FOFA commemorated its 5th anniversary with a series of events throughout the month of November. We are extremely thankful for your support.
On November 15, in conjunction with the Celebrate Mexico Now Festival, FOFA hosted "Folk Art and Artists: Emerging Trends'" at the Octavio Paz Gallery in the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York with guest speakers Marta Turok and Carlomagno Pedro Mart�nez. The educational program was well attended and followed by a reception catered by Toloache Restaurant and cocktails graciously sponsored by Mezcal Pierde Almas.
Consul General Carlos Manuel Sada, Marta Turok and Carlomagno Pedro Martinez |
On November 18 an equally successful fundraising 5th anniversary dinner took place at the home of Arden (President of FOFA) and Chuck Rothstein with its extensive private collection of Oaxacan folk art. Among our esteemed guests were Consul General Carlos Manuel Sada as well as Maria Elena Cabezut, Director of the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York. The evening provided an excellent opportunity to learn more about FOFA's work, while also speaking directly with our visiting guest speakers, Marta Turok and Carlomagno Pedro Mart�nez whose extraordinary black ceramic works were on view and offered for sale. A delicious dinner by Toloache Restaurant was accompanied by a fabulous mezcal tasting generously provided by 'Mezcales de Oaxaca'.
At FOFA's fantastically successful annual holiday sale, held on November 30 and December 1 we were thrilled to see many familiar and new faces. Through this annual event, FOFA both supports artesanos whose work we commission for sale and directs profits from the sale of these pieces and donated items to pursuit of projects aimed at preserving and promoting the folk arts of Oaxaca

Pieces by Mar�a Jim�nez Ojeda of San Mart�n Tilcajete
FOFA's Board of Directors is deeply thankful for your generous support, without which we cannot continue our work. On behalf of the folk artists of Oaxaca, we thank you, wish you a very happy holiday, and healthy new year and hope you will stay tuned about exciting projects to come in 2013.