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September 2015

L'Shanah Tovah
Wishing you a happy, healthy, and productive new year! 

A Message From Our Executive Director
Carrie Hoops

Friends of JFCS,
Shanah Tovah! As we know during these High Holy Days the notion of remembrance is pervasive as is collective memory and identity. Over the past few weeks, the JFCS staff and I have been piecing together an organizational memory by creating a timeline to document our evolution.
Although JFCS was founded in 1947, our roots go back even further to the 1920's and the work of the Jewish Service Society and Jewish Shelter Home. As we begin to plot the various programs and services on the timeline, it is illuminating to see that we have continually responded to the needs of the community by adding services and releasing others that were no longer needed. We have even incubated a few programs that grew to eventually become their own nonprofits: Community Warehouse and Sinai In-Home Services. And in this vein of responsiveness, we see great opportunity as we become part of the family of Cedar Sinai Park services. We'll continue our good work and now amplify our impact through a broader spectrum of services to help vulnerable individuals and families in our community achieve well-being and happy, healthy lives.
Memories tie us all to both our past and our future. JFCS has a rich past and the prospect of having a more powerful impact in the future. Your support is more important than ever as we enter this New Year.
Carrie Hoops
Executive Director
P.S. The JFCS timeline is still in process, but we want to share it with you HERE. If you know of significant pieces of history that should be added, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you.

Rosh Hashanah: The Holiday and The Challenge
Rosh Hashanah evokes many memories: the food, family, the tumult and joyous chaos and, the traditions and customs we attend to during this holiday time. It may be one of the few times during the year that "families" get together. The holiday provides all of us the opportunity to pause, reflect and consider our place in the world and the impact we have on others.Tradition and custom are woven in a tapestry of experiences that help to bind our families in a shared sense of purpose and meaning. Family stories are shared, one generation passes on values that become a guidepost for the next generation. 

I challenge you to spend a few moments to ponder the memories you have:
  • What family stories have you been told, and what family stories do you choose to tell?
  • Are there stories you choose not to tell?
  • What values are embedded in your family's shared stories?
So whether your favorite part about the High Holy Days is dipping
apples in honey, blowing the shofar, hearing the hauntingly beautiful Kol Nidre melody, or just spending time with friends and family around the dinner (or break-fast) table, pause and reflect and then perhaps share a special memory.  

Shana Tova!

David Molko, LCSW
Senior Outreach Clinician

JFCS Helps With Back To School Supplies

"Some kids have no clothing, books, backpacks, and other supplies," says one sixth-grade teacher. "And you see some kids that are really suffering. Some kids don't ever have a dime. They have one pencil, they have a spiral book, and they don't have any other supplies."

In response, our Emergency Aid coordinator has developed close working relationships with administrators at the Boise-Eliot Elementary School and at Grout Elementary 
School, two public schools in Portland that enroll large numbers of students who live at or below the federal poverty line.

JFCS believes that it's essential to invest in services and supports that help ease the experience of childhood poverty. A recent $3,500 grant from the Robert Brady Charitable Trust will allow JFCS to provide $50 gift cards for 70 children at Boise-Eliot and Grout to assist low-income parents and caregivers buy clothes and other school items, helping ensure that their kids are confident and prepared when the school year rolls around.

For more information contact Maria Rehbach, Emergency Aid Coordinator, at 503.226.7079,
ext. 128 [email protected].
News From the TASK Program

Apple and Honey Event
TASK invites people with special needs to join us on Friday, September 11 at 2:00 PM at Kehillah when TASK and Cedar Sinai Park host "Apples and Honey," a tasty and fun way to learn more about Rosh Hashanah. We'll include the food and the blowing of a shofar, with a brief explanation of the Jewish New Year. Kindly RSVP to Corinne Spiegel.

TASK Parent Group
On Thursday, September 10th at 3 PM, Alan Edwards of the Social Security Administration will present information on how to apply for SSI/SSDI; why reporting income matters for people with disabilities who are employed; and other questions concerning disabilities and social security benefits. Of special interest might be how your retirement affects your child with disabilities, even when that child is an adult. More information is included in the flyer below. Note that space is limited, please RSVP to [email protected] or 503 226-7079 ext 155. 

Caf� Europa's Annual Beach Trek

Nearly 50 survivors and their guests enjoyed a beautiful day at Oregon's world famous Cannon Beach. Thanks to the amazing staff at the Subway at 4523 SE Woodstock Blvd in Portland, everyone enjoyed a wonderful picnic lunch and were then able to enjoy an afternoon of fun, shopping, socialization, and relaxation. One of the most incredible moments of the trip included the introduction of two Hungarian survivors, who quickly became inseparable for the day and became close friends. We were also amazed to see that two survivors, both who were from the same Ghetto in Poland, happened to sit next to each other on the bus and chatted the entire way home, discussing their shared experiences. This is such a great reminder as to why these events are so important, as they not only provide educational and recreational opportunities to our aging survivor community, but also provide an opportunity to connect with others who share in their unique collective experiences.

For more information Contact Lifeline Case Manager/Caf� Europa Coordinator Missy Fry: [email protected] or phone 503 226-7079, ext 133.

From Left to Right:  Rita Shmulevsky (Bilingual Case Manager), Georgette Hancock, Kim VanKoten (Scheduling Coordinator), Susan Fischer, Alla Piatski (Bilingual Case Manager), and Missy Fry (Lifeline Case Manager and Caf� Europa Event Coordinator)Type caption text here.
Jewish Family & Child Service provides social services that improve the lives of adults, families and children in the Jewish and general communities. 

                                                                   JFCS is a subsidiary of Cedar Sinai Park


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