Lake Views
Official Newsletter of Lake Chelan Rotary
For more information about us go to the website at  

Our 91st Year!
Issue No. 43 for 4-26-2016
In This Issue

Please enjoy the award winning Lake Views newsletter of Lake Chelan Rotary.  The year 2016 is Lake Chelan Rotary's 90th Birthday having been Chartered in on March 24, 1926.  
Our Club meets every Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. at Tsillan Cellars in Sorrento's Restaurant.  Tsillan Cellars is one of the Chelan Valley's preeminent wineries.

Our satellite meeting is held at the Vogue - the valleys Gathering Place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7 a.m. Please join us at either of these meetings - an invitation is not required.  Visitors are always welcome.

 The Program Chair for April is Rich Watson

Our Program this week - 
Sue Baker, the Executive Director of the
Court Appointed Special Advocate Program (CASA)

Sue Baker, is the Executive Director of the Chelan Douglas CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Program. She, along with two foster parents and then Superior Court Judge Carol Wardell started the CASA Program here in Chelan County. That was 22 years ago serving children and their families. 

The CASA Program was established in 1977, in Seattle by Judge David Soukup. There are now over 1,000 programs nationwide and over 60,000 volunteers advocating for abused children. 

Sue has been a Guardian ad Litem for over 30 years, first providing the service as a volunteer with the CASA Program in King County. She provided foster care over the last 20 years with her last four guardianship children entering the adult world.

She has been an ardent advocate on behalf of children all her life making their priorities hers.


New Member Proposals

At the April Board Meeting the following were proposed for membership.  If you have any comments or input about any of these proposals contact President Jordana. 

    Servando Robledo - The Lookout at Lake Chelan - Sponsored by Guy Evans

    Glenn Kerns - Retired Detective of Seattle Police Dept - 
                Sponsored by Larry Bowers

     Dr. Megan Guffey - Lake Chelan Community Hospital & Clinics -
          Sponsored by Jordana LaPorte

Interact logo
Goats to Goats
If you were at Earth Day this weekend you most likely saw the Lake Chelan Interact Club working one of their International projects.  They have been raising money to send Goats to where they are needed.  So appropriate when their mascot at Chelan High School is the "Goats".


March Lake Chelan Rotarian of the Month

A couple of weeks ago President Jordana announced that she was naming Tiffany Gering as Rotarian of the month for March.  Tiffany did an awesome job on the Radiothon, being a diligent Board Member and generally going well beyond the call of duty.  Thanks Tiffany.

Were you aware that zipfizz is now a major sponsor of the 2016 Century Challenge and Cycle de Vine? Their support is with both financial help and product. They are joining Vin du Lac as our very appreciated sponsors this year.

Make Up Meetings around the Area!

Did you know that you can make up a meeting at the following places? 

Wenatchee North @ Town Toyota Center Wed. Noon
Wenatchee Sunrise @ Red Lion Tues. 7 am
Cashmere @ Cashmere Presbyterian Church Wed. Noon
Leavenworth @ Kristall's Fri. 11:45 am
East Wenatchee @ Shari's Restaurant Thurs. 7 am
Lake Chelan @ Tsillian Cellars Tues. Noon
Quincy @ Quincy Senior Center Thur. Noon
Okanogan-Omak @ The Flour MIll in Okanogan Thur Noon
Grand Coulee Dam @ Siam Palace Restaurant  Wed. Noon

This ought to get you reading the newsletter each week!

At the March Board meeting last week, the Board moved to solve the problem of those members who do not show up or provide a substitute for their cashier duties. Henceforth if you do not show or have a sub, you will be resposible for the lunch fee for the volunteer who steps up and fills in for you.  Hopefully we will not have the continuing problem of no-shows.  It is only less than twice a year, so please be responsible.

This Week's Team

April 26
Greeter -Jim Slaugenhaupt
Cashier - Aaron Evans
Asst. Cashier - Tricia McCullough

May 3
Greeter - Mike Steele
Cashier - Tricia McCullough
Asst. Cashier - Kari Grover-Wier

March Board Minutes

Keep up with the Club decisions.  To read the minutes of the March Board meeting check on the underline in this sentence.

A busy Rotary week

It has been a busy week with both our club and the Interact Club.  Hosting at Campbell's for the Youth Exchange training, the flying of all the international flags on Woodin Avenue, the goat fund raising by Interact at Earthday, the demonstrating of the Shelterbox at the park, and the return of our Chelan High students that we sent to Adventures in Tourism in Canada made for a great week of Rotary Projects.

Congratulations to our Rotary Friend Barry DePaoli as the new school superintendent.

Officers & Directors

Jordana LaPorte

Kevin Abel

Vice President:
Lester Cooper

Terry White

Paul Schmidt

Past President:
Jeff Fehr

Tiffany Gering
Morgan Picton
Lexy Lieurance
Aaron Evans

This year's 2016 Rotary International Convention will be held in Seoul Korea at the end of May.  This year Club Director Tiffany Gering and Interact Advisor Brisa Romero will be attending the convention as our representatives together with five members of the Chelan High School Interact Club.  

The Interactors are Scott AbelMichael
Lucas Gueller,
Madelyn Peebles and
Emily Christenson.  

Our CHS students will enjoy a fascinating look not only at the Korean culture but also gain insight into the cultures of the more than 50 counties that will be present at the convention.


April 20 - Lake Chelan Rotary social event at Marcella's at 5:30 p.m.

April 21- Satellite Mtg. @ The Vogue at 7 a.m.

April 22 - Open house and dedication of the Cornerstone Bldg.

April 26 - Sue Baker of CASA and its role with children and the courts

May 3 - Bill Larson speaks about Wildfire preparedness

May 5 - Satellite Mtg. @ The Vogue at 7 a.m. 

May 10 - Our noon meeting will be at Chelan High School for a lunch with the Culinary Arts Class.

May 12-15, 2016 - District Conf. in Yakima.  Jump Right In!

May 17 - Erin Cass all about Wellness Place

May 24 - Kathy Miller and the Senior Living Initiative

May 28 - June 1, 2016: Rotary International convention in Seoul, Korea

June 17 - 90th Anniversary Celebration at Tsillan Cellars

June 25 - Century Challenge & Cycle de Vine
Membership #A

By the way, our sponsorship money from Zipfizz arrived for the Century Challenge. A good week all around.
The View of the Lake

Manson and the mountains in Spring

Quick Links

Are you interested in joining Lake Chelan Rotary?  Please contact Membership co-chairs Mary Watson (509) 670-3169 or Tom Warren (509) 682-4530.

Lake Chelan Rotary | 509-682-2521|
PO Box 601
Chelan, WA 98816

Newsletter editor:  Tom Warren