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August 2015

A Message From Our Executive Director


Carrie Hoops

We are excited to delve into the many opportunities that exist now that JFCS is a subsidiary of Cedar Sinai Park (CSP). Our new fiscal year began on July 1, and the month was a whirlwind of planning and activity. Our very capable staff hasn't skipped a beat, and the wonderful work of JFCS continues full speed ahead. You'll read about a few of our activities and plans in this newsletter. 


I am delighted to have transitioned into my role as Executive Director after serving in an interim capacity for 15 months. Now that the consolidation with CSP is complete, one of my priorities is to get out of the office more often and visit with friends who support JFCS's important work. We are grateful to have so many longtime friends and I'd like to get to know you!


As we gear up for our annual Holiday Campaigns over the coming months, we'll once again look to our donors and volunteers who are crucial to our work. JFCS's Thanksgiving food boxes provide bountiful meals to more than 150 isolated and poor individuals and families. We also brighten the holidays through our Adopt-a-Family campaign, which delivers special gifts and much-needed household items to more than 50 low-income families. In future newsletters, we'll provide more specifics on how you can help during these end-of-year campaigns, which benefit some of our most vulnerable clients.


For now, I'd like to leave you with two important thoughts: 

  • First, thank you for your past support. JFCS is here today to serve our community because of you.
  • Second, community support continues to be crucial in ensuring that JFCS will be here to benefit future generations. We are still depending on you!
 Enjoy the rest of our beautiful Oregon summer!



Planning For Future Generations


On Sunday, August 23, Jewish Family & Child Service, in partnership with Cedar Sinai Park, will present an informative estate planning workshop. We are bringing an expert in the area of estate planning to share the basics about what you can do to make things easier for those you leave behind while supporting causes you care so much about. We encourage you to take advantage of this free opportunity to plan for the future. 


Registration information is included in the invitation below. Please reserve your place by August 16, as seating is limited.




Highlighting Partners for Independence 


The JFCS Partners for Independence program provides adults and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities with resources and options to make informed choices about living, learning, and working. As part of our clients' support team, our qualified skills trainers and behavior consultants offer state-certified services, collaborating with families, schools, employers, social networks, volunteer sites, and other disability support providers to help people achieve self-determination, become engaged community members, and reach their goals.


Partners is currently developing a small-group inclusion program that will launch in August, providing structured outings for community integration and relationship building, with a focus on health & wellness and volunteer activities.  This program expands our capacity to provide meaningful supports to our clients, and we are excited to see it develop over the coming months.  Our Behavior Supports program has continued to expand, with our clients seeing measurable success in creating solutions to overcome more significant challenges.  Our team currently has capacity to serve new clients without delay. 


For more information contact Partners for Independence Program Director Stacy Buckley, at [email protected] or 503-226-7079, ext 111.



News From The TASK Program


Kehillah residents and Tikvah members and guests celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act with a wonderful event at Kehillah.  There were hot dogs and other foods, and games and music.  A highlight was interactive yoga, with Judy Jewell of the Julie Lawrence Yoga Center, who brought along a few students with special needs to help demonstrate adaptive yoga, getting everyone to try yoga.   David Kohnstamm, executive director of Rose Schnitzer Manor was the chef for the barbecue, and welcomed everyone with a few comments about the importance of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, noting how improvements have been made that allow people with special needs to fully participate in their communities.  Everyone had a great time, including Nathan, the new resident manager of Kehillah.


With school approaching soon, TASK Disabilities Inclusion Specialist Corinne Spiegel reminds parents that help is available from TASK {Treasuring, Accepting, and Supporting Kehillah [community]}. Whether it's guidance on what to expect from Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or parenting issues, Corinne provides individual consultations and a parent support group.


For more information Contact TASK Program Inclusion Specialist Corinne Spiegel at [email protected] or phone 503 226-7079, ext 155. 



Robison Groundbreaking

On July 15th, Cedar Sinai Park (CSP) broke ground on a $33 million construction project focused on renovation of the Robison Jewish Health Center and its transformation into a 44-bed post-acute rehabilitation center. The project will also include the construction of two additional buildings with four homes in THE GREEN HOUSE� model - providing 12 beds each (48 total) for an improved model of long-term care.


CSP is committed to helping people stay at home as long as possible or maintain lower levels of care and this project will be a wonderful option in the care continuum for JFCS clients and others in our community. 


Nearly 19 million dollars has been raised so far putting the campaign at 94% of the goal. This project is just too important for you not to be involved - please consider helping. Visit the Dignity by Design website to make an online gift or call CSP with any questions you may have at 



Jewish Family & Child Service provides social services that improve the lives of adults, families and children in the Jewish and general communities. 

                                                                   JFCS is a subsidiary of Cedar Sinai Park


Our Programs: 

Counseling | Homemaker Assistance | Emergency Aid | Disability Support Services

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