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This month we are proud to feature Victor Javier Bustamante Herrera
a FOFA artist and winner in woodcarving in FOFA/MEAPO's 2011 competition for young artists.
Victor Javier Bustamante Herrera
"Winning the FOFA/MEAPO concurso [contest] gave me the confidence to know that what I was doing...love to do...that is born within me...is appreciated and good, and that it is supported with prizes."
Victor Javier Bustamante Herrera, 27-year-old winner in woodcarving in FOFA/MEAPO's 2011 competition for young artists, exemplifies the impact of this experience on a young talented person's self-image as an artist.


At the same time, Victor's artistic trajectory is unusual in many ways. He is a native of Miahuatln, a pueblo far more distant than the Central Valley craft villages from which contest participants generally come. And he was not raised within a family craft tradition.


Victor learned about FOFA/MEAPO's August, 2011 contest from a young woman who visited the workshop in which he worked. Because time was too short to begin a new piece, Victor decided to submit a carving in pochote wood that he was preparing for the annual, state-sponsored Benito Jurez competition. He had won a 2nd place cash prize in this competition in 2010. Victor was attracted by FOFA's award of a scholarship to art school to enhance his technique. "This gave me an intention, a purpose," he noted.


Click here to read more about this talented young Oaxacan artist

 Click here to see our updated website featuring additional event info, some of our previous contest winners and their works, and lots more.


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www.fofa.us 718-859-1515 info@fofa.us  275 Central Park West, #1-C  New York, New York 10024