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Cognex Machine Vision DS925B 3D Vision System
High resolution 3D inspection


Cognex is pleased to announce the availability of the new DS925B 3D sensor, an extension to the DS1000 series portfolio targeted towards inspections and measurements with higher resolution and accuracy requirements.


The DS925B 3D sensor optimizes product quality by providing three dimensional inspection of your products. Compact and industrially designed for even the harshest factory environment, it also includes industry-leading Cognex vision software with a powerful 3D toolset.


The DS925B 3D sensor addresses applications that can benefit from the increased accuracy obtained using a tighter field of view and higher resolution.  This makes it particularly suitable for the consumer electronics and medical devices industries.  The DS925B is available bundled together with the Cognex VC5 vision controller, 8704e GigE frame grabber card, and the CC24 PLC and IO board.  It is fully compatible with the new Cognex Designer 2.0 software and VisionPro� 8.4 tool library, providing a complete solution for easy development and deployment of demanding 3D applications.


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Epson Robot Application
 LS SCARA Robot adhesive & magnet placement

watch application video

A Brasilian consumer products company installed a robot to assemble refrigerator magnets. The robot improved finished product quality and increased productivity.

Want to see how an Epson robot could improve your efficiency and throughput?  Request an in-house demonstration of the Epson Robot capabilities by June 30th will be entered to win an Epson All-In-One Printer.
OPTO 22 groov Mobile Made Simple
Using groov for easier facility management


groov Video

This application video describes how groov can help you save time and money in facility management. A groov mobile interface lets you keep moving while you monitor systems and equipment. 


Building your own mobile app with groov is fast: you drag and drop data fields, trends, and controls onto the screen and tag them. You can securely use the app on just about any smartphone, tablet, or computer. With the Modbus/TCP protocol built in, groov communicates with any Modbus system or equipment on an Ethernet network.


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The BEST 80/20 Picture Contest

Send us your 80/20 project

Our first Best 80/20 Picture winner comes from one of our own vendors designing their new Trade Show Booth - Congratulations to Aaron Henry, Product Manager and Stephanie Davis, Marketing Coordinator at Murr Elektronik!


Send a picture of your 80/20 project to ACS along with a one sentence description.  Each month we will draw a winner from that month's pictures, and they will receive a unique 80/20 desk organizer.

Send you picture TODAY
Training Opportunities

Epson RC Programming Training

A two-day hands-on basic programming class on the RC+ programming environment using both 4-axis SCARA robot and 6-axis articulated robots.

Cognex Training

Cognex Machine Vision Workshop


Introduction to machine vision using Cognex EasyBuilder.


May 13, 2015

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Advanced Control Solutions, LLC 
1400 Williams Drive
Marietta, GA  30066