issue 8 
April 2013       
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Imagine 2040 Working Group
grapples with future alternatives 
intense discussion about future alternatives for Hillsborough County
After speaking loud and clear "our community needs clear vision" at the first Imagine 2040 workshop, the working group dug into the future alternatives that will ultimately build a clear vision for our region. The second interactive workshop kicked off one simple question...

What is the most important thing to you?

Transportation, jobs and the economy, and quality of life priorities dominated the responses to "What is the most important thing to you when thinking about the future of Hillsborough County?" Some responses are pictured above. Some of the others are listed below:
  • drawing in future growth Education and job growth that retains local talent and sustains the economy
  • A viable transportation system as the backbone for future growth and development
  • Having a great downtown
  • Mobility as I grow old and can not drive
  • Protect environmentally important lands
  • Open space / agriculture
  • To be able to get around the community relatively easily without needing a car
  • Move the urban service area along major corridors such as I-4, I-75, HWY 60

strengths and weaknesses of a future alternative being posted Working together in small groups, our 'planning imagineers' then plunged into the pros and cons of various growth strategies on future alternatives for our region. In three rounds, outward growth similar to recent decades, infill and redevelopment focused around transit, and new job centers on major corridors were the topics at hand. Lines drawn on maps reflected how each growth strategy will affect where people will live, work, shop and play.


room full of energized planning imagineers


Ideas were flying across the tables on the strengths, weaknesses and what could be added to enhance each future alternative.


Making a point on the map


Ideas generated by the Imagine 2040 Working Group will be incorporated into three future alternatives that will ultimately be presented to all of the businesses and residents in Hillsborough County later this year. More results from the workshop will be featured in the next issue of Beyond Today and posted online at:

Imagine 2040 Working Group discussion
And the winner is...

APA Award of Excellence National Planning Award of Excellence

On April 14, 2013, at the County Planning Division's Annual Business Meeting, conducted at the American Planning Association (APA) National Conference in Chicago, the County Planning Division in conjunction with the National Association of County Planners presented their 2013 Project Awards

We are very proud to announce receipt of an Award of Excellence in the Best Practices Category to the Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission, Florida, for the  Guide to Creating & Updating Community Plans in Unincorporated Hillsborough County. The Guide, produced in conjunction with community stakeholders and Vrana Consulting, Inc., crystallizes the rational, roles, process, and structure of newly created community plans and plan updates in urban, suburban and rural contexts.  Planning staff and community use of the Guide is intended to enhance the effectiveness of community plans in shaping... distinct, vibrant and lasting communities.

TBRPC 21st Annual Future of the Regions Awards logo Regional Award of Honor

On March 25, 2013, the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council hosted the 21st Annual Future of the Region Awards to highlight projects and programs exemplifying regionalism and to recognize outstanding achievements and contributions benefiting the regional community. The Planning Commission, Wade Trim, and Strategic Planning Group, Inc., were pleased to receive an Honorable Mention in the Development/ Infrastructure for the Economic Potential Evaluation of the Future of Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan. Identification of opportunities to advance economic development within Hillsborough County and the Cities of Tampa, Temple Terrace and Plant City through strategic Plan Amendments will send a clear message that the Tampa Bay region is "Open for Business." Open for Business sign


International All-Star Recognition

Thanks to you, we have been chosen as a Constant Contact All Star! So, what is Constant Contact? It's the way we send out our ePublications, like this one, as well as most of our meeting and event notices. Each year, Constant Contact bestows the All Star Award to a select group of businesses and nonprofits who successfully leverage online marketing tools to engage their customer base (you!). It means Constant Contact All-Star logo badge we are among the top 10% of 500,000 organizations internationally who use this service by having consistently high open rates and regular contact with you using a variety of communication tools. Thank you for placing value on our interactions and the information we share. We truly appreciate your commitment to improving the quality of life in our community!  

MPO awarded Resiliency Grant
The Federal HighwayAdministration (FHWA) selected the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in collaboration with the Planning Commission, Hillsborough County, the Tampa Bay Regional Hillsborough County storm surge level warning sign Planning Council, and the University of South Florida, to be a pilot project to assess our transportation system's resiliency to extreme weather.  The project's purpose is to develop strategies to offset the effects of inland flooding, storm surge, and sea level rise. The FHWA selection was based on a $132,000 grant proposal, which the MPO will use to help identify mitigation projects for the Plan Hillsborough 2040 Transportation Plan.
Speaking of awards... 
Tying the knot announcemt
Hey! What happened to this year's Annual Community Design Awards Program?

After going strong for 30 years, we felt it's time to take the big plunge! We are pleased to announce we've decided to tie the knot... our annual awards program will be run as one of the many festivities during the American Planning Association's (APA) National Community Planning Month and celebration of Great Places in America!
This union of our region's best in planning and design with APA's national programs will be celebrated each year in October. We appreciate your patience while we work out the details...

Will we change our name?
Will Brendan McLaughlin still officiate our ceremonies?
Will Ray Chiaramonte sing during dinner?

Only time will tell! Look for this year's Call for Entries in June and Invitations in September. But for now, you can...

Save this date!
October 17, 2013
Try filling this prescription at your local Park prescription pharmacy!

According to the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), park and recreation agencies across the country are working with their local health departments and doctors to prescribe parks and recreation as a way to fight obesity and improve overall health. It seems the more we move and the more fresh air we breathe, the healthier we are. Check out pages 42-45 of the NRPA's Success Stories case studies to learn more and gain some inspiration for our community!  
Location, location, location... 

The New Real Estate Mantra - Location Near Public Transportation investigates how well residential properties located in proximity to fixed-guideway transit have maintained their value as compared to residential properties without transit access between 2006 and 2011 in five regions: Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Phoenix, and San Francisco. The selection of these places for the study regions provides not only a geographic distribution, but also an illustrative sample of the types of fixed-guideway transit systems in the US. Minneapolis-St. Paul and Phoenix have newer light rail systems, while Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco are mature systems dominated by heavy and commuter rail. Additionally, Boston is also home to one of the earlier BRT lines.

Fueled by demographic change and concerns over quality of life, there has been a growing interest in communities with active transportation modes. The recession added another dimension to these discussions by emphasizing the economic implications of transportation choices. Light Rail Housing and transportation, the two economic sectors mostly closely tied to the built environment, were both severely impacted by the economic downturn. There has been a growing effort among planners, real estate professionals, and economists to identify not only the economic benefits of alternative transportation modes in and of themselves, but also the impact that they have on housing prices and value retention.

location signs against blue skies with white puffy clouds The real estate mantra of "location, location, location" is more important than ever. Moving beyond the traditional arguments that good schools and neighborhood amenities impact housing prices, emerging research has indicated that urban form and transportation options have played a key role in the ability of residential properties to maintain their value since the onset of the recession. Studies have shown that consumers are willing to pay more for housing located in areas that exemplify new urbanist principles or are "traditional neighborhood developments." These neighborhoods are walkable, higher density, and have a mix of uses as well as access to jobs and amenities such as transit.

Check out the report findings from this March 2013 publication.
Appendix A - Charts
Appendix B - Data Tables 

In this Issue
Imagine 2040 Working Group
And the winner is...
MPO Resiliency Grant
Speaking of awards...
Try filling this prescription at your pharmacy!
Location, location, location...
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Video Central

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considering future alternatives  

yes, planning activities can cause smiles  

planner working with student  

drawing a future alternative for Hillsborough County  


Imagine Hillsborough 2040

Upcoming Events

THU : APR 25
MPO Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board
Annual Public Hearing

FRI : APR 26
8:30a - 2:00p
Planning Commission

6:00p - 8:00a
MPO SR 60 Freight Compatibility Study
Technical Meeting #1

MON : MAY 13
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Planning Commission
Public Hearing

TUE : MAY 14
MPO Board Meeting
4:00p - 6:00p
MPO - East Hillsborough Ave Corridor Meeting

TUE : MAY 21
Joint Meeting of the Hillsborough River Interlocal Planning Board and Technical Advisory Council

MON : MAY 27
Happy Memorial Day!

WED : MAY 29
6:30p - 8:00p 
Tampa Walk-Bike Plan III 
Green ARTery Workshop

For more information and to
view a complete listing of all meetings and events, please visit:

In accordance with Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and other nondiscrimination laws, public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.


Video Central
Feeling Good about Tampa Bay - music by Michael Buble
Feeling Good about Tampa Bay - music by Michael Buble