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June 23, 2016
Vernon Hills, IL


Newly Redesigned 2200 Series Belt Conveyors
Higher speed transfers, universal T-slot and more

The 2200 Series features a stronger, single piece frame design that reduces the overall number of needed stands. The frame comes with a Universal T-Slot that is compatible with industry standard hardware and makes attaching accessories and guiding fast and simple.
This equals a conveyor platform that's stronger, faster and more flexible for handling small to medium size part applications.

MidOptic logo StableEDGE Filters
Minimize the effects of short shifting

MidOpt StablEDGE filters are specifically designed to be less susceptible to effects from angular shifting seen when optical filters are placed in front of short focal length (<12 mm) camera lenses.
Short focal length lenses are now more widely used than ever before.  These more compressed configurations result in contrast loss toward the edges of the image. Because of the angle imposed by the field of view (FOV) of the lens, the passband shifts and allows short wavelength ambient light to overwhelm the subject. Light from LED or laser diode lighting is also cut off. In contrast, peak transmission of MidOpt's StablEDGE™ filters is not significantly altered, and effects due to short shifting are minimized.. 
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Sick logo microScan3 Safety Laser Scanner
A new era of safety
The microScan3 Core safety laser scanner from SICK reliably protects hazardous areas, accesses, and hazardous points. The innovative safeHDDM scan technology sets new benchmarks. The microScan3 combines a small compact design and a large scanning range in one device with high performance in even the toughest environments.

Standardized cable connections for rapid integration. New Safety Designer software offers improved programming features and fast set up time. The microScan3 features a brilliant LED screen for easy identification of status.

Mitsubishi logo GOT Mobile Web-based Remote Solutions
Monitor your worksite anytime, anywhere
The GOT Mobile function improves visualization accessibility and reduces total cost of ownership.  The GOT and your mobile devices can communicate directly without using a separate access point.  
The status of equipment can be monitored remotely with your tablet or smart phone.  In addition, you can view maintenance manuals to quickly check error details and find solutions. 
Improve productivity | Reduce downtime | Improve setup procedures | Improve maintenance


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