The Foundation Stone

Muscular Humility


He was a walking criticism of the Children of Israel. The adopted son of Pharaoh, known to us as, "The most humble of people," had enough confidence to kill an Egyptian beating a Jew. The slaves, who, in their desperation to be acknowledged as loyal citizens, lacked the courage to stand for themselves, let alone their fellow slaves, or even their children. They couldn't face a young man who was willing to sacrifice his royal position to stand up for another person. The slaves wanted to be humble Egyptians. They didn't want to stand out as a successful separate community. They were crushed by their humble willingness to allow others to define them. No, they couldn't face Moses who understood that true humility is a steroid shot to the muscles that allow us to fight for values larger than us.


While so many are humbly doing all they can to fit in to certain communities, while so much of our attention is focused on battling problems, while so many are so desperately protecting our children from the arrogant values that threaten their spiritual integrity, we have lost the muscular humility of Moses - the confidence to proudly proclaim the powerful majesty of our faith.

The Foundation Stone, with its classes, workshops, retreats, spiritual guidance, and writings, nurtures the Muscular Humility of our tradition, and we now turn to you for a muscular end-of-year tax-deductible contribution, no matter how humble. You'll be nourishing our muscles and those of all who benefit from our programs.

Thank You,                                                                   give

Rabbi Simcha L. Weinberg