for growth as the Lord leads. We know these are tough times for everyone and money's tight so here a some ideas that might help you support M28 Ministries without spending more money than you already are.


Give $25.00 per month - by skipping 5 Starbucks drinks each month.  


Give $50.00-$75.00 per month - by skipping going out to eat dinner  once a month. (family of 4)  


Give $100.00 per month - by  Skipping a manicure & pedicure or a round of golf & lunch or a dinner and movie each month.  

Please prayerfully consider making a person sacrifice of doing without something one time a month and become a monthly supporter of M28 Ministries where 100% your gift will be used to to support the programs and projects of M28 Ministries. The blessing you will receive from sacrificially giving will far exceed the temporary pleasure of a cup of coffee or a good meal. It is our prayer that you will join us in investing your hard earned money into things that serve His eternal purpose.

If you would like to give to support M28 Ministries please make your check payable to M28 Ministries Inc. If you want your gift to go to a specific part of our ministry please include a note informing us of your wishes (Please don't write it on the check). 100% of the money received will be used to support the various programs and projects of the ministry or as directed by your wishes. M28 Ministries Inc. is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization making your gift tax deductible. 


  Click here to give online Note:If you send you financial gift through Pay Pal we only receive 97% of your gift. To insure we receive 100% of your gift it is best to mail us a check.  


Visit our website at www.m28ministries.org to find out more about our ministry. Please keep M28 Ministries and all our ministry partners in prayer. We need your prayers desperately as we engage the enemy head on in the battle for the lost souls in the world.     


** You can also help us by clicking on the "Forward email" in blue at the bottom of this email, and forward it to any of your friends or family you think might be interested. 


   May God bless you and your family abundantly. Look for more updates in the weeks to come to learn about all that God is doing through M28 Ministries. 
The Henderson's

M28 Ministries Inc.

PO Box 7992

Lawton, OK 73506