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Cognex Machine Vision
In-Sight EasyBuilder and Spreadsheet 4-Day Training
Cognex Training
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The In-Sight EasyBuilder and Spreadsheet Standard product class gives new In-Sight users an overview of the hardware and software used by In-Sight Vision Systems. With the focus on getting the most from the In-Sight Explorer EasyBuilder and spreadsheet interfaces, users learn how to walk through the process of setting up a vision application, step by step in EasyBuilder and spreadsheet programming best practices.

Cognex Machine Vision Cognex Releases DataMan 5.5 Software
Includes PowerGrid™ Technology
5.5.0 Setup Tool introduces a new, modern graphical user interface with highly customizable views, and the ability to simultaneously connect to multiple DataMan readers. 5.5.0 Setup Tool supports all current DataMan ID products.

2DMax� with PowerGrid technology provides reliable reading of challenging 2-D codes, including previously unreadable 2-D codes without visible perimeters, even when the codes exhibit significant damage to or complete elimination of the finder pattern, clocking pattern, and quiet zone.

Join us for our first DataMan Vision-Based Barcode Reader Workshop
Free 1-Day Workshop - September 9th, Marietta, GA
Learn how to use a DataMan image-based barcode reader. We are offering a free window into the capabilities of the DataMan along with lunch. There is no better opportunity then now to learn how these systems can help in your plant. Bring samples of your defects for prove outs.

80/20 Yellow Powder Coat Extrusion
Now Stocking Safety Yellow Profiles
80/20 now stocks 1010 profiles in powder-coated safety yellow. The powder coat creates a precise, consistent color match. This is a great product to denote caution and warning and is used frequently in maintenance, facilities, and guarding applications.

All fasteners, panels and accessories that are 10-series compatible work with these safety-yellow profiles.

80/20 is a modular T -slotted aluminum framing system offered in both inch and metric profiles. It offers extremely cost-efficient solutions to building machine frames, guards and retrofits.

Smart Vision Lights' Custom Light Adds Flexibility
to Multi-Product Pharmaceutical Blister Packaging Lines

Smart Vision Lights is featured in a recent Healthcare Packaging magazine article on custom lighting of blister packaging lines. Contract pharmaceutical packager PCI, which specializes in multiple package configurations on a variety of blister packaging lines, needed the right light architecture to optimize its machine vision inspection. 

Smart Vision Lights met the challenge by developing the TL305, a custom on-off axis LED light that provides extremely intense and diffused multidimensional light for highly reflective surfaces.

Join ACS as we participate in a day filled with
food, fun & fabulous machines!

  • Specialty Equipment Demonstrations
  • Bavarian Food & Drinks Provided
  • Rides will be provided to and from the World Congress Center for GlassBuild Attendees
  • Shop Tours All Day
Serving the Southeast US

Call Us Toll-Free at (800) 969-7772 
or email at
Advanced Control Solutions, LLC 
1400 Williams Drive
Marietta, GA  30066