"Celebrating Mother Earth: Inspiration for Oaxaca's Folk Arts" is FOFA'S Third Contest for Young Folk Artists to be held in Oaxaca in August, 2013.

Oaxaca's young artists are the direct beneficiaries of our donors' generosity. The Western Union Foundation provides grants to non-profits that address economic opportunity through education, job training, life skills and small business development, financial literacy, community integration and educational assistance to migrants, immigrants and their families. LADAP is a national non-profit organization in the United States comprised of collectors and aficionados of Mexican folk art who maintain an online gallery and seek to educate the US.
FOFA's expanded initiatives for the 2013 Young Artist competition - made possible by these grants and donations -- include:
- A comprehensive promotional campaign coordinated with the Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca, MEAPO, to reach many more talented young artists (Click here to read more about our promotional campaign)
- Introduction of a contest theme: "Celebrating Mother Earth: Inspiration for Oaxaca's Folk Arts";
- Individualized tutorials for each of six winners, based on exploration of their personal artistic "dreams" through extensive interviews with Carlomagno Pedro Mart�nez (Director of MEAPO) and FOFA Advisory Board member Lucy Atkin PhD. They will talk about how to limit the goal, break it down into concrete, manageable components, and design a program to achieve its objectives;
- A website to enhance marketing opportunities for the winning young artists, who will be awarded personal web pages;
- Development of a course by MEAPO's Education Department to enrich young folk artists' artistic knowledge of and pride in their artistic and cultural heritage.(Click here to read more about MEAPO's Heritage Course)
Similar to FOFA/MEAPO's first two contests (2008, 2011), we will oversee:
- A three-month exhibition of pieces by all winners and recipients of honorable mention at MEAPO, November 9, 2013-February 9, 2014;
- A gorgeous exhibition catalogue featuring all winners and recipients of honorable mention and their artistic works;
- Capacity building activities for all winners and recipients of honorable mention