Daily Inspiration

 "Yes, I think it's okay to abandon
the big, established, stuck tribe."

-- Seth Godin   

Seth Godin Week

This week I will explore his marketing
and business wisdom





I watched a YouTube video brom BigThink today and it was sad and almost depressing. The guy was talking about the high cost of college and the burden of student loans and the fact that after college these young adults have no jobs waiting for them and that it is a sad affair. It was a whole bunch of whining. Since when did a college degree ever guarantee a job? The sadder part to me is how important the "job" has become. I think what needs an overhaul in the country is the whole idea of how education is done. It doesn't work very well, and takes much longer than it need take. But, that's another story. . .


I've always believed that education was to teach us how to think. In learning how to think, we are creating options for ourselves. I'm not against getting or keeping or wanting jobs. I've had a number of them. I'm for having choices and creativity. We have this miraculous mind and we have it stuck in neutral sometimes.


I've given up more than one job that paid over a hundred thousand a year to pursue something that had no guarantee. I had the courage to think differently, to make choices that are uncommon, to ignore the expressed fear and anxiety of friends and relatives, and pursued my passion to try and do and create. I have zero regrets. Every choice for me was the better choice and the perfect thing to do, and has all been verified by hindsight.


A job is fine and good until you get to a place where you're stuck. I've felt that place and then I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to keep something I haven't really wanted anymore for some time. I need to be passionate about what I'm doing and when that is gone, I am too. Life is so short and I don't want to get to the end and wish I had done anything, but to have made choices and created at will.


College students (and any other ears that hear): Focus on creating and becoming rather than having. Don't settle. Think and make choices. Choose passion. Choose to live. Create your own employment and income. There is so much need that has yet to be met. You have all the power in your own head and heart. Thirty comes quick and forty far faster. Build your own platform under your dream. It's okay to abandon the big, established, stuck tribe.




Choose To Ignore The Status Quo. Or Not. . .
Either Way, Put Your Thinking Cap On And Choose!
Spread Some Joy Today--by looking at your own. Is there enough joy in your life? If not, you can choose more at any time. It's also that easy.

Terry Minion, Editor
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