 The April 20th deadline is fast approaching! New and renewing members of the buy local campaign for regional restaurant, food, farm and retail businesses can register easily online...TODAY!New this year: regional wood products businesses are invited to join Pure Catskills too. Membership benefits include a listing in the print Guide to Local Products (50,000 copies to be distributed in May) and group promotions like the Pure Catskills Holiday Gift Guide, rack cards, and feature articles like the one mentioned below. Point of purchase materials, a dedicated web page at BuyPureCatskills.com, and sales opportunities through PureCatskillsMarketplace.com are all perks of becoming a Pure Catskills member! Get in the Guide TODAY and upgrade your listing with a display ad. For advertising information, contact Tia Blaber of ColorPage Publishing (800) 836-7581. For membership information, contact Farm to Market Manager Sonia Janiszewski, (607) 865-7090, ext. 217. 
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Friendly Faces in the Field
Over the last three months, we've added a few staff members ready to help you with conservation easements, whole farm plans and other water quality business at your farm or woodland property. Be on the lookout for: Rob Birdsall, Small Farms Coordinator Eleanor Blakeslee-Drain, Catskills FarmLink Coordinator Derrick Kelly, Engineering Technician Patti Shulman, East of Hudson Program Assistant John Van BenSchoten, Easement Stewardship Specialist Mackenzie Waro, Easement Stewardship Specialist Let us help you with land conservation practices, stewardship mandates, farmer education, and technical assistance so you can actively manage your watershed lands. Have a question? Give us a call! 
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Need a speaker for your next event, workshop, or conference? Let us provide an expert staffer to share how Council programs impact your community. To learn more, contact the Communications Department (607) 865-7090.