Preppin' for Sandy
Plan for the worst, hope for the best. That's where we're at, here at the Council. We're already posting contact info to our Disaster Assistance webpage. You can also follow our Facebook Page and blog, You & Your Watershed, for information of interest and further details. Agricultural Program participants who need assistance should call (607) 865-7090; all other participants should reach out to the Main Office at (607) 865-7790. Be safe, be smart. 
Calf Facility Open House
Friday, November 2 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 561 Gay Brook Road Oneonta 13820
Tour the group-housed calf barn at Dave and Laurie Grant's farm. Dr. Mark Thomas of Countryside Vet Clinic in Lowville will talk about calf-rearing basics, calf health, and group housed feeding systems. Sponsored by PRO-Dairy, CCE-Delaware, the Council's Dairy Producer Group and Agricultural Program, this calf facility open house is free and open to the public with a focus on producers interested in calf management and innovative calf housing. RSVP by Monday, October 29 with Kim Holden at (607) 865-7090, ext. 241. Bring a chair and brown bag lunch; beverages will be provided. 
E3 Conference November 8-9
Reading the Forested Landscape
Tom Wessels, author
Saturday, November 10 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Delhi Fire Hall 5 Delview Terrace 13753 In celebration of its 20-year milestone, the Master Forest Owners (MFO) Program presents Tom Wessels, author of Reading the Forested Landscape, A Natural History of New England. Tom's books served as the basis for the MFO Reading Program which introduces people to approaches used to interpret a forest's history while wandering through it. Using evidence such as tree shapes, trunk scars, the pattern of stump decay, stone wall construction, and the lay of the land, landowners can unravel complex stories etched into their forested landscape. Tom will provide insight into "forest forensics" and clues only a forest ecosystem can share. After lunch, Tom will guide the group on an interpretive history walk of a local woodland parcel. CCE Forestry Educator Ron Frisbee will also present on the Woods Forum, peer-to-peer networking where woodland owners can learn from each other's experiences in their woods. Registration costs $10 and includes lunch. The first 25 paid registrations will receive a free copy of Tom Wessels' "Forest Forensics: A Field Guide." For information and to register, call (518) 622-9820, ext. 0. This program is sponsored by the Council's Watershed Forestry Program, CCE-Columbia/Greene Counties, and NYC DEP.
Seasonal Recipes & Free Tote Bag
 The Catskills region abounds with fall produce, jams, jellies, maple products, honey and more for your holiday cooking and baking. Pure Catskills is your source for finding farm-fresh products and ideas -- Fresh From the Catskills! Check out seasonal recipes or download the coupon for a free Pure Catskills tote bag -- simply visit the "Fresh from the Catskills" webpage or follow us on the Pure Catskills Facebook Page or Twitter @PureCatskills. 
Sheep & Goat Producer Group Meeting
 Thursday, November 8 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Dirty Girl Farm 539 Perch Lake Road Andes 13731 Newcomer Cyndi Wright of Dirty Girl Farm will share her experience on her first-year goat dairy including selling fresh goat milk off the farm and getting certified for the sale of fluid milk. Cyndi will take the group on a tour of her farm and mini-pasturizing facility, introduce her herd, and explain the benefits of goat's milk and its marketing potential.
This Sheep & Goat Producer Group farm tour is free and open to the public. To sign up, contact Kim Holden at (607) 865-7090. Those interested in carpooling can meet at the Watershed Agricultural Program offices at 44 West Street in Walton at 5:15 p.m. Space is limited, so please RSVP.
Final Catskills CRAFT Meeting of 2012
 Monday, November 19 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Berry Brook Farm 310 Henderson Hollow Road Roscoe 12776 New and beginner farmers are invited to this year-end Harvest Celebration at the farm of Eleanor Blakeslee-Drain. Along with thanking all who contributed to the the group's programs this year, we'll plan the 2013 CRAFT schedule. Visit with friends, farmers and mentors one more time before the frost. Gather 'round a potluck dinner of fabulous local foods and bring a dish to pass! Carpool will be available; email info@catskillscraft.org or call (914) 720-1020.
Of Interest

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Help protect farmland, forests and clean drinking water by adding the Conservation Easement Stewardship Endowment Fund to your list of annual charitable investments. |
NEW DAY & TIME: Watershed Wake-up Call Every Friday at 7:15 a.m. WIOX Community Radio 91.3FM
November 1
Easement Program Committee Meeting
November 2
Calf Facility Open House
November 8
Sheep & Goat Producer Group Farm Tour
November 8
TLC Forest Pests and Diseases
November 8-9 Sustainable Education for the Next Generation
November 9
TLC Game of Logging: Level 1 Acra
November 10
Reading the Forested Landscape
November 15
Harvesting Opportunities
Hotel Albany
November 16
Wildlife Management
Many more events, events and workshops listed on the Pure Catskills home page and on the Council's event pages for agriculture and forestry.
Pure Catskills
You & Your Watershed
Need a speaker for your next event, workshop, or conference? Let us provide an expert staffer to present on topics related to agriculture, forestry, conservation easements, water quality, natural-resource based economics, marketing, and the Council's community impact. To learn more, contact our Communications Department at (607) 865-7090, ext. 226.
Your privacy is important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent, or give your name or email address to anyone. And, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every WAC eNews.
The Watershed Agricultural Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the economic viability of agriculture and forestry through the protection of water quality and the promotion of land conservation in the New York City Watershed region. The WAC is funded by The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service and other federal, foundation and private sources. The WAC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.