Kansas Policy Institute Logo
November 10, 2014
For Immediate Release
Contact: James Franko
Balanced KS Budgets Via Budget Plan, No Need for Drastic Cuts
 Implementing a Better Service/Better Price Model Can Align Budget and Revenue 
November 10, 2014 - Wichita - Kansas Policy Institute president Dave Trabert offered the following statement in response to today's announcement from the Consensus Revenue Estimating Group.

Trabert Statement: "The new revenue estimates will likely be used in some circles to promote fear of massive budget cuts, but the state budget can still be balanced without service reductions or tax increases. Implementing the KPI budget would only require the state to operate 1.3% more efficiently this year and 4.3% next year. Even most government employees would agree that the state can operate a couple of percentage points more efficiently.

"Kansans deserve better than 'sky is falling' scare tactics. We encourage legislators and media to honestly examine facts without political filters and present citizens with viable solutions to provide services at a better price. No finger pointing...no attempts to score political points...and no shading the facts...just civil debate of viable solutions."

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Kansas Policy Institute is an independent think-tank that advocates for free market solutions and the protection of personal freedom for all Kansans.  Our work centers on state and local economic policy with primary emphasis on education, fiscal policy and health care.  We empower citizens, legislators and other government officials with objective research and creative ideas to promote a low-tax, pro-growth environment that preserves the ability of governments to provide high quality services. 
To speak with Kansas Policy Institute, please contact James Franko at (316) 634-0218.