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July 2013
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February 21, 2012 



I had an amazing month, filled with both wonderful victories, but also F.O.G. ("Fabulous" Opportunities for Growth). But what's great about being a Motivational Speaker, is that you get to "follow your own darn advice," since you hear yourself saying it over and over.

After 6 presentations this month, where I  share my "You are the seed" story, (story is coming soon to video, look out for it on my You Tube channel and website) I know it's really true, and that is we have everything we need to thrive, right here, right now, in this exact moment.

I had the honor to speak to people from all walks of life this month, to the amazing women at Grace Institute that are being trained to both enter and re-enter the workforce, some after many years, and some for the first time, to the brave souls in the research department at N.Y.U. Langone Medical Center, who were severely impacted by Hurricane Sandy, last year.

One thing that came up for me, is that as human beings, we struggle with "Spiritual Amnesia," forgetting the kind of rock stars that we are, and not fully accessing this amazing resourcefulness and resiliency that we have.

So this month, I want you to take a few minutes everyday to reflect what I call an "essential moment" in your life; that story, experience or moment, where you had to tap into your resilient self. The more we store those essential memories into your experience bank, the more we are able to shift, when challenges occur and we question our ability to get by (let alone thrive).

Here are some questions to ask yourself to re-awaken your Rock Star Self:
  1. When was the last time, I was really scared to do something, but I did it anyway?
  2. What action did I take?
  3. What did I have to give up in order to do it (i.e. security, having to know the outcome, etc.)
  4. How did I feel once it was over? (i.e. relieved, pride, self-esteem etc.)
  5. What are some resources that I have at my fingertips at every moment (i.e. ability to ask for help, my sense of humor, ability to strategize a solution, etc.)
Here are some pictures from last month of the really terrific people and opportunities that I had the honor of speaking at, that people have been enjoying.

Jessica James, MSW Director of Development @ Grace Institute and I after my "Shift Happens...But Only if You Happen to Know How to Shift," program at G.I.

Having fun with the Itty Bitty Committee (scrappy stress promoting self-talk) with the research folks at N.Y.U.L.M.C.

L2- (Lois Mannon, Research Director, NYU Langone Medical Center, and moi, Lois Barth, with Halia, our lucky door prize winner, from the "Stress Less...Thrive More" program)

Want to really embody that Rock Star Self that is always there, but sometime you feel, shows up more like a groupie. Check out my C.T. Style TV (ABC Affiliate) Segment on "Stress Less...Empower More," where I have a blast with Teresa, the host, where we physicalize empowerment, and strike a "Yes," pose, even in the face of challenge.

Thinking about making a change personally or professionally (they usually go hand in hand)? Shoot me an e-mail at lois@loisbarth.com and set up a complimentary 30 minute coaching session, to see if we're a fit.

Thinking about a change you'd like to see in your company or organization? Call me at 212-682-5225. Let's "tawk" and find out the goals you have around your group and how Lois' upbeat interactive and fun programs can help to meet those goals.

As always, feel free to contact me to keep the conversation going. Your comments and feedback are always welcome.

Thank you all!


Lois Barth
