Water & Land
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 ftmconnectionFarmers & Buyers Conference March 24

Register today for the Farm to Market Program's keystone event -- perfect for farmers looking for new market outlets and buyers searching for products to bring to market. Read more in this press release or download the Farm to Market Connection program agenda here with full descriptions of workshop, panels, speakers and presenters.Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn Find us on Google+

 mapleweekFamily Fun Maple Weekends  
Maple Fest, March 16 Celebrate everything sweet and sticky during New York State Maple Weekends, March 16-17 and 23-24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pure Catskills members like Justus Asthalter Maple, Roxbury Mountain Maple, Shaver Hill Maple Farm, and Buck Hill Farm
host pancake breakfasts, maple samplings and demonstrations. The Agroforestry Center too opens its doors to share the secrets of the "sweet world of maple sugaring" on March 16. Come out of the cold and into the Sugar House this Maple Weekend!
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catskillsfarmlinkOver 50 properties are waiting for their perfect farmer match, like this South Kortright bottom land. If you are eager to farm in the watershed region,
check out Catskills FarmLink and link up with regional landowners ready to put their land to work in food production. For more information, contact Farmhearts Fellow Eleanor Blakeslee-Drain.

farmereductaionSkill Sharpening Farmer Education 
The Watershed Agricultural Program and CCE Delaware County co-host a variety of  farmer education and producer group meetings throughout the year. RSVP today and mark your calendar for hot topic workshops like:

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donateSave Working Landscapes Now 
wacanniversaryThe Council Turns 20 
The Council Turns 20
Now two decades in, we're looking back on what we've done, with your help, through our watershed protection programs. Discover why the NYC Watershed is an international model for water quality protection.

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interestOf Interest
Article: Hudson Valley looks to use region's greens to attract tourists (Westfaironline.com)
Hunt's Point Market Supplies NYC with 60% of its Fruits & Veggies (The New York World)
Small Farms Update-February 2013 (Cornell Small Farms Program)
Direct Marketing Livestock & Poultry  (Cornell Small Farms Program)
Microloans up to $35,000 (USDA) 
Grant: Farm to School due April 24 (USDA)   
Newsletter:  Weekly Pipeline, March 5, 2013 (DEP)
Guide: NY Small Dairy Innovators: Successful Strategies for Smaller Dairy Farms (Cornell Small Farms Program)

March 8, 2013

Farm to Market Connection


Catskills FarmLink Property

Farmer Education 

Save Land Now 20th Anniversary


 Speakers' Bureau

Of Interest 


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speakersNeed a speaker for your next event, workshop, or conference? Let us provide an expert staffer to present on topics related to agriculture, forestry, conservation easements, water quality, natural-resource based economics, marketing, and the Council's community impact. To learn more, contact our Communications Department at  
(607) 865-7090, ext. 226.



NEW DAY & TIME: Watershed Wake-up Call Every other Friday at 7:30 a.m. WIOX Community Radio 91.3FM


March 9

Landowners & Your Woodlands 

Siuslaw Model Forest



March 15

Trained Logger Certified  Adult First Aid & CPR 



March 15

Organic Vegetable Production 



March 16

Maple Fest 

Siuslaw Model Forest



March 19

Sheep & Goat Producer Group Meeting: Prepping for Spring



March 20  

4th Rural Issues: Community Leadership Conference 



March 22

Agri-Economic Development Mini-Conference 

NYS Grange, Cortland


March 24

Farm to Market Connection 



March 24

DEP Wetlands Presentation  

Clearpool Model Forest



April 5

Smartphones for Farmers 



April 5

Improving Your Grazing Management Decision-making Skills Workshop



April 9

Sheep & Goat Producer Group Meeting: Topic TBD



April 11

Highbush Blueberry Production 



April 11

Earth Day Discussions on Food, Water & Environment


Find many more events and workshops listed on the Pure Catskills home page and the Council's event pages for agriculture and forestry.



Pure Catskills

You & Your Watershed



(607) 865-7790 | communications@nycwatershed.org 


Help protect farmland, forests and clean drinking water by adding the

Conservation Easement Stewardship Endowment Fund  

to your list of annual charitable investments. 


Your privacy is important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent, or give your name or email address to anyone. And, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every WAC eNews. 


The Watershed Agricultural Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the economic viability of agriculture and forestry through the protection of water quality and the promotion of land conservation in the New York City Watershed region. The WAC is funded by The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service and other federal, foundation and private sources. The WAC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.