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Greetings ,
Thank you for continued support! The spiritual theme of the day is designed to help you with direction and insight with your daily readings.

Love and light,
-Jordan Canon

Good Day Lightworkers,

I'd like to thank everyone for all the responses and suggestions regarding KarmaMan. I had fun reading them all!

So, my first day on the job started out like any other with an early morning stop to get some coffee. I come out and see a woman with three small children in the back of her minivan parked next to me.

She has an almost flat tire and asks me if I think she has enough air to make it home, or should she call for road service.

"Neither," I said. I have another option for you. I opened my trunk and took from my inventory of emergency car breakdown supplies a can of Fix-A-Flat. An excellent product that will inflate a flat tire and spray some type of goop that plugs up any small holes the tire might have.

But saving a damsel (with three small kids) in distress is not the best part of this story. The best part is that she says:

"I had a can of Fix-A-Flat I just gave to someone last week who had a flat tire, and I haven't the time to get another one for myself."

And I just had to confirm that with her. "So you gave yours away, helping a soul in need, and a week later you need one for yourself, and I'm here to give you mine."

"Yes," she says. "It's like Karma."

"It is Karma," I said. "And that would have to make me KarmaMan."

She politely smiled, possibly thinking I might be a little nuts. I gave her two more cans of Fix-A-Flat, one for her should she need it, and one in the hopes she has an opportunity to keep the flat tire karma rolling along.

Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the universe and how it creates your day, based on the energy you invest.

And in that story you will find significant relevance in your Daily Spiritual Astrology Readings.

Love and light,
Principal: I Am
Primary Power: Motivation to Act 
Principal: I Have
Primary Power: Practical and Preserving 

Principal: I Think
Primary Power: Duality and Communication

Principal: I Feel 
Primary Power: Emotions and Nurturing
Principle: I Will
Primary Power: Desires and Recognition
Principle: I Analyze
Primary Power: Attention to Detail
Principal: I Balance
Primary Power: Relating to Others
Principal: I Desire
Primary Power: Intensity and Forceful
Principal: I Aspire
Primary Power: A Broad and Idealistic Outlook
Principal: I Use
Primary Power: Realism and Responsibility

Principal: I Believe
 Love and light, 
Jordan Canon