GREEN GOODIES            gardencarpentry logo
Glad Tidings Edition
by Pauhl Gazlay & Lance Hans 
December 2012

Green Goodie
How to Light a Christmas Tree 
How to Light a Christmas Tree
Here are a few good tips on different ways to string lights on your tree.  Of course, that's the easy part. What we need now is a video on how to easily remove them later.
 Good luck! 

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This is the time of year when most shrubs and yard plants go dormant, so fertilizing should mostly be restricted to plants exhibiting deficiencies or growth.    

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Carpenter's Corner 
It is said that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. As carpenters, the weakest link we often see behind the demise of wooden structures such as decks, fences, and pergolas is the stain.

A wooden structure can be built with the finest craftsmanship and still drastically deteriorate before its time because it wasn't painted or stained correctly, or in a timely manor.

Florida's weather and Sun are incredibly hard on wood, so here are some staining tips to help you get the most out of your wood structures.

1) Do it! Pay someone or do it yourself, but do it! Not staining or painting your wood is a sure way to cut its lifespan in half, or worse.

2) Use quality! We recommend a quality penetrating stain because it soaks into and bonds chemically with the wood. A bargain stain or paint sits on top of the wood and will peel off. We do not recommend Behr paint or stain for exterior projects. It peels easily and does not apply well.

3)Wait! Staining or painting treated lumber before it is properly cured can seal in moisture and make it rot from the inside. It also makes the stain or paint application inconsistent. After your structure is built wait for the chemical treatment and moisture to leech out. You should notice that the color of the wood looses its greenish color and will readily absorb water splashed against it. Most wood structures should be stained no sooner than 2 months after completion but no more than 6 months.

4) Proper prep! It should go without saying that before staining or painting, the wood should be clean and dry. You should also go over the wood with a light sanding to remove "mill glaze" a thin glazelike coating resulting from the milling process which can prevent stain from adhering properly to the wood. If you want to get really serious you can also pre-treat the wood with a conditioner to open up its cell structure to better absorb stain.

5) Brush back. If you are using a sprayer, remember that the most common mistake is that you still have to brush it in. Sorry, but if you don't it may be blotchy and will not penetrate well enough to properly protect the wood.

6) Repeat! You should stain or paint every 3-5 years to get the maximum expected lifespan out of your structure.

So there you go. Remember to get all the nooks and crannies
. It isn't fun or easy, but it beats replacing the structure before its time.  Good luck!     


Project of the Month

Land O' Lakes Deck Re-do

deck redo 
Click for more photos

Our client in Land O' Lakes had an idyllic setting for their home. With a rustic country style house on a nice sized piece of property overlooking a small lake, they had all they needed to enjoy the benefits of rural living. The only problem was that their  back and front porches, which were built by the original owner of the house, needed a facelift.

The frame and decking were in good structural condition due to being protected from rain and sun by a roof, and the homeowner wanted to keep costs down. So, we went ahead and installed some additional post supports under the deck to prevent future sagging, shored up the framework where needed, screwed down loose deck boards, installed new boards on top of those, and then stained the railings and deck. We finished it off by installing lattice around the skirt of the porch to give it all a nice finished look.

Now the homeowner can enjoy sitting on the porch with a glass of iced tea while they take in the beautiful view and soak up the relaxing silence. Now that's country living!   

Click the photo above to see time lapse.


Video Green Goodie
Funny Christmas Gift Wrapping Prank 2010
Funny Christmas Gift Wrapping Prank 2010
Oh to be young and have lots of time on your hands! That being said, if anyone wants to hire us next year to pull this prank on somebody, we are totally available for hire!
Enjoy, and happy holidays!   
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Feature Offer
Get a clean start to 2013

The New Year is getting ready to begin. The Holidays are over. The house guests have all gone home (hopefully). There shouldn't be any major events to contend with for a while. Now you can hopefully get back into a bit of a routine and reclaim some semblance of sanity.

rubbish can help you get the New Year off to a clean start by helping you sort out some of those outdoor projects that you have been putting off through the holidays. Then you can spend the rest of the Winter and Spring enjoying your outdoor living spaces instead of listening to that little voice that keeps saying "Now would be a good time to get that project done".

January Special

8 Hours of yard work/debris removal or  8 hours of pressure washing
or combination of both.


Call us now and get it done!

Plant of the Month
Sweet Alyssum
(Lobularia maritima)

Click image for detailed info

It's always nice to pack a little color into the yard or garden come Wintertime. A nice ground cover plant to help you with this is Sweet Alyssum. It is a densely flowering, pretty perennial which is widely available in Florida for Winter growing season. 

Native to the Mediterranean, Sweet Alyssum is available with pink, white, or purplish flowers. With a honey fragrance and a tendency to bloom through June, it is a great plant to fill in patchy drab areas in your beds or highlight other aspects of your yard or patios.

It likes plenty of sun but can handle some shade as well. It needs water regularly but shouldn't be over watered. As for soil, it can tolerate neutral to acidic soil and may need a very occasional fertilizing. You can grow Alyssum from seed or transplants.

For more information click the image above or the link below.

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If you have questions, suggestions, or concerns please contact us....

Lance Hans 
