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Exciting Update on Two-Time FOFA Contest Winner in Ceramics

Fernando Peguero Garc�a comes from a distinguished folk art family. His maternal grandmother, Teodora Blanco, was the innovator of elaborately-decorated terra cotta figures; these works were
avidly collected by Nelson Rockefeller, among other enthusiasts. Her sculptural forms profoundly influenced family members and others in her pueblo, Santa Mar�a Atzompa. Fernando's mother, Alicia Leticia Garc�a Blanco, is a master artist in terra cotta, as are his aunt Irma Garc�a Blanco and uncle Luis Garc�a Blanco. As a young man, Fernando loved to work in the terra cotta style of his family. However, earning a living as an artist seemed impossible. And so at the age of 20, he began studying to be an accountant.
Fernando also continued to make art. And he entered competitions. In 2008, at age 21, he won 1st prize in ceramics in the competition sponsored by FOFA in collaboration with MEAPO - - Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca. His 30-piece terra cotta ceramic assemblage, "The Wedding of the Cowboy and the Catrina", was an outstanding example of the traditions of his family and pueblo.

In 2011, Fernando repeated that achievement. His winning piece, a carved ceramic column in a charcoal tone, is entitled "Al son de la m�sica" (To the Sound of Music).  The piece celebrates the tradition of the Guelaguetza (a gathering of regional dancers from all over Oaxaca State). A ballerina at the top of the column thrusts her body upward, conveying the energy of the annual Guelaguetza festivities.
Encouraged by this double recognition as an outstanding young artist, Fernando changed directions. He enrolled in the School of Fine Arts (Bellas Artes) at the Benito Ju�rez University in Oaxaca; and he took full advantage of scholarships awarded by FOFA to another outstanding art school: the Taller de Artes Pl�sticas Rufino Tamayo. Read more about Fernando's development from 2008-2011.

Over the past three years, Fernando has made impressive strides as a sculptural ceramicist and graphic artist. His accomplishments in this brief period are quite remarkable. In December, 2014, Fernando wrote:
"I want to share my happiness with everyone at FOFA because they are very important in my artistic life. Thanks to you I have achieved many successes."

First, there's the degree he earned: a Bachelor of Visual Arts in the School of Fine Arts (Escuela de bellas artes) of the University Aut�noma "Benito Ju�rez" de Oaxaca (UABJO).
Then an important award: On November 20th of 2014 Fernando won the annual national youth prize in Mexico City. This is the highest public honor awarded to young Mexicans ages 18 to 29 for category B; and age 12 to 18 for category A. It recognizes dedication to work that inspires the admiration of contemporaries and exemplifies creativity, self-improvement and community progress. Fernando was recognized for distinction in artistic expression and popular arts.

In addition, Fernando has undertaken an ambitious sculptural project on the theme "Customs and Traditions of Oaxaca". It has three facets: rooted traditions, the world view of souls and the litany of souls, excellent examples of which are seen below:
Rooted Customs

The World View of Souls

The Litany of Souls

Another exhibition: On December 13, 2014 Fernando participated in an exhibition entitled "Native Corn vs. Genetically Modified Corn" at the prestigious El Centro de las Artes in San Agust�n, Etla, just outside Oaxaca City.  His mixed media work, "La cosmovisi�n del ma�z" (world view of corn), is a watercolor with coffee and clay on cloth and cardboard
And finally, TV coverage: Two days after the "Native Corn" show on December 15, 2014
Fernando was interviewed on a Oaxacan television station about his national award. On
TV he had a chance to discuss the opening of another exhibition in Huajupam de Le�n,
Oaxaca. This exhibit includes a Nativity by Fernando and another by his mother. 

An artist's life, as Fernando's story makes clear, is shaped by the accidents of birth-family, locale and cultural influences - - as well as the mysteries of talent, inspiration, application and luck. Fernando is moving vigorously and confidently toward developing his own style and signature. There's more to come; we will be watching him.


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www.fofa.us 718-859-1515 info@fofa.us  275 Central Park West, #1-C  New York, New York 10024