February 7, 2012 



February is Fall In Love Month... But Not In The Way You Think

I think it's so easy to limit ourselves when thinking of the concept of "falling in love" with having to do with love and romance. Now don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with wanting to attract that special someone, and share your life with them, which is a wonderful thing or deepening the relationship you already have.
What I'm talking is about Falling in Love with Your Life! On a much broader level, that includes, but is not exclusive to romantic love. 

This month I will be covering in my newsletter, blog and you tube program, the following four elements:
Please follow my You Tube and blogs where each week, I will be covering a different topic for my "Falling in Love" series.
So tune in, and be sure to share your own versions of what supports you in falling in love with all these four! And of course feel free to pass on to those people in your life.

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Teleseminar March 8th From Soul-Crushing to Soul-Enhancing Practices for the Solopreneur 


Want to learn how to work my effectively and with more enthusiasm as a solopreneur for greater profit, purpose and passion, tune into my teleseminar on March 8th through Practice Pay Solutions.

For more information e-mail me at lois@loisbarth.com 

Thank you all!


Lois Barth