Egoscue News
December 2012
Hello Egoscue Family!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Egoscue! 


We are so proud of the many amazing clients like yourself, taking charge and reaching many of your goals this year. Whether it was taking that long trip, having a baby, participating in sports, competing and improving triathlon time, or simply being able to wake up without pain -- you did it!
Thanks for letting us be a part of your journey. We enjoy it and look forward to helping you with this year's goals-turned-accomplishments!
A Word from Pete
Negative thoughts are the single worst health habit.
Word from Pete
Thank You
Spotlight: Ed Plutte
Function Fridays
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Thanks to all of you who were able to attend our Open House & 
Holiday Gathering at our new Beverly Hills Clinic!
Celebrating our Friends & Family
Thank You
As the years have gone by, I've been more and more adamant in telling people, "We have the BEST clients!" And because of this, it makes our work so much more enjoyable. Seeing so many of you get back to your passions, interests, families, etc. brings the highest level of joy. Sure, there are struggles and difficulties along the way but this only makes the story so much more of an accomplishment. You - the champion of the story!

So, with much sincerity, we all wish you the very best this holiday season and into the new year! - Paul
Client of the Month: Ed Plutte
"OCEANSIDE-A sports car and a station wagon driven by neighbors collided head-on on US 101 at high speed early yesterday. Four persons were injured, two seriously. The California Highway Patrol said both vehicles were demolished when the sports car, traveling 55 miles an hour, crashed with the heavier auto going 80 mph 2 1/2 miles south of San Onofre at 7:10 a.m. Taken to Camp Pendelton Naval Hospital was Marine 1st Lt. Edward Plutte, 25, driver of the sports car, serious
condition." - March 12, 1962 San Diego Union-Tribune article. Cars Driven by Neighbors Collide; four hurt.

After this accident, Ed was told that he would never have full motion in his legs again. The attending doctors even considered removing one leg all together due to the severity of injuries he sustained. Given his situation, Ed had to choose between two alternatives -- either accept that fate had dealt him a life of compromise, suffering and disability, OR take on the challenge of his situation, defy the odds, and work to re-gain the life he desired.

Being the remarkable person he is, Ed chose to step up to the challenge and fight to get his legs back under him (literally and figuratively). Who would think that the man pictured to the right, doing an air bench, is the same man that was told he would never have full motion in his legs after being involved in this horrible accident 50 years ago?

Ed underwent many intensive surgeries just to be able to walk again. The car accident mangled his legs while fracturing his L4 & L5 vertebrae. Following each of the surgeries, Ed went through physical therapy conducted by the roughest commanding officer in Camp Pendelton. Just getting to a place where he could walk well enough to get through normal daily activities, it took nearly three years of hard work and dedication. Despite many who doubted Ed's ability and desire to return to function, his own belief coupled with that of others close to him helped Ed stay positive, focused toward a life not riddled with incessant pain. Ed attributes much of his recovery to his loving wife and the bond they've shared over the past 50 years of marriage. Now, with four children and four grandchildren, it is this family bond that continues to give him the drive to not give up.

In 2003, Ed's sister recommended him to see Pete Egoscue, also a former Marine, in San Diego. At the time, Ed had been trying to work out in the gym to restore his balance on his own, but was finding that pain was showing up in his back and other places. After 6 months of Egoscue, the pain in his back went away. With the expansion of Egoscue and a more accessible clinic in Santa Monica, Ed remains dedicated to improving his quality of life and physical health. You can see Ed doing his menu just about daily at the Santa Monica clinic, where he often forgets his cane on his way out. Ed continues to tell others about Egoscue and takes on any opportunity to learn more about maintaining a functional lifestyle. His passion and positive "Yes I can!" attitude inspire all of those around him.  We are truly grateful to have Ed as part of the Egoscue Family and are so proud to recognize him as our December Client of the Month. Keep on keeping on Ed!
Function Fridays
Thank you to all who have attended! You now can enjoy Function Fridays two times per month as your hard work and dedication have shown you want more! Come join us for our next functional, fun, active, and FREE workout on the dates below:

Friday, Dec 21st at 6:30 AM
Friday, Jan 4th & 18th at 6:30 AM

Call today to reserve your spot (310) 450-2549 or drop in!
Happy Holidays

Thank you for making this year great! Let's make 2013 just as positive and continue to grow our Egoscue Family! Drink water, stay functional, and enjoy the holidays!

Your Friends at Egoscue
Know someone who could use a lift?
Do you have a friend or family member who deserves the same quality service that you received to get out of pain and regain control of their life? Forward this email and let them know that they can come in for a free consultation and posture screening to see if Egoscue is right for them. 
Don't let those close to you live in pain any longer!

Santa Monica: Call 310-450-2549 or email [email protected]
Beverly Hills: Call 310-289-8910 or email [email protected]