Daily Inspiration

 "Selling is not manipulating;
selling is harmonizing

-- Jeffrey Gitomer   



I heard it again today in a meeting of sales people. Someone mentioned an opening line to get past the "gate keeper" in a business, and it was just made up and bogus. Right. So, let's start this great long-term business relationship with lies. . . Sorry, it doesn't make any sense to me. I cannot be that desperate to find someone to talk to!

The quote above says it well: "Selling is not manipulating; Selling is harmonizing!" So many sales people I think are focused on the former and not the latter and that means that they are focused on themselves and not the potential client. It's all about getting in, get the deal, get out and collect the commission to some.

Jeffrey Gitomer says, "questions lead to answers. Answers lead to harmony. Answers lead to productivity. Answers lead to customers." Before we would ever have an opportunity to earn another person's business, we must find out if they even want anything! The best way to do that is with questions.

I think sales people need to think more about how they would feel with these kinds of "tactics." Would it be okay for someone to lie their way in? Or, how about cold calling your business and trying to manipulate the conversation to get information? Or trying to sell you anything without taking the time to get to know you, your business and your needs?   



All Is NOT Good In Love And War, Or Sales. . .  
Spread Some Joy Today--Listen!

Terry Minion, Editor
Commercial Truck Success
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