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Honoring Our Roots, Expressing our Dreams
We are getting the news out - on radio spots, posters and postcards - in Oaxaca and a dozen surrounding craft pueblos: FOFA, in collaboration with the Oaxaca State Museum of Folk Art, is launching its 4th Contest for Young Folk Artists (age 30 and under). This year's theme is "Honoring our Roots, Expressing our Dreams." While the judging will not take place until July, the artists need time both to grapple with the topic (take in the tension, perhaps, between "roots" and "dreams") and produce a polished product. Which "roots" will they celebrate, we wonder? How will the push-pull of "dreams" re-cast those "roots"?

We invite submissions, as is our custom, in five categories: Ceramics, Woodcarving, Decorative Painting of Woodcarvings, Textiles and "Varios" (papier mch, tin work, dried flowers and corn husk crafts and jewelry). A sixth award is given to an artist who is 16 or younger for the best work in any category.

Judges in FOFA/MEAPO's Second Young Artists' Competition

Five experts in Mexican popular arts and painting will serve as judges. Four are now confirmed: Mariano Pineda Matus, Cecelio Sanchez, Chloe Sayer, and Marta Turok. Winners will be selected on July 17. A Celebration and Award Ceremony is scheduled for July 22. Watch for updates on the Contest over the next few months.

Award Ceremony FOFA/MEAPO's Third Young Artists' Competition

FOFA looks forward to the Fall 2016 Exhibition of these works. At that time, our full-color catalog - featuring winners and recipients of honorable mention - will be available.

Ribbon Cutting at the Exhibition Opening of
FOFA/MEAPO's Third Young Artists' Competition

The Gallery Exhibiting Pieces by
Winners and Recipients of Honorable Mention


Click on the link above to make a donation of any amount to support our valuable efforts. Thank you! 

www.fofa.us 718-859-1515 info@fofa.us  275 Central Park West, #1-C  New York, New York 10024