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July 31, 2014


Jennie Vana

Lake County Communications Manager



County Board Member Sauer Joins Elite Group of Emerging Illinois Leaders for Leadership Training
County Board Member Nick Sauer (District 17) is one of 40 emerging leaders from Illinois selected into the 2014 Edgar Fellow Program - An executive leadership-training program that aims to develop the leaders of tomorrow so they are prepared to solve our state's future challenges. Next week, Sauer will travel to Urbana-Champaign to participate in an extensive and intense training program hosted by former Governor Jim Edgar and the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs.
Sauer said, "I'm honored to have been nominated and accepted into this distinguished program. Our state and many communities face public policy challenges - from healthcare to public safety to budget issues. I am eager to learn from other knowledgeable and experienced leaders and put those skills into practice."
Fellows are chosen from a highly competitive pool of nominees-nearly 160 of them this year.
Lake County Board Chairman Aaron Lawlor (District 18) was a 2012 Edgar Fellow.  He was among those who submitted a nomination for Board Member Sauer. "This is a 'roll up your sleeves and get to work' kind of training where you interact and learn skills and techniques that truly help you become a better leader. I'm excited for Nick and I'm confident that he will get a lot out of the program," Lawlor said. 
Janet L. Agnoletti, Executive Director of the Barrington Area Council of Governments also nominated Member Sauer. She said, "Nick is the type of person we need in government, someone who carefully considers the consequences of government policy on communities and people.  This program will add to his skill set, and I couldn't be more pleased that Nick will be an Edgar Fellow this year." 
The program, organized by IGPA's Office of Public Leadership is funded primarily by donations from a diverse group of individuals, organizations and companies interested in promoting competent and well-motivated leadership in Illinois. To learn more, visit



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